Insert witty introduction line here...

IrishJess Posts: 13
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!

No idea where to start. A friend recommended this site and she is looking fab so I suppose it kind of spurred me on a bit with regards to joining.

I'm 24 and live in England. I joined the gym 2 months ago and I'm starting to lose inches and my body is changing shape but I'm not losing weight, just gaining it. I get the whole muscle weighing more than fat but it's still a bit deflating to the confidence!

I started having weight issues 6 years ago. I came to university with a bit of an eating problem - that is .. not eating. I was wearing children's clothes and still saw myself as a large female. Then I started to put the weight on. I suffered from depression for 5 years and finally I'm ready to take control of my life so I'm now prepared to start taking weight loss seriously.

If anyone has any tips / advice / words of encouragement it would really be appreciated and I'd love to be able to return the favour. So... wish me luck!! And hope you all are doing fab out there too :)

Jess x


  • mrsako
    mrsako Posts: 7
    Hi Jess,

    Nice to meet you, I am new to this board too. Did WW for about 6 months and lost 14lbs but managed to put it all back on again. Love this site, its really easy to use and the message boards are always great if you need a little help or motivation.

    :smile: Jayne.x
  • tifffel
    tifffel Posts: 21
    Hello Jess!

    Thought i would just say hello! I'm a member of the 100+lbs to lose and have been battling my weight all my life! I joined a gym on Sunday on a 3 mnth membership and have my induction tonight so I have decided to give it my all for the next 3 mnths and if I don't do it this time, then I guess I never will! So keeping to my 1200 calories a day and getting down that gym!

    Good luck!!

  • Hey Jess,

    Welcome to MFP, I’m only here a week and I find it great already.

    I know where you are coming from when you mention the muscle mass adding to your weight. I find the important thing to do is go on how you ‘feel’ as opposed to what the scales tell you.

    My weight is very slowly decreasing but I know that the fat is fading away a lot quicker than the scales is telling me and that I’m a lot more toned. So while the scales tell me one thing, I know that deep down I am in better shape and on the right track.

    The terrible thing is, it is very easy to let a deception like this knock you off your stride. The important thing to remember is to stay positive. What’s past is past. All anyone can do is keep moving forward.

    Keep the chin up and don’t lose sight of where you want to be,

    Is Mise Le Meas,
  • IrishJess
    IrishJess Posts: 13
    Thank you so much for your comment. It means a lot to know that it's a common thing that's happening. I guess because I've never really been properly motivated before it hasn't affected me when I've gained or lost weight. I had a good chat with my mum last night and she was saying the same as you - it should be how I'm feeling. So if I'm feeling my clothes feel better and I look better in them then I shouldn't let a set of scales affect that feeling! Thank you :)
  • IrishJess
    IrishJess Posts: 13
    oops.. I thought I could individually respond to all 3 of you - would appear not (either that or I'm not good with forums just yet!). So here goes.. I've already said thanks to Shane for the comments, much appreciated.

    mrsako - thank you for your comment also, I'm so glad to hear it's a good site to be one - I suppose we all need motivation once in a while so it will be nice to get to know like minded people :) Good luck with how you're getting on!

    tifffel - I'm a 1200 calorie regime as well according to this site - today's my first day on that specific figure and I must admit having this food diary etc is making me see where I need to be planning meals, watching my calorie intakes etc - so far, so good! Brilliant! Also... good luck with the gym induction :) I can honestly say my flatmate was one of those 7 nights a week kind of people and I was adamant that I could manage 2/3 nights a week and that would be it, but I go 4/5/6 times a week now and that's only after a couple of months! It's amazing how much you love going to the gym after a while because it makes you feel so good. I have a bit of a stressful job, and suffering from the depression made for another frustration in life, and I've noticed that the gym helps me get all of that frustration out of me. I wish I'd have had the courage to do something like this before!! Keep me updated on how you get on :)

    Thanks everyone!! xx
  • tifffel
    tifffel Posts: 21
    Thanks Jess

    Once you start trying to keep to 1200 per day you realsie where you might have been going wrong! Well, I certainly do anyway ;@)
    I haven't been to the gym since I was pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago! So it's going to be a shock to the system, although I did go out jogging every week during the first part of last year as i did the 5K race for life last July - so it's not been that long! Plus I go to Pilates every week.

    I am looking forward to going tonight. I remember it being a good feeling once I have gone - I just hope I can keep it going. I really want it to work this time

    Have you taken your measurements? Hips, Waist, Bust etc? You might find this helps to keep you motivated??

  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi all!

    No idea where to start. A friend recommended this site and she is looking fab so I suppose it kind of spurred me on a bit with regards to joining.

    I'm 24 and live in England. I joined the gym 2 months ago and I'm starting to lose inches and my body is changing shape but I'm not losing weight, just gaining it. I get the whole muscle weighing more than fat but it's still a bit deflating to the confidence!

    I started having weight issues 6 years ago. I came to university with a bit of an eating problem - that is .. not eating. I was wearing children's clothes and still saw myself as a large female. Then I started to put the weight on. I suffered from depression for 5 years and finally I'm ready to take control of my life so I'm now prepared to start taking weight loss seriously.

    If anyone has any tips / advice / words of encouragement it would really be appreciated and I'd love to be able to return the favour. So... wish me luck!! And hope you all are doing fab out there too :)

    Jess x

    Hi Jess!

    I am hoping that I have the following correct, but as far as I know, if you lay a pound in weight of human fat on the table and a slab of human muscle beside it, both pieces being EXACTLY the same size, the fat although weighing 1lb, the piece of muscle will weigh approximately 4lb! (Praying that I have this correct, if anybody knows different for goodness sake put me right on this lol).

    Therefore, I have a sneaky suspicion that you are of the body type that builds muscle quickly which means that you will indeed lose inches, but the weight may not come off as you like.

    If I were you, to stop myself becoming discouraged and depressed at the apparent lack of weight loss, I would concentrate on the inches that you are losing rather than the lbs. I strongly suspect you are getting quite toned now and that alone is worth bundles in my opinion.

    Loss of inches will mean smaller clothes sizes and a lovely toned shape - rooting for ya!
  • IrishJess
    IrishJess Posts: 13
    tifffel - you have a good point! I should really take measurements shouldn't I? I know my bra area is down 3 inches so that's one thing I know for certain! Must get a measuring tape and do the rest.... would be worth while seeing how I progress on a weekly basis! Once you get back into the gym you will definintely love it again! Do you take an MP3 player or iPod with you?? x

    LotusFlowe - thank you for your comment :) it means a lot. I did karate for 10 years so muscle was a big part of the life for a long time! I am slowly starting to tone up in the arms, thighs and stomach - the calf muscles are rock solid! You're right though - time to focus on the inch loss, not the weight loss! Regardless of it all I guess I'm losing it all slowly but surely which is the healthiest way to do it rather than crash diet. Thanks once again :)
  • tifffel
    tifffel Posts: 21
    Yeah get the measuring tape out! I usually forget to do it until after I have lost a few lbs but this tim I have taken all my measurements so I can hopefully see progress there.

    I never used to take my ipod with me to the gym, or even headphones just listened to the music pumping out in the gym but I'm defo going to take my ipod with me this time. I'm hoping that it will helpt o get me int the zone!!

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