30-Day Shred?

Did you do it? Was it successful? Unfortunately due to the hCG diet, I've had some heart stuff going on and until I get the 'okey doke' from my physician, I have to be a bit careful. I did do a modified version last night just to try it out. I enjoyed it.

So, has anybody here done just the 30-Day Shred without extra exercise sessions and did it work for you?



  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    If you search "30 day shred" on the forums there are lots of posts about it! It's a good workout
  • EOHerrera
    EOHerrera Posts: 45
    I started it the first of March - did it Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Was SO sore that I had to soak in a hot bath, take Aleve and put an Icy-Hot type cream on my thighs just to sleep at night. It hurt like crazy going down the porch steps - not to mention sitting down (including the toilet!) AND to top that off, I gained 2 pounds!! So NOT worth it to me - so I kicked Jillian to the curb and went back to doing my elliptical trainer, my treadmill, my stationary bike and my free weights!! At least with them I was losing (although very slowly) and I wasn't hurting so bad that I couldn't hardly sleep! Definitely was not what I needed.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I started it the first of March - did it Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Was SO sore that I had to soak in a hot bath, take Aleve and put an Icy-Hot type cream on my thighs just to sleep at night. It hurt like crazy going down the porch steps - not to mention sitting down (including the toilet!) AND to top that off, I gained 2 pounds!! So NOT worth it to me - so I kicked Jillian to the curb and went back to doing my elliptical trainer, my treadmill, my stationary bike and my free weights!! At least with them I was losing (although very slowly) and I wasn't hurting so bad that I couldn't hardly sleep! Definitely was not what I needed.

    I've actually seen online that it was meant to be done every OTHER day and not every day like most people do it. Also, when you start working out more intensely or change it up, it can effect the scale at first but isn't a true gain.
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you! Great replies and helpful. I really appreciate it.
  • I got to day 9 and had already lost 7inches all together.

    I did not continue on because at the time I thought I had to do it everyday and I kind of started to dread it just for the simple fact that I got bored... :noway:

    It is a great work out for someone who needs a structured thing like that to do in a set amount of time, or maybe even a rainy day sort of thing. I feel I might return back to it and approach it a different way because I have seen many people have great results with the program.

    Best way to see? Give it a shot! :flowerforyou:
  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    I did the 30 days (had to do the modified beginner moves through level 3) and I lost plenty of inches (4 on my tummy), my other half said he could see a big difference in my shape.

    I am currently taking a break from Jillian Michaels but I will do either 30 DS again after Easter or one of her other DVDS, suspect it will be 30DS as its easy to fit in. I did also do some cardio on top of it but I don't think that made any difference to the inch loss. Don't be afraid of doing the modified stuff just remember the results are going to be slightly less impressive.

    ETA: I had 2 rest days a week usually, one of which I would do cardio on, yes it took longer than 30 days but I often found the workouts easier to do after a rest and got less bored of it that way.
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    I've done 5 days and already I notice by bum is looking better, due to the squats!

    I'm finding it tough but in a good way - Jillian really works you and you feel it.
    I'm keeping a steady loss of 1lb per week, I haven't put on since starting 30DS.

    I would 100% recommend it. There's a before and after thread somewhere with some amazing pictures, you should check it out.
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    I love 30 Day Shred, I also find that sometimes 20 minutes isn't enough so might do a Level 1 and Level 2 workout back-to-back. I also find some of the exercises blinking impossible (mostly the plank type ones!) so do my own variations. I think it's a great workout to do when you don't have much time but you still feel the benefits the next day. I've also done it using heavier weights, again modifying the exercises (ie. maybe rows instead of raises) and find it works my arms out more than just using the little light weights.

    Give it a go, it's great!
  • On day 7, and loving it!

    Admittedly I go through moments where I want to slap Jillian in the face, but all is forgiven when I look in the mirror and see that in such a short time I have really started to see a difference - especially my bum!
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I really enjoy it, I do it everyday, only because to me, it is my 30 minutes daily exercise... If I fancy a few days off, I will have a few days off and not boo about it.

    I use it to compliment my going to the gym twice a week. I like that it is short and can be easily fitted in the day, I also like the fact it feels like I have done something,.. I really enjoy it.