Need some friends! :]

I'm new to this whole thing and have no idea how to get done friends on here, would love motivational support and to try to help others also. Lets share our success and struggles together!


  • LazyGuy91
    LazyGuy91 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm looking for some friends on here, too. Feel free to add me.
  • liftlikeumeanit
    Hey there :) I'm new here as well and a new mom to boot. I would love having you as a friend :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I could really use a few friends myself.
    Add me
    I am not a new mom, I have one child, who is now almost 7.
  • RyanGArnold
    RyanGArnold Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with y'all on this! I've used the website off and on for a few years, and since January have gotten back into my frame of mind, and things are wobbly, would love more like-minded people in my life!
  • Apples38
    Apples38 Posts: 54
    Dear all, feel free to add me! Nearly 4 weeks in and 9lb down, love love love it!

    This app is amazing although I do have to say the friends I have made on here have kept me on the right track, couldn't have done it without em xx
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    Ill add you!