Female, 24 and overweight!

b4u386 Posts: 14 Member
Hi all,

This is going to be quite a self indulgent post so feel free to press the last page button!!

I've been on mfp for a while now but only started looking at the forums a couple of days ago. I'm 24, female, 5'4'' and currently about 152 lbs (haven't weighed in a week and a half).

I am probably what most would call a Yoyo dieter (or have been up until now). I was a chubby teenager, then in 2009 I decided I'd had enough and joined slimming world. From November 2009 to February 2010 I lost 27 lbs going from 160 to 133lbs. Since then, I have gone up and down but stuck around the 140lbs mark. However, last April my doctor put me on a horrid pill which made me hungry all the time, so I forgot all about my weigh and forged on chocolate, sweets and fast food for nearly a year. A few weeks ago I went for a check up and the doc said I was 163lbs - my highest ever weight and well into the overweight bmi category. Something in me switched again that day, and with the help of a new (amazing) pill I have started to calorie count. I'm hoping to get back down to 133lbs - at the moment I'm just calorie counting and zumba'ing once a week but I hope to start running and spin classes in the next couple of weeks. Hoping that I can loose the weight and keep it off this time!

Would be great to have some people to share diaries/hints and tips etc with and so any friend adds are welcome.


  • jaymartin1978
    jaymartin1978 Posts: 23 Member
    I added you. I am 34 and I wand to lose 50 pounds. I know I can do it and so can you. I have been walking everyday 2.6miles and I have a mini cycle under my desk at work and I use it when I am not busy. I have been able to cycle about 30 minutes a day. I hope this helps.
  • Alcoria
    Alcoria Posts: 167 Member
    hello, im also 24, im 5'2 and i weigh in at 192.2 as of this morning im also a yo-yo dieter as i cant get passed 184 then my weight just shoots right back up again. I am a Sahm of 3 toddlers (a 5yo, a almost 4yo and a 2 yo) as a child i was always what you call skinny fat but i could eat whatever i wanted and not gain a thing-that is until i had children. it is very hard to lose weight but you need to remember it is not a race that you can cheat on. take your time and you will get to where you want to be. even though its hard ive been doing LMC (Les Mills Combat) in just three weeks the first time i had lost 10" off my chest (yes this is correct) 2" off my belly and 1" off my hips. it works.

    i wish you luck in your journey.
  • Shan0812
    Shan0812 Posts: 1
    I share some of your feelings. Dieting and losing weight is not as easy as people say it is. I am trying to lose around 60 pounds that was put on after starting birth control after having my second child. I have been cutting back calories and exercising, but it's a long hard process. One thing I did for myself last night was get the Biggest Loser game for my Wii, from some of the reviews I read about it, people like it and have lost weight.
  • bleis71
    bleis71 Posts: 22
    Well I am completely different. 44 yr old male 6'2" 320 lbs. I started this in January. I have lost 40 lbs to date and still have 30-40 lbs to get down to my high school weight of 245. I can tell you spinning is a great workout. I attend a class 2 times a week (when I can get out of work on time) and it is a butt kicker. You will greatly enjoy it. The only thing I would suggest is watch your heart rate while spinning. Most cardio (treadmill, stationary bike) does not get my heart rate up above 130. But last time I was spinning i had to slow down a little because my heart rate was at or above 180 in the middle of the workout.

    Work into it slowly, as my instructor always tells us, "Go at your own pace, as long as your legs are moving your still burning calories, so build your workout up as you get comfortable"
  • b4u386
    b4u386 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you everyone for sharing and thank you for the adds - looking forward to having people to talk to who are in the boat - all of my friends are uk size 8 (us size 4) so they don't get it!!

    Bleis - I hear you, I love spin - up until a year ago I was doing what we term as 'mad spin' four times a week. Fortunately (or not as the case may be) lots of horse riding and dancing when I was young has left me with muscly thunder thighs so spin isn't too taxing. I find zumba/cardio boxing etc raises my heart rate much more significantly! I'm also considering buying the thirty day shred - the results pictures are amazing!
  • CrystalRenee2013
    CrystalRenee2013 Posts: 25 Member
    I am 24 & a female..I have tried diets in the past & got great results but never could keep it up..I'm about 70 days into MFP & so far i'm down 22 pounds.