Fit Bit Users- Let's Chat...



  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    We have a whole group on MFP that chats about Fitbit every day. Come join us!
  • prpljellybean
    prpljellybean Posts: 68 Member
    I got a Fitbit zip from my hubby for our anniversary :) I've been using it for about a week now and I absolutely love it!! It is a real eye opener/motivator. I have not had any problems with it at all! Love the way it syncs with MFP too!! I would like to eventually get the One but I am perfectly content with this one for now :)
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    LOVE MY FITBIT! I plan to get the flex band once its released ( it may be now ) it made me skinny! I track all food on MFP. I also read the reviews before I got mine- they werent great, but decided to get it instead of the Body Media- I havent had a single problem and support is great. My favorite part is I compete on the leadership boards, I am a big stepper 30,000+ a day, its alot of fun and soooooooooooooooo motivating!
  • tryinghard71
    I love mine. I don't use fitbit website though. I just use MFP and have my fitbit linked to it. It is a great motivator. It really helps you understand how much you actually move through out the day. I find myself walking around the house in circles trying to get all my steps in for the day.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    I really like my fitbit, but, i think i need lazier friends, cuz currently, i'm 5th in my friends ranking for steps/day... arrgh!! if you're lazier than me, add me!!
  • Louttie
    Louttie Posts: 138 Member
    Had my Fitbit One a week today!! I was averaging 1000 steps a day. ( i sit working at a computer all day ) My fitbit has pushed me to do a half hour walk on my lunch and after work. I also did 25.000 steps at the weekend! Its definetely a motivator!
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    I love my fitbit one and the way it syncs with MFP, though like many people I still record my food through MFP. The fitbit allows me to step targets for myself (currently climbing 10 floors of steps a day and doing 10,000 steps a day)
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Jumping in to agree - Fitbit for the steps, MFP for the meals. I use a Zephyr HxM HRM and Endomondo for workouts - which syncs to MFP which then syncs to the Fitbit. I log weight in MFP, let it go to Fitbit then use the TrendWeight website ( to get a good idea of my overall pattern.

    It gets confusing sometimes! :laugh:

    True Story! I thought I was the only one. lol
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    I thought about the Body Media before I got my Fit Bit but I really hate the way you have to wear it and could pretty much guarantee it would be left home more than it would be worn. I'm in love with my fit Bit though... It motivates me more to do stairs and walk more because I can see how little I move being a cube monkey during the day. I also love the sleep tracking because I get insomnia really bad and I can see how much better my sleep patterns are when I work out.

    I do FitBit One and Aria for sleep, weight, steps and those damn badges that make me want to get those few extra stairs or steps, MFP for non-walking exercise and food, and just started using Fitocracy for the challenges and to give me ideas for different workout routines. I use Fit Bit for my overall dashboard since it shows me everything and I really like the graphs.

    Thank God for syncing between them!
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I just set up new group boot camp, and thought some of you might be interested.

    Here is just some basic information about the group:

    Are you looking for motivation and support to lose weight and reach your goals. Then you should check out the new Boot Camp I just set up Truly Committed.

    This group is for anyone who is truly committed to losing weight and needs the help and support from others on the same journey. This will be an ongoing boot camp where you will be challenged to exercise, eat right and improve your overall health.

  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member
    FitBit rocks!
  • hikr00
    hikr00 Posts: 38 Member
    I love my Fitbit One!! My main purpose for getting it was I needed something to motivate me to go a little further each and every day. I have a desk job and find that wearing the Fitbit means I pay more attention to my movements and push myself to do more because I love to see those steps add up.

    I have it synced with MFP and I stick with MFP to log my food in etc. If I'm doing cardio as someone else said I use my HRM. I am not sure whether Fitbit is 100% accurate as far as adding in steps when you're in the car etc. My main purpose for the use of it was to motivate me to move more and it accomplishes it easily. If it's off by a few steps here or there I can live with that.

    As for the piece about eating back exercise calories I've heard some strong opinions for both sides. For me I've tried it both ways and I seem to lose more consistently when I eat some of the calories back IF I'm hungry. If not hungry I walk away. I think that is something that each individual has to play around with to find what works best for them.
  • Beata375
    Beata375 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Holli,

    I love mine. I like many others, record my food on MFP and let Fitbit calculate calories. It may calculate some steps for driving but for the most part I just try to go above and beyond my daily goal of 10,000 steps. My fitbit has taught me how truly sendentary I am during my working hours. I only average 1.3 miles from 9-5 pm. Wow! That number motivates me to get outside and take my dog for a longer walk and get to the gym and exercise. I love mine!

    Do you use a HRM to calculate calories burned during exercise? Or do you just use the fitbit?