Fruit and Raw Veggies only Diet



  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Eating only raw food is bad for you. Your body has evolved to deal with cooked foods.
    Eating lots of fresh fruit and veg is good for you; eating only uncooked fresh fruit and veg is not.

    So if my fruits and veggies were all raw that I ate I wouldn't be as healthy as if I ate all cooked foods?

    Raw or cooked, fruits and veggies are still a great source of nutrients. Cooking veggies too much will result in losing nutrients from the veggies.
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    Sounds very low in protein to me, why not just do a vegan diet?

    Vegans eliminate all animal products. :noway: I think it might be harder for vegans to get protein than vegetarians.

    "The difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that vegans eliminate all animal products from their diet, including dairy and eggs. Those following a vegan lifestyle generally do not wear leather and avoid products made from animals such as wool, silk and down. Vegans' tremendous compassion for animals is an abiding, overriding conviction in their lives.

    Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish or poultry but they tend to consume dairy products and eggs. Lacto-vegetarians consume dairy products but not eggs, ovo-vegetarians eat eggs but not dairy products and lacto-ovo-vegetarians eat eggs as well as dairy products. Vegetarians also do not eat products that contain gelatine or other meat-based products."

    P.S. I can't live without meat :)
  • Saabster1
    Saabster1 Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats to your decision to go vegan, at least for a while. Fruits and vegetables can provide all the nutrients your body needs. For inspiration, read one of Dr. Fuhrman's books or watch movies like "Fork over Knives" or "Fat, Sick and almost Dead". I have turned to this type of diet recently and plan to stick to it for good.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I appreciate this so much! I lost that 50 lbs within 5 months.. I know that's quick, but I felt so good. I had so much energy and I felt refreshed. And of course I didn't eat only veggies and fruits for five months. I started off eating veggies and fruits and slowly brought in meats, and then did veggies, meats, and fruit. And then I slowly brought in grains, nuts, and calcium-rich foods like cheese and yogurt. I felt so energized and healthy and I lost weight like crazy. My system needs a nice reset right about now. I appreciate everyone's feedback here, but I think I'm gonna go for it. I'll add you!
    I get the desire for a jump start. I really do. And I know about the attraction to the idea of a "cleanse." But I'm pretty sure you lost all that weight from how much you ate, not what you ate. You restricted calories and dropped the weight. I won't argue that raw fruits and vegetables aren't a great part of anyone's diet. But any diet that is too restrictive is set up for failure because you must have a transition back to "normal" eating patterns.

    The sentiment from many on MFP is to find a more "normal" eating plan (normal to you - meaning, what you like to eat, what makes you feel good) and start there, cutting back on calories. If you START with foods you already eat and like, then there really is no need for a transition. It's a very difficult idea to let go of, but losing weight and/or being "healthy) does not mean you have to follow some strict food guideline. There are lots of options. I hope you explore them.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    I hear what everyone is saying on here. I actually do know how to eat healthy and what's proper nutrition. I guess I'm so results-driven that I like to see results quickly, so I guess my impatience at times is a problem, I can admit.

    But when I lost the weight the first time, I kept it off for a long time, long after I began eating more than just fruits and veggies. Just within these past two years I gained the weight because I ate so terribly and made no effort. This time around I'll probably do a fruit and veggie 7-day cleanse or something, I won't go months. But I think my system needs a reset, and a little detox that way won't hurt.

    Thanks for the feedback!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I hear what everyone is saying on here. I actually do know how to eat healthy and what's proper nutrition. I guess I'm so results-driven that I like to see results quickly, so I guess my impatience at times is a problem, I can admit.

    But when I lost the weight the first time, I kept it off for a long time, long after I began eating more than just fruits and veggies. Just within these past two years I gained the weight because I ate so terribly and made no effort. This time around I'll probably do a fruit and veggie 7-day cleanse or something, I won't go months. But I think my system needs a reset, and a little detox that way won't hurt.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    doing it for a short amount of time is fine - long term it's really dangerous. don't be impatient. it's not a race, it's a marathon. it's a new lifestyle. the more patient you can be with yourself, the better your success in the long run.

    good luck!
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member

    doing it for a short amount of time is fine - long term it's really dangerous. don't be impatient. it's not a race, it's a marathon. it's a new lifestyle. the more patient you can be with yourself, the better your success in the long run.

    good luck!

