Stronglifts 5x5

I have seen a lot of people comment on stronglifts 5x5. Is this something women do to and if so, what is your routine? I need to add strength training to my workouts but don't know where to start. Thank's for the comments in advance!!:wink:


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Women can do any lifting program a man can do. Look into Stronglifts, it's one of many programs out there. and are both great resources. New Rules of LIfting and New Rules of LIfting for Women are good resources (books) as well. I am currently doing Madcow's 5x5. I've also read a lot of good feedback on Jamie Eason's LiveFit program. Just do a bit of Googling and see what would work best for you.
  • Yes, women can absolutely do stronglifts 5x5
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Yup, it's for women, too.

    If you're interested, this MFP user made a great summary of the program:
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    My wife was doing New Rules of Lifting For Women. I was doing Stronglifts. She switched to Stronglifts and we're both doing it. We have not experienced any sort of catastrophic gender role inversion. It is great for her, and makes her butt look terrifically nommable.
    With love,
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I have seen a lot of people comment on stronglifts 5x5. Is this something women do to and if so, what is your routine? I need to add strength training to my workouts but don't know where to start. Thank's for the comments in advance!!:wink:

    There is no such thing as a workout program that only men can do. The reason you see so many fitness regimens aimed at women is to capitalize on age-old myths by feeding misinformation.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    My wife was doing New Rules of Lifting For Women. I was doing Stronglifts. She switched to Stronglifts and we're both doing it. We have not experienced any sort of catastrophic gender role inversion. It is great for her, and makes her butt look terrifically nommable.
    With love,

    So she wore the trousers from the beginning then?
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I do it. :smile:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I wonder venture to guess that if a woman is doing SL5x5 as her routine, then her routine is SL5x5.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Yep as Taso routine is Stronglifts 5 x 5 :drinker:
  • kdcshesback
    kdcshesback Posts: 47 Member

    Thanks for this!

    And OP... I start Stronglifts Monday... I'm excited! On the site they have a spreadsheet to track progress... pretty cool if you're a nerd like me lol
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    My wife was doing New Rules of Lifting For Women. I was doing Stronglifts. She switched to Stronglifts and we're both doing it. We have not experienced any sort of catastrophic gender role inversion. It is great for her, and makes her butt look terrifically nommable.
    With love,

    So she wore the trousers from the beginning then?

    *snort laugh*

    And for the record, I think all English speaking countries should say trousers instead of pants. It's a better word. Trousers. It's going on my list.

    Oh, and yes and OP, lift however you like, as heavy as you can without sacrificing form and causing injury. Enjoy it and enjoy the benefits. :)
  • yummy_
    yummy_ Posts: 248 Member
    I wonder venture to guess that if a woman is doing SL5x5 as her routine, then her routine is SL5x5.

    as a woman doing 5x5, i can attest to the fact that my routine is in fact, 5x5.

    and it works. i'm recovering from a back injury, so the simple progression is perfect right now. i think this would also be an excellent starting point for beginners with interest in compound lifting.
  • jmyoung971
    jmyoung971 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for the comments!! So what weight do you start with? I think I saw on a website to start with the bar. Like 45 pounds. That sound right? Thanks again!! :)
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    can you do this with dumb bells? I can't afford a barbell just yet
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    My wife was doing New Rules of Lifting For Women. I was doing Stronglifts. She switched to Stronglifts and we're both doing it. We have not experienced any sort of catastrophic gender role inversion. It is great for her, and makes her butt look terrifically nommable.
    With love,

    So she wore the trousers from the beginning then?

    *snort laugh*

    And for the record, I think all English speaking countries should say trousers instead of pants. It's a better word. Trousers. It's going on my list.

    Oh, and yes and OP, lift however you like, as heavy as you can without sacrificing form and causing injury. Enjoy it and enjoy the benefits. :)

    Nope - in the UK pants are what men wear UNDER their trousers :)

    and OP - just start here -

    don't worry about feeling you are starting light, it will get heavier very quickly.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    can you do this with dumb bells? I can't afford a barbell just yet

    The program requires working with more weight than you can feasibly put on dumbbells. Unless you have a squat rack and bench in your home, you're gonna have to get a gym membership.
  • yummy_
    yummy_ Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks for the comments!! So what weight do you start with? I think I saw on a website to start with the bar. Like 45 pounds. That sound right? Thanks again!! :)

    for many of the exercises, you do start with the empty bar (and yes, standard oly bar is 45#).

    i think they recommend a higher start for your rows and deadlft, but you don't need to push higher in the beginning while you are learning your form. also, 45# might be challenging for your OHP if you are not used to that movement; many gyms will have straight curl bars in lighter increments that you could use to start.

    if you have a smart phone, there is a very simple app (search for stronglifts) that makes it incredibly easy to keep track of your progression.
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
    can you do this with dumb bells? I can't afford a barbell just yet

    I started SL 5x5 with adjustable dumbells and am doing great. The down side is you max out the weight pretty quickly, especially for squats and deadlifts. My dumbells only go up to 52.5lbs each (105lbs total) and then I am stuck with no way to up the weight. I still have room to progress on the bench press, overhead press and rows, but I will need to find something else to do for squats and deadlifts now.
  • I'm looking for some advice on my diet, I've been doing stronglifts since January and have plateu'd at 126lbs, I'm 5ft7 and still have some weight to lose. I would say that I have the "skinny fat" appearance as I have some weight to lose around my stomach area! I have been trying to follow the leangains diet where I eat between 12-8 however I train in the morning til 7.30am and so I was wondering if this was effecting me as I'm not eating pre workout and not directly after workout! Also on leangains I find i have just been eating at 12 (small sweet potato, tuna and an apple) and then again at dinner (protein and veg) and then ill have a protein shake and perhaps some fruit again around 7.30 in the evening! Is this too little? This tends to be around 1000-1200 calories! I do stronglifts and then follow it with 20-30minutes of cardio usually cross trainer or running and once a week I do HIIT for 30 minutes! I was just hoping some of you guys could give me some advice on where I'm going wrong!! Thanks :)