Pooping! :(



  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Chia seeds are tasty to add to yogurt!

  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    Lots of fiber. My coffee in the morning helps sometimes. When all else fails I do what I did this week. I hadnt gone in a few days, had 2 pieces of pizza from Pizza Hut and I was good to go a few hours later.
  • ResaBoBesa
    ResaBoBesa Posts: 20 Member
    As long as it doesn't hurt to poo (hard poops, straining) and when you do poo it's not black, tarry or red, then not pooping every single day isn't a terrible issue. As my doctor told me, have P fruits every day (pineapple, pears, plums etc) because they have high amount of fiber in them. I find apple juice clears me out pretty well though.
  • Sooooo, to add onto this question: Should you poo before you weigh in?? I won't weigh myself unless it's in the morning and right after i let everything out and before putting anything back in... Am I being crazy?!?
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    I believe it is important!
    It flushes out the bad, after all!
    I take greens and those help me stay regular. I used to only go like 1 time every other day or 2 and now I go 1-2 times per day so I would def say that contributes to healthy weight!
  • hannyz08
    hannyz08 Posts: 31
    Usually my coffee helps rev me up in the mornnings, lol.
  • As long as it doesn't hurt to poo (hard poops, straining) and when you do poo it's not black, tarry or red, then not pooping every single day isn't a terrible issue. As my doctor told me, have P fruits every day (pineapple, pears, plums etc) because they have high amount of fiber in them. I find apple juice clears me out pretty well though.
    Cool, and nope I don't really get any pain, just the odd ache when I'm reading to go :p
    And P-fruits sounds like a plan too, I'll buy some more this week!

  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Phillips caplets (fairly new) (not the liquid Milk of Magnesia). Believe me - that will do the trick.

    Or, regular magnesium supplements. I take 2 every other day or so.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    One word: PROBIOTICS!!!

    I was craming as much "fiber" as I could possibly get!! Lots of flax etc., nothing made a change in regularity, until I started taking probiotics.

    Look for one that has 10billion - and work your way up to 4 capsules a day...then once you're regular, go back down to 1 a day for maitenance.

    FLEE from laxatives, and even though coffee seems like it's helping, it's actually a diruetic, so as it makes you go, it also zaps the water from your bowel movements making them harder and more difficult to pass (over time - especially if you're already having some difficulties)
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Ok, and to add to this. I do love my coffee but I aim to get 1 and a HALF cups of water in for every cup of coffee - that's the exchange rate so to speak of what coffee does to your hydration.

    Secondly, find a good protiotic that's in a soft gel - I used to have the hard tablets, but I find the soft gel so much better.

    Yes, keep up on the fiber and fats, but stay within moderation - don't go crazy!!
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member

    Drink some caffeine in the morning.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Women don't poop....
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    Carbs make me "poop" alot.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Coffee, dark roast does it for me. Add to that BEANS (pinto/black) are very high in fiber. Don't fear the beans. Make sure to eat your healthy fats, too.
  • tattedlady75
    tattedlady75 Posts: 185 Member
    I have to second the Probiotics.You can take them in pill form or get them from yogurt, love the Danactive drinkable yogurts. Woks wonders with both me and my son. Also, limit your intake of bananas they can bind you up. If you are really have actual problems going, as in stool is hard try Miralax, when my little guys hasn't gone in a couple days i give him a cap full everday until he goes and make sure to drink plenty of water.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Wow two pages and no one looked at your diary? Well if they did I didn't notice any comments so here are mine. Either you are a troll or you have a serious eating disorder..sorry just being honest but I am just going by what you logged so if it is incorrect well then sorry but you should close your diary if you don't want honest help.

    Firstly I see you are drinking one or two glasses of water a day? WTF? Why? Secondly you are starving your body, one day your net calories were around 70 I believe(I went back about a week) other days are not a lot better really. Thirdly if you have a problem pooing then why are you tracking everything else but the most important thing for it which other than water would be fibre?

    I'm not trying to be mean but if you are doing the totally opposite of what it takes to poo well guess what happens.......you have a problem taking a poo. simple really.
  • also bouncing around like running or bouncing on a trampoline will help.
    coconut oil works for me also.

    and hahaha to jackdiesel99, my husband thought the same thing, it still makes him sad to know the truth
  • Songbird146
    Songbird146 Posts: 46 Member
    I have had issues with this for most of my life as well. My mother in law started buying me large bags of chia seeds and hemp seeds. I add them to my oatmeal in the morning and have not had a problem since. Fiber suppliments always made me clog up wprse so this is super easy, yummy, and works like a charm. She buys them in bulk at Costco.
  • This is slightly off-topic, but your post reminded me of it, and it's good for a laugh if you haven't seen it


    How funny! lol
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    also bouncing around like running or bouncing on a trampoline will help.
    coconut oil works for me also.

    and hahaha to jackdiesel99, my husband thought the same thing, it still makes him sad to know the truth

    lalallaalala I can't hear you...it's not true!!