
I have been losing at a good pace, now all of a sudden i gained 3pds, and i have did nothing different. What is going on. Fustrated to say the least


  • NicolaGoodyear
    Hiya in my experience after constant loosing at a steady pace your body gets used to the foods and excersize need to give it a shock again maybe up the excersize drop calories or simply changing excersize days routines etc can do it xx
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    It could be any number of things. Your time of the month, having more salt than usual in/on you food or perhaps your metabolism has slowed down to accommodate you eating less.

    When that happened to me, I had to up my exercise to kick start it off again. I used to do aerobics just twice per week and was losing 2lb per week, when it slowed down to 1lb per week, I upped the aerobics to three times per week and that sorted it and I was back to losing 2lb per week again, right up until I had lost all I wanted to.

    I hasten to add that was many years ago and over the years I have put on the weight through overeating, hence why I am here again lol.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Have you been working out more? Increased muscle mass can cause weight gain as can TOM. Leave it a few days and weight aggain....weight fluctuates try not to be too disheartened! :flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    It is frustrating, and discouraging but we all go thru this....It can be many things....stress, eating the wrong combinations, not drinking enough water, eating to much salt, or even your time of the month....don't be discouraged, just keep pushing ahead!!!! This too shall pass!!:smile:
  • shaynawess
    I am frustrated as well! I have been at this for a week now and doing great with the food journal and exercising. However, the scale has not moved!!!!!! I have about 40 pounds to lose and really thought I would see a change after a week. When dieting before I always have. My husband is doing this as well and is losing and he says to just keep at it and only weigh once a month and If I don't lose then adjust my calories lower and keep lowering them until I lose. I am already not eating many calories and have gone to bed the last 2 nights hungry. I guess for us women we just want to see some small change to keep our focus:)
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Nicky, Shaynawess.
    - It's not always about eating less.
    Sometimes people are eating too little, they lose weight initially, and then the body senses not enough food coming in so it starts to hold onto every bit of food that we take in.

    Upping the caloric intake can cause most people to keep losing weight.
    Everybody can guess unless you give us some numbers

    How many calories per day? How many calories being eaten, calories during exercise, BMR etc
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    Shaynawess, when I get frustrated at the pace, I try to remind myself that I didn't gain the weight quickly, so I shouldn't expect it to come off quickly. Going to be hungry and starving yourself will only make you more frustrated and make it more likely that you'll revert back to your old habits. If you want to lose the weight and keep it off, the goal needs to be to figure out a sustainable lifestyle--one that you can live with for the rest of your life. A short-term diet only works in the short term. Remember that your weight fluctuates on an hourly basis, so don't put too much stock in any single scale reading. Keep weighing yourself, find an eating and exercise plan you can stick with, and plot your progress over time. (If you can, use measurements or body fat instead of weight, too--if you lose fat and build muscle, your body weight might not change, but your shape sure will.) You'll see it start to trend down. All of the studies I have read about looking at people who have lost weight and kept it off long term indicate that slow weight loss is much more likely to be maintained. Above all, stay positive!
  • herbadot
    herbadot Posts: 16
    I am frustrated as well! I have been at this for a week now and doing great with the food journal and exercising. However, the scale has not moved!!!!!! I have about 40 pounds to lose and really thought I would see a change after a week. When dieting before I always have. My husband is doing this as well and is losing and he says to just keep at it and only weigh once a month and If I don't lose then adjust my calories lower and keep lowering them until I lose. I am already not eating many calories and have gone to bed the last 2 nights hungry. I guess for us women we just want to see some small change to keep our focus:)

    Don't give up and don't go to bed hungry!! Have you checked if you are getting enough protein for your current weight? Protein consumption can help keep you from being hungry and help you build lean muscle to burn fat. If u are under 50 try to get 25 grams of fiber a day as well. Staying hydrated is important to weight loss so are you getting the 8 glases of water a dayome people lose inches before weight so take measurements and don't visit the scale for another 10 days or so. Add me as a friend if you want . Make sure to not go under the 1200 calories in a day and keep up the good work!!
    Herbadot / Dorothy
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    As a couple of folks mentioned above: Keep a running measurement of your waist and hips, and whatever else you want to measure). This is the concrete way to measure weight loss--are our clothes getting bigger?
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    It could be alot of someone mentioned hard for us to pinpoint it, without your actual numbers.....

    How many calories are you wating each day? should be less than 1200....but beleive it or not alot of people need alot more calories to lose weight

    Did you measure yourself prior to starting? You could be losing inches which is just as good

    How much salt are you taking in daily? Shouldnt be more than 2500mg....however best to keep it between 1500 or 2000mg

    How much water are you drinking daily? Recommended is 64 oz...however if you work out may need to be more

    Are you eating fruits and veggies? This is important for dieting, they have the fiber we need

    Do you get enough protein? Protein is vital...and many food have them

    How late are you eating each night? I dont eat past 7pm most nights, but thats because my schedule permits it...shouldnt eat less than 2-3 hrs prior to going to bed

    Do you drink alcohol? I love alcohol, but I find it slows down my if you do, may have to minimize how often you drink it

  • Nickyb1308
    Nickyb1308 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been following the same cardio as usual, 5-6 times a week for an hour each time, sometimes twice a day. I have started going to boot camp for the past few weeks at lunch time. I have not measured myself before I started, but I do find my cloths getting bigger. I have lost so far 13 pds, but now I am up a few pds. Some are saying it could be the muscles form the strenght training in the boot camp I hope it is