New and need friends!

Adkins_Sherri Posts: 14 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone....I have been using MFP for about 1 month but could use a little help from time to time. For instance, I am having trouble getting all my calories in each day. Right now I am only averaging around 700-900 calories a day. I am keeping track of my protein and carbs taken in daily but am noticing that when I am right where I need to be with my carbs and protein my calorie intake is still pretty low. If I take in my carbs and protein to be able to make my calories I am going to be way over in those 2 areas. Any advice? I am following a guidline of taking in 80 grams of protein /50-60 grams of carbs daily. I started on May 18th at 216.5. Within the first 2 weeks I lost 8.5lbs. I go for my next weigh in this Thursday the 17th and am hoping to be under 200lbs by then. I am just concerned that I am losing nourishment by not taking in all of my daily calories.

Ow and if anyone would be willing to add me as a friend so that I can look at your daily food journals....that may give me an idea of what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance!!


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Yeah I did notice with your calories you do need to eat a little more, if you eat too little your body can go into starvation mode.. One tip my wife does, who is also on here, is she takes a spoon of peanut butter with veggie or a high protein snack when you eat like one serving can give you a calorie boost.
    I wouldnt worry as much about carbs, I basically just track calories and figure if I eat right proportionatly the rest will fall into place.
  • Your gauge is how you feel. If you feel energized and happy then everything is going well. If you feel tired and have less energy, then you should try to increase your caloric intake. I would definitely try adding lots of veggies; they have great fiber and fill those vitamin deficiencies. Your protein intake looks good to me, but you want to be careful about losing any muscle. I started out at 216 as well I'm right around 200 now myself, so we are right about the same.

    I would love to add you as a friend and will do so after this, but my food journals won't help just now. I'm doing a special program for the next 4 weeks. After that, feel free to check it out. Good luck and best wishes for a successful new you!!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me as a friend :)

    I try to have my protein over. The default settings on here are very low IMO. If i weight 100 pounds (haha) i would try to eat 50g of protein per day which is more than the normal ratio settings on here. I make sure to drink min 12 cups of water per day but usually drink more. That way i'm flushing my kidneys which is the main reason some shy away from too much protein. I wish i had trouble getting my calories in. I try to eat every 2-3 hours. So i start my day off with 2 eggs with 2 egg whites. Then mid am i try to have a whole grain carb with a bit more protein or else a bowl of cereal or if really bad a fibre1 bar (bad for sugar though and then gives me cravings). Lunch is a turkey or salmon or tuna sandwich or salmon patties or salads or leftover chilli etc.. then a few cups of choppped veggies with hummus or on their own or homemade soup. Mid afternoon i have 1 tbsp of low fat pb or natural pb mixed in with oatmeal then a large portion of lean protein (3-4oz) with dinner and low carb dinner, either a side of mushrooms, quinoa, whole grain rice etc. with lots of salad and veggies. If i don't work out, i'm over my calories every day BUT by eating often, i stay satisfied and don't binge AND fuel my metabolism.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hi! i've sent in a food request & u can look at my past wks foods. normally bring my lunch with me but 2day i've 4gotten it tryin 2 catch the bus rushin out the house, so 2day is on the fly. i will b doin some exercisin later 2day so i'm not that worried about my calories. my choices for foods will b better durin lunch tho :happy: i've not eaten out & TRIED 2 eat healthy, so 2day is a learnin experience for me. but i'm normally within my range of calories.

    i normally make my food such as vegetable soup, and what not. but it's tuff even then. good luck & u can do this!

    i've sent a friend request btw.
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    The only focus I put on my protein and carbs is how it relates to my overall intake in proportion. When I first started MFP my protein intake was way low so after I'd lost the first few pounds my body started fighting further loss. I had to adjust my intake. For me that meant adding a protein bar each day to my diet. With plenty of fruits and veggies in my (usual) daily diet I can eat my allotted calories and come close to a balance of carbs, fat and protein. The other thing I started paying attention to was my sodium intake (you can add that under your settings). A nutritionist told me that since water weighs about a pound per pint, you don't want to hold anymore than necessary.

    Good luck and keep up the hard work!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Yeah I did notice with your calories you do need to eat a little more, if you eat too little your body can go into starvation mode.. One tip my wife does, who is also on here, is she takes a spoon of peanut butter with veggie or a high protein snack when you eat like one serving can give you a calorie boost.
    I wouldnt worry as much about carbs, I basically just track calories and figure if I eat right proportionatly the rest will fall into place.

    Yes i find the same thing with the carbs. I delibarely eat less carbs for dinner and try to avoid most carbs in the evening but otherwise, i find that my carbs fall into place if i try to keep sugar and protein to what i want them.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I've been under alot too, this week I'll try more protein and not worry if I'm over on that, just watching total cals..
    the cereal I've been eating keeps me to full, so I don't feel like eating, think I'll switch to eggs most days or soy/whey shake
    in the am fish& salad lunch, chick dins with veggies fruit and nuts for snacks, can't wait for nest monday weigh in to see what happens:bigsmile:
  • Haismais
    Haismais Posts: 26
    Congratulations on making the first step. I have been trying to make small changes each week. Eat a little more fiber and fresh foods while adding activity.

    It looks like you have a good start. I would be happy to add you as a friend.
  • Adkins_Sherri
    Adkins_Sherri Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, thank you so much to all of you. I posted this and headed out to work and when I logged in this evening I had 20 friend request. You are all so kind! And thank you for all the advice, I will certainly take it all into consideration! I'm getting ready to head to bed but will take a look at everyone's food diaries tomorrow sometime. Thanks Again! :0)~
  • peggy60
    peggy60 Posts: 40
    I am usually a little under on cal...I am not worried about going over on proteins as much as carbs. I asked that quesiton and everyone had said that they are always over on their proteins and not to worry. I sometimes go through and add my foods ahead to my diary to "see" where I am "at" on the count...then I know I need to find other foods before its to late in the day. Good Luck to you!
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