Friends Plzzzzzz :)

Hi! I finally updated my profile after months of lurking around....I'm ready to get down to business and would LOVE some friends to keep me motivated and in check! My husband isn't into dieting or fitness or really anything healthy so I feel I have not so much support from him. :( I have just started on the Jamie Eason Live Fit Program (at home) and have been following that for 2 weeks. I am currently 158 and am 5'4. Please feel free to message me about anything...I am looking for some great friends here with similar get healthy and fit!!! xoxo


  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Here to support, add me if you like. --Kim
  • kcgabel
    kcgabel Posts: 2
    Welcome back to MFP!!! I joined a few years ago, lost the weight I wanted to.....and then over the next two years managed to gain some of it back. I want to get back down to my goal weight. I'm just a tad bit taller than you, and my goals are about similar. Feel free to add me and we can support each other :)
  • imabinger
    imabinger Posts: 5 Member
    hi sara. i get the husband thing. they are very unsupportive. mine thinks im just lazy and its just a matter of not eating. i will add you. better doing it with a like-minded someone than no-one at all. gets a bit lonely by urself. my husband is slim, so doesnt really understand me and how hard it is. we're in the same boat. lets start rocking it!
  • Hi! My name is Camille and I would love to your friend on myfitnesspal. I am also ready to make some major changes for myself. I weight about 215 and I'm 5'1. In other words, these legs are holding up too much, lol. I have been a myfitnesspal member for over a year and have not put the time in that I should've. I know I don't st a y motivated if I do it alone. I promise if you accept me as a friend I will not let you down!! Can't wait to hear from you.
  • Hello! Feel free to send a friend request, if you like. I log my food & exercise every day, have an open diary to my friends and try to comment & provide encouragement often to my MFP friends. I welcome the support, as well.
  • sara4020
    sara4020 Posts: 3
    Thank you all so much for responding!!! Really is very encouraging to know you are all here to help, not just me but everyone!! :)
    It's been so hard for me because my husband and I live a few states away, with our 3 kids, from all of our family and friends!! And I am a stay at home mom, so I NEVER get the chance to meet people very often! So when I say I need friends, I MEAN IT!!! :) lol I would love any and all encouragement given, and I promise I will help reciprocate!!