flatter stomach?

Can anyone give me any tips on what I can do to help flatten my stomach other than crunches? I have been doing 50- 90 crunches daily, but I'm looking to be able to switch it up a few days a week, any suggestions?


  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Crunches won't flatten your stomach. They build muscle underneath whatever fat we all have. If you want to lose weight and have a more toned body, add some cardio to your crunches, clean eating and fluid intake.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    Lower your carbs and increase your protein! Also, lift heavy and aerobic activity! Last , but, not least CONSISTANCY and PATIENCE! :drinker:
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Ab workouts won't flatten your stomach but having a tight core is a great step to overall fitness and amping your workouts to build more muscle and burn more fat.

    Planks are the bomb when it comes to core exercises. Googling plank variations and mix it up. Side planks are awesome for the obliques and will help shrink your waist, only in the sense that tight obliques create a girls effect on the abdomen.
    Dumbbell Toe Touch - with barbell in hand reach across body and touch toe with dumbbell and then reach up.

    Hanging knee raises
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    ahhhhhhhhh... well as you can see I'm still learning this..... :)
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    Crunches won't flatten your stomach. They build muscle underneath whatever fat we all have. If you want to lose weight and have a more toned body, add some cardio to your crunches, clean eating and fluid intake.

    I go to the gym 6 days a week- these are my workouts:

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday- 30 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minutes circuit training, between 40 & 90 crunches
    Tuesday, Thursday, 30 minutes on the treadmil, 10 minutes on the eliptical, between 40 & 90 crunches
    Saturday- 10 minutes on the eliptical, 30 minutes on the treadmil
  • Have you tried a detox?? No matter how much I exercised, ti wasn't really helping in the tummy area. I started a detox and it helped a lot. I read a lot and learned that the fat cells stick around to process the toxins we take in and that if we detox every 3 months or so, that will help with losing the weight.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Kettlebells and Tae Bo is what's helping me most. I have gotten my upper stomach super small but still gotta work some on my lower stomach but its starting to firm up with the kettlebells
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Have you tried a detox?? No matter how much I exercised, ti wasn't really helping in the tummy area. I started a detox and it helped a lot. I read a lot and learned that the fat cells stick around to process the toxins we take in and that if we detox every 3 months or so, that will help with losing the weight.


    "Detoxing" does nothing except drastically reduce your Calories.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Have you tried a detox?? No matter how much I exercised, ti wasn't really helping in the tummy area. I started a detox and it helped a lot. I read a lot and learned that the fat cells stick around to process the toxins we take in and that if we detox every 3 months or so, that will help with losing the weight.

    No. Just no.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Crunches won't flatten your stomach. They build muscle underneath whatever fat we all have. If you want to lose weight and have a more toned body, add some cardio to your crunches, clean eating and fluid intake.

    I go to the gym 6 days a week- these are my workouts:

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday- 30 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minutes circuit training, between 40 & 90 crunches
    Tuesday, Thursday, 30 minutes on the treadmil, 10 minutes on the eliptical, between 40 & 90 crunches
    Saturday- 10 minutes on the eliptical, 30 minutes on the treadmil

    What are you doing for circuit training? I find crunches pointless and not fun. More not fun than anything... I need fun or I won't do it. I suggest adding core strengthening exercises to your circuit training. BURPEES!!! MