Women: Something to Consider Regarding BF%



  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Bump I
    To read later. Tnx for posting
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Just want to add this up here, if someone posted already, sorry for the duplicate.


    It talks about breastfeeding and bone mass lose but it does come back after the breastfeeding stops.
  • My body fat has only ever been in the range of 18 to 22 (one time when I was 16 it dropped too low for about 6 months, but I purposely gained weight). I always had visible abs. 22 was high to me. But, I have never eaten a low calorie diet. I've always had extremely regular and healthy cycles. I don't use hormonal birth control. Getting pregnant was never difficult for me. I also don't want to have any more children. I recently had my hormones tested and they were all normal. I have a very clean bill of health from my doctor. I lift weights and eat calcium in my foods to maintain bone health for a lifetime. I'm 35.

    I am sorry to hear that this happened to you. I hope you will regain health. Thanks for sharing.

    But, I don't think it is unhealthy to be under 22%. I also do not think that breastfeeding is bad for health. Breastfeeding actually reduces the risk of certain cancers and is actually healthy for the mother, as well as the baby. Period loss due to malnutrition, starvation and low bodyfat is unhealthy. But, having breaks from your period due to the natural cycles of pregnancy and breastfeeding is actually healthy. That's why nuns (as a population) have such a high incidence of breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive system.

    I just want to clarify...I do not think breastfeeding is unhealthy--my post wasn't at all intended on expressing any views about breastfeeding.Thank you for your well wishes!

  • ^^^This exactly. I was surprised when I started looking into body fat at how low mine was, and got worried and looked into the health risks associated with low body fat. However, I don't think most of them apply to me. I did lots of high impact things (good for bone density) both when I was growing and now, and have always eaten rather good homecooked food. I also don't bruise easily, which is related to bone density. I'm also very regular. I think as long as we are above essential fat, get our regular cycles, and eat well we are probably just fine.

    I don't disagree. If you're getting your periods and are eating healthily then it's not an issue. The problem is that most women are on BC and think they're getting a "period" when it's simply a withdrawal bleed. When at lower levels of bodyfat I highly recommend using condoms for birth control, otherwise you run the risk of not catching the tale tell sign (i.e. amenorrhea).

    This is a very relevant topic for me because I would like to get pregnant in the next year.

    It's true that birth control suppresses periods, but I've always been this low bf, and any time I've gone off my birth control I get my cycles. Some women naturally fall lower on the body fat spectrum.

    The fact that your periods resume immediately is a very good sign!
  • And if vanity is more important to you than health, body fat makes your face prettier, and lightens those dark circles under people's eyes.

    I love this! You're too cute! :flowerforyou:
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    My body fat has only ever been in the range of 18 to 22 (one time when I was 16 it dropped too low for about 6 months, but I purposely gained weight). I always had visible abs. 22 was high to me. But, I have never eaten a low calorie diet. I've always had extremely regular and healthy cycles. I don't use hormonal birth control. Getting pregnant was never difficult for me. I also don't want to have any more children. I recently had my hormones tested and they were all normal. I have a very clean bill of health from my doctor. I lift weights and eat calcium in my foods to maintain bone health for a lifetime. I'm 35.

    I am sorry to hear that this happened to you. I hope you will regain health. Thanks for sharing.

    But, I don't think it is unhealthy to be under 22%. I also do not think that breastfeeding is bad for health. Breastfeeding actually reduces the risk of certain cancers and is actually healthy for the mother, as well as the baby. Period loss due to malnutrition, starvation and low bodyfat is unhealthy. But, having breaks from your period due to the natural cycles of pregnancy and breastfeeding is actually healthy. That's why nuns (as a population) have such a high incidence of breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive system.
    One size does not fit all.
  • My doctor said I need to gain some fat back. I recently weighed in at 113 pounds around 22% BF. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for years but I'm afraid to gain weight so I don't eat any oil or egg yolks. My hormones were so low that I'm on progesterone cream twice a day. So I guess this has taught me that too low of BF causes more harm than good but how can I overcome my fear of needing to gain healthy fat without gaining weight? It's really good to hear about your friend getting pregnant! :smile:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My body fat has only ever been in the range of 18 to 22 (one time when I was 16 it dropped too low for about 6 months, but I purposely gained weight). I always had visible abs. 22 was high to me. But, I have never eaten a low calorie diet. I've always had extremely regular and healthy cycles. I don't use hormonal birth control. Getting pregnant was never difficult for me. I also don't want to have any more children. I recently had my hormones tested and they were all normal. I have a very clean bill of health from my doctor. I lift weights and eat calcium in my foods to maintain bone health for a lifetime. I'm 35.

    I am sorry to hear that this happened to you. I hope you will regain health. Thanks for sharing.