    You're right. Thank you!
  • hfester
    hfester Posts: 114 Member
    In the summer when peaches, tomatoes, and the like are in season, I'll sometimes do a one day "veggie fast." I agree with others who argue that it is not balanced, but I can also see the benefits.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    You gained it all back because it's not sustainable for you to live that way. You should address the eating habits you have now that have caused your weight gain instead of drastically switching to something you can't continue.

    she didn't gain IT ALL back. She gained some of it back. She is still at a 19 lb loss.
    You picked out one irrelevant word to disagree with from some actual healthy advice........... please stop.

    No, I actually just corrected something you said. I just wanted you to be sure you saw that she gained back only 40 LBS of 59 lbs and is still at a 19 lb loss after years of being off this diet. It appeared you didn't see that. If you want to know how I feel about her diet, you can scroll up two posts above your incorrect comment. I wrote several paragraphs.

    I will now comment on your second sentence. You said she needs to "address the eating habits she has now which made her gain". She already addressed that in your original post as well. She said, "she gained it back due to a new desk job and mindless snacking at work while sitting. She also stopped working out". To me that sounds like she sees the problems which made her gain and thus that is why she wants to cleanse again with the basics of fruits and veggies and then reintroduce healthy foods and try again. When you fall off a bike or fail at something, you don't say, "hey I am never going to ride a bike again, because I'll just fall again." Instead you say, "I fell because I was doing this-or-that and next time, I won't do that. She may fail again, but then again she may not. She is going to eventually add back other healthy foods, I think she is just getting a jump start on her weight loss and cleansing from bad cravings and foods. You can't deny, her diet will probably be healthier than most of ours with all those colorful foods, vitamins, minerals, anti -oxidents and fiber.

    I commend her for trying again after failing and reassessing what made her fail.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    Eating only raw food is bad for you. Your body has evolved to deal with cooked foods.
    Eating lots of fresh fruit and veg is good for you; eating only uncooked fresh fruit and veg is not.

    So if my fruits and veggies were all raw that I ate I wouldn't be as healthy as if I ate all cooked foods?

    Raw or cooked, fruits and veggies are still a great source of nutrients. Cooking veggies too much will result in losing nutrients from the veggies.

    Agree. When you cook veggies you lose many nutrients. Eating foods in their most natural form is healthiest (except of course for meat).

    Just an FYI, I saw a study done on two plants. One was given microwaved water after it cooled. And the other just plain unaltered faucet water. This continued and after a few months, the plants were left alone. The plant with the microwaved water was near death while the other plant was still really vibrant. And it could be that microwaving is worse than cooking with a stove. I do have the link to the study and pictures upon request.

    I guess one of the plants could have been sick, but the girl who did this study got it from a study which was conducted in a lab, she just wanted to try it on her own to see.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I watched these recently. She did several rounds of 30 day fruit and veggie cleanses to lose. She's great! She has a "go team! support group on Facebook". And she did talk to her doctor who supports her on this cleanse. She has several youtube vids you can view.
  • This has nothing to do with this topic I know. I don't know how to ask a question. I am not sure how all this works. Anyway, I am 163lbs and I want to lose 20 lbs by May 2013. I put in the lowest exercise program because I work 8 - 5 every day and have kids so I probably would not be able to exercise until the weekend. I am on a 1200 and something calorie intake do you think I will meet my goal
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    30 Bananas a Day might have some helpful tools/tips for you.

    Personally, I love meat.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member

    Just an FYI, I saw a study done on two plants. One was given microwaved water after it cooled. And the other just plain unaltered faucet water. This continued and after a few months, the plants were left alone. The plant with the microwaved water was near death while the other plant was still really vibrant. And it could be that microwaving is worse than cooking with a stove. I do have the link to the study and pictures upon request.

    I guess one of the plants could have been sick, but the girl who did this study got it from a study which was conducted in a lab, she just wanted to try it on her own to see.
    Well no wonder. The water was boiled in a DEATH BOX!!
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    I watched these recently. She did several rounds of 30 day fruit and veggie cleanses to lose. She's great! She has a "go team! support group on Facebook". And she did talk to her doctor who supports her on this cleanse. She has several youtube vids you can view.

    Lori-Lynn you're my girl!! I can't wait to watch this :)