Must get through a weekend !!

I was just wondering if anyone else does this or I have just jinxed myself.

All week I work hard, I go to the gym for 4 days between mon-fri then when Saturday morning comes along all that hard work goes out the window. I must get through one weekend, I keep stunting my progress!

Thank you for listening to my rant.


  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    A lot of people do this. Some after two or three days of being "good"
    You, for whatever reason, feel you deserve a 'reward' for all your hard work.
    I could give you a thousand instances of why you might be doing this
    But you're the only one who can really figure out the answers.
    If you think about it you might already know. : )
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Maybe you shoud consider an Intermittant Fast technique? That way you could be 'good' and (moderately) enjoy the weekend and you wouldn't be saddled with negative feelings that might end up derailing you entirely. There are people in this community who know a lot about the different techniques, so search for IF. Lots of people are finding the 5:2 works for them, which might be a simpler programme. Enjoy the weekend.
  • Thank you, I will have a search and read some posts x
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. I also know that I eat bigger meals on the weekends rather than the week. I'll have a big breakfast and then be running errands and may not eat again until 2 or 3. Somehow that saves me. I have to stay busy and have big meals within my calories so it still fells like I am "vegging". I am also more active on the weekends since I am not at my desk all day, so if I go over, I don't beat myself up because I probably burned a little more that day too. At least that's what I tell myself. :)
  • demme02
    demme02 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, all day I have been talking myself through not screwing it up this weekend. I am determined to get to my goal weight and will need to lose about a pound(ish) a week to get there in my time frame, which is extremely reasonable, IF I don't blow my weekends. There's a gathering tonight and tomorrow that will have a lot of appetizers/snacks/desserts which is my big weakness. It's way too easy to overeat during those which I always end up doing....How about we report back here on Monday with our honest results. Maybe being more accountable for it will help!