I need successful ideas

My usual exercise routine-
Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat: Walking a mile, 30 day shred

That's seriously all that I currently do right now. I am in need of some good ideas of exercises and things that you have done that are successful. My biggest fear is losing the weight and having all of this excess skin hanging off of my body. I want to make a routine so that I have something to stick to. I want to do cardio, strength training and basically everything. I cannot be scared of working out anymore which is why I am asking for your help. Do you have a routine? What would be best for me?

And I don't have a gym membership nor do I have the money to get one. I do have a few work out videos, 3 pound hand weights and 25 pound weights...

Any ideas for me?
I still have 90 pounds to go until my goal weight and I want to focus a lot on my upper arms and on the fat underneath my breasts right above my stomach (if that makes sense) thank you!


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Weight loss is mainly diet. With a good diet you can lose weight without the exercise.

    For exercise, do what you can. Without equipment walking is great... go for a jog/run outside... do a workout video etc. Just do something to get you moving.

    The 3lb hand weights won't do anything for you ... they will not provide nearly enough resistance. If you can't afford a gym or more weights google body weight exercises.

    You have to work on lowering you overall body fat % as unfortunately you can't choose where you lose fat from. Work on your diet first. Track everything ... measure/weigh everything.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm not sure what good those 3lb weights will do but you can do tons of exercises to start strength training with your body weight rather than jumping right to those 25lb ones. Squats, pushups for example are things you can start with no weight at all. You can't really "focus" on areas of fat you want to lose, as you can't spot reduce, but doing things like pushups will definitely build strength in your arms. I'm sure more experienced people will be able to chime in with more. Oh, and I use the book New Rules of Lifting for Women which has various versions of training exercises using what you have available. Don't be scared, you've got this!

    ETA: Lunges, that's the other one I meant to mention.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    You can get a Giaim balance/stability ball kit with ball and resistance band for about $20-$25. There are a ton of core and arm exercises to tone up those area's. I have one and love it.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    YouTube has a ton of free workouts that you can do with just your body weight and getting cardio through plyometrics.

    Before I had hand weights, I would do squats, lunges, chair dips, pushups, run in place, jumping jacks, planks, etc. Also, my mother would tell me what her mother did: take canned goods and stick your arms straight out to your sides, parallel to the ground, and do circles forward and backward slowly getting wider circles. Honestly, you feel silly, but it starts to burn and works a multitude of muscles in your arms.

    Also, pilates and yoga are good for toning and stretching.

    Browse Shape.com, Women's Health, and YouTube for routines to do in the comfort of your own home.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    For toning, I love doing pilates. I don't know if people have sagging after losing only 36 pounds but I haven't had any sagging. I do pilates (I use a DVD), weight training, running, and walking. I've also started doing these:


    for the past few weeks. So far, I'm liking it.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you seem to be lacking the best idea ever.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    I am not sure if you are on Pintrest- but they have a ton of workout on there that you can use your own body weight. Mini challenges.. etc. I was going through it last night. Very interesting.

    Also you can go on YouTube and there are plenty of workouts on there. I think Fit Blender is a name of one of the channels. This will help you mix it up.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    If you cannot join a gym to lift serious weights (which is what is working for me) there are plenty of body weight exercises you can do. The internet is full of them. Just do a little research.

    Also, as mentioned by another poster, the balance ball and resistance bands could prove very useful.

    If you are already into walking, try adding a few sprints throughout your walk just to rev up your heart rate. Works better than just walking. Sort of like your own version of C25K.

    Don't rush your weight loss, though. Losing too fast can definitely cause loose skin.

    Good luck to you in whatever you decide.
  • Christiethorn1
    Christiethorn1 Posts: 30 Member
    My absolute favorite workout routine is from the Biggest Loser workout BOOK. I love it. They have 3 different strength training regimens that you do every other day, plus as you strengthen yourself you increase the number of repetitions. The non strength training days I walked a few miles on my treadmill. Doing this routine and watching what I ate got me back down to the my high school senior weight which I had not seen in 18 years. I had never felt so awesome in my life. Unfortunately 4 pregnancies had given me an umbilical hernia that I needed repaired so I gained a little of it back but I am back on the biggest loser kick and it is taking me no time at all!
  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    Zumba is a fun workout, ball room dance, but I have heard that pilaties really helps the sagging skin
  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    Weight loss is mainly diet. With a good diet you can lose weight without the exercise.

    For exercise, do what you can. Without equipment walking is great... go for a jog/run outside... do a workout video etc. Just do something to get you moving.

    The 3lb hand weights won't do anything for you ... they will not provide nearly enough resistance. If you can't afford a gym or more weights google body weight exercises.

    You have to work on lowering you overall body fat % as unfortunately you can't choose where you lose fat from. Work on your diet first. Track everything ... measure/weigh everything.

    She is right! Diet is 80% and exercise is 20% 1 pound of fat = 3500cal, so if you want to lose weight cut back on cal. You can walk,jog, run..for cardio. Push the stroller. Then for strength training do push-ups, squats, lunges, tricep dips etc.. You gave everything it will take within you. Now go do it! Oh and I am a firm believer in lower your body fat vs body weight, not to say weight loss isn't any less important.
  • stacyhagberg
    Hi! :)
    I have to recommend the Nike Training Club app- it's free and the workouts combine cardio and strength, so you're building muscle while you're losing fat- which can help with excess skin! The workouts are tough but you're going to feel great after getting through them, plus there's a lot of variety within the app- like probably around 30 different workouts!