Came back - NEW! Need a buddy to lose 40-50 lbs with!

Anyone interested in joining me? I had joined MFP about two months ago and lost 10 lbs! The last week I had tried so hard and didn't lose any weight, & I lost interest :( Well, that wasn't a good choice. I'm back with the 10 lbs and then some, I haven't even weighed myself lately but I need to lose at least 40 lbs! The last time I joined I had so many friends that I really didn't feel a deep connection with any of them. I don't want to make that mistake this time, I would like to add maybe 5 people ONLY that are REALLY serious about this, someone that is in the same situation as me: I want to lose 40 lbs, I'm a mom, I work at a desk job and I have a beautiful daughter. I would like a companion to stick by my side through this road - because it's been so very hard for me lately to get the courage to get this done. Today I began eating healthier but I know that if I have a partner in crime then I'd most likely make this a challenge.

I hope I hear from you soon!


  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Yep been out of program for one month gained 3 back!! Don't want to do that!!!!
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Halloweenmom I missed you. All of us were worried you left and never came back =(

    I am here and have been for a little over 2 months, am a mom to 2 girls, have a desk job and need to lose 87+ lbs. still. I am here if you need the support and vice versa :wink:
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Hello...welcome back

    This site is you already know because you had great results

    I wish you alot of success on your journey

    Keep going strong
  • Viciousqt
    Viciousqt Posts: 2
    I understand the whole mother (Busy life) and desk job. I am in the same situation. This is the biggest i've been my whole life and having issues regarding my weight. I could definately use a buddy, 2 or 3 of them infact. I wish you the best of luck!!!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i need 2 lose abt 70lbs & i've actually gained 37lbs b/c of my desk job when i had lost 50 :sad: . so now i hafta start over again....:grumble: i'd b happy 2 join u! i've sent a friend request :smile:
  • sheriz22
    sheriz22 Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Jessica, my two co-workers and I are doing this. I had joined about 3 months ago and then lost intrest, but have renewed drive. We all sit at a desk, we all have kids and we all are trying to lose 30 pounds or more. We would be happy to welcome u in our group and help. It is hard. We love food! And we also are short on time being Moms and working full time.
  • ecerutti
    ecerutti Posts: 8 Member
    I just started using this website and am already finding it very helpful. I have been a physical therapist for about 2 years and gained about 50lbs mostly from just working and eating (badly) late at night. (I usually get home around 8 or 8:30 at night.) I am also a newly wed and have lost a lot of my confidence that my husband first loved about me. I am setting my goal to lose the 50 lbs I gained and would love to support you as well. If you need to vent I'll hear it. Good luck!
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    I know exactly what it is like to have a crazy schedule I have 5 kids, hold down a full time job overnight, and attend college during the day. If you need someone to help when times get tough you can add me as a friend as well. I have about 45 pounds to lose still.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I will be your budddy!!! :) my goal is 30 :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    You're back!!! :bigsmile: I was getting worried about you. I'll do anything you need to keep you motivated. Best of luck!!!!
  • losingnow
    losingnow Posts: 82
    I am very serious about logging on everyday. I have been on here about 2 1/2 months. I have tried everything else before and never lost. I am down 14 lbs. I am a mom of 2. I do not work but have many medical issues that keep me a stay at home mom. I have made short term goals for my self. my next goal is another 15 and will make another goal after I reach that. I am here for the long haul. You are more than welcome to add me if you would like to.
  • melissaogdenrhode
    I've been here on MFP since February and I am trying to lose like 45-50 pounds myself. I lost 23 so far and it feels great! But it's friggin hard work. IF you wanna compare notes about food/exercise (which I do a TON in the summer) friend me!

    You can get rid of those 50 lbs. ( I'm trying not to say "lose" because to me that implies that you would like to "find" them which I SOOOO don't!) With hard work and (I hate to say it) patience. UGH!

    Be tough and remember slow and steady wins the race!