    But, I don't think it is unhealthy to be under 22%. I also do not think that breastfeeding is bad for health. Breastfeeding actually reduces the risk of certain cancers and is actually healthy for the mother, as well as the baby. Period loss due to malnutrition, starvation and low bodyfat is unhealthy. But, having breaks from your period due to the natural cycles of pregnancy and breastfeeding is actually healthy. That's why nuns (as a population) have such a high incidence of breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive system.
    One size does not fit all.

    Exactly! That was my point. It varies per person.
  • My doctor said I need to gain some fat back. I recently weighed in at 113 pounds around 22% BF. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for years but I'm afraid to gain weight so I don't eat any oil or egg yolks. My hormones were so low that I'm on progesterone cream twice a day. So I guess this has taught me that too low of BF causes more harm than good but how can I overcome my fear of needing to gain healthy fat without gaining weight? It's really good to hear about your friend getting pregnant! :smile:

    You just have to ask yourself what's more important--your weight or having a baby with the man you love. Start by eating the yolk f your eggs--then start cooking things in oil or eating nuts and seeds for snacks. You can overcome this If you want it badly enough!
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member

    But, I don't think it is unhealthy to be under 22%. I also do not think that breastfeeding is bad for health. Breastfeeding actually reduces the risk of certain cancers and is actually healthy for the mother, as well as the baby. Period loss due to malnutrition, starvation and low bodyfat is unhealthy. But, having breaks from your period due to the natural cycles of pregnancy and breastfeeding is actually healthy. That's why nuns (as a population) have such a high incidence of breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive system.

    Yay for breastfeeding! :) I have many years under my belt and am happy that it reduces my risk for cancer, as well as my children's. Interesting factoid on the nuns -- I never thought of that, but it makes sense.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member

    But, I don't think it is unhealthy to be under 22%. I also do not think that breastfeeding is bad for health. Breastfeeding actually reduces the risk of certain cancers and is actually healthy for the mother, as well as the baby. Period loss due to malnutrition, starvation and low bodyfat is unhealthy. But, having breaks from your period due to the natural cycles of pregnancy and breastfeeding is actually healthy. That's why nuns (as a population) have such a high incidence of breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive system.

    Yay for breastfeeding! :) I have many years under my belt and am happy that it reduces my risk for cancer, as well as my children's. Interesting factoid on the nuns -- I never thought of that, but it makes sense.

  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I agree about energy availability and ive researched that as well; however, given that this is a calorie counting website id assume that those here are restricting their calories to some extent (of course there are exceptions). I'd rather deal with the rule rather than the exception and provide the information for those consciously trying to reach potentially unhealthy levels of bodyfat via caloric restriction.

    A lot of people are restricting their calories to some extent... I am too - I'm restricting them to 2000.
    I think the reason CorvusCorax77 and I stepped in was to offer a bit of alternate perspective. Not to derail the thread, but to show that the world doesn't necessarily have to end if you drop below 20%.

    If you are at a low body fat, but are eating protein and getting your vitamins, you are in a much better position than if you are at a low body fat because you are starving yourself.

    When I read the original post, my first reaction was fear that I was all of a sudden unhealthy. I wasn't going to post that until a number of people started escalating as to the dangers of low body fat (which started to look like fearmongering).

    All I wanted to do was offer a bit of balance. :)

    This. And I also just wanted to point out that BF% can mean a lot of things. If these studies are all based on cardio bunnies, then I don't know that it even applies to my goals.


    I also think genetics has to play a role in whether you experience instances like what OP mentioned in her post. Creating and aiming toward goals set by BF% isn't really all that bad especially if you were really overweight/obese beforehand. It keeps me focused personally.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    We also know that women who don't have periods for long stretches of time because of anorexia, or because they breastfeed for a long time or go in to an early menopause, are at risk. Heavy smokers and very underweight women are also more prone."


    I'm surprised at how many people are saying how informative this thread is.. Basically, this thread is sharing a personal experience that most likely won't affect a lot of people. Bf% is a much better variable to set goals for than a number on the scale.

    This thread is fear mongering.. straight up
  • tayteetots
    tayteetots Posts: 114 Member
    bump for later
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    You couldn't tell it by looking at me now, but when I was trying to get pregnant with my first son, we had no luck for about a year and a half. I gained about 20 lbs, and got pregnant as soon as I hit the "normal" weight range for my height.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was thinking about this post last night. Wouldn't it be the amount of fat on your body, rather than the percent that mattered most for health risks?

    What I mean is, if someone lowered their BF% without losing any fat (by gaining muscle), their risk of disease wouldn't really increase would it?
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    women who are ttc should eat full fat foods. Never eat fat free or low fat. Fat is an essential nutrient that we all need, esp if you are trying to conceive.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member

    last time i had mine estimated it was at 26% but that was january after taking the holidays off from logging and dieting. I think i look about like that 25% pic
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    why do i always screw these quotes up