NEWBIE - any 1 talk Kilos? Aussie, Aussie, Aussie....

larsbeachgirl Posts: 39
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi from Down Under...:bigsmile:

Ok, so my story in a nutshell:

I want my pre-baby body back!!! :grumble: It's that simple... well, maybe I cccccould do a bit better???:wink:
My youngest (I have 2) will be off to preschool next year and is now starting to become more independent which = more time for 'me' (yay!!):laugh:

A friend of mine has recently lost quite a bit of weight and is my inspiration to get motivated... I would like to lose 12kg total and as a mini-goal maybe 5kg by September (is this realistic?)

I started Bikram Yoga ('hot room' yoga) a few weeks ago which has been fantastic - released back pain and felt better within myself almost immediately. I notice that I'm standing taller and straighter after the class and for a few days after.

BC (Before Children) I was quite an active person. I used to do kickboxing (at the gym) but now I have no-one to sparr with :frown: so considering taking up martial art (Jiu Jitsu or something like that, think the kickboxing would be too full-on). Back in school days I reached Judo Snr Brown belt. I also love Snowboarding (slightly impossible when you live far from snow and have kids...) would like to take up surfing - maybe when kids are a bit older...

My biggest challenge has been TIME. There just doesn't seem to be enough!!... and as I'm getting older I'm noticing it going quicker - so I have no excuses to put this off.... allllllllthough, I joined MFP Wednesday last week and think I should have waited due to a bad food week - don't think the ticker goes backwards, so waiting til I feel better about myself before doing 2nd weigh-in.

Good Luck to you all - there are some great stories out there - Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:


  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Hi :D
    5kg by September is definitely do-able, especially with MFP.

    My brother does Jiu Jitsu at Uni (or did, he's left now) and that made him exceptionally fit and toned so that's a fantastic idea. It's also quite useful - he was on holday in Greece (I think) and someone grabbed his arm and without thinking he did a simple Jitsu move and avoided a potential mugging.

    Try not to avoid weigh ins. Losing weight isn't a celebrity yo-yo thing with only one final goal (the lowest number weigh in), it's a different lifestyle. If you maintain a weekly weigh in then you're more likely to gain an accurate picture of how your body reacts to what you're giving it, even if you feel a bit guilty for having an off week.

    Good luck :)
  • Thanks for your feedback and support....I will now commit to weekly weigh-in on Monday morning (think it would be a good start to each week and motivation to be good on weekends :wink: )

    You've done well in a short time!! keep up the good work:drinker:
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Hey! Welcome to MFP :happy:

    I would like to lose 6kgs by I'm certainly hoping it's realistic too! The way I've been going I think I won't get there :cry: But pretty close, which is good enough motivation to keep on pushing!! People lose at different speeds though and there are some fantastic success stories on here, so I really don't see why you won't reach your 5kg target! The best thing about being on MFP is the support of other's amazing how much it helps!

    Just to echo the other really is best not to skip the weigh ins! I even went up at first...just had to grin and bear it when I entered those horrible figures!! But now it's slowly coming off, so we all do get there in the end - and then it'll be really helpful to look back and see your ups and downs! :smile:

    Good luck!
  • Thanks :flowerforyou: - maybe we can help each other along as we have a common goal.. September...? :smile: Yeah, I'm committed to a weekly weigh in now, trying to aim for a positive move for 2nd one .... see how I go on Monday (plenty of time...famous last words?)... stay tuned...

    Good Luck to you too!!
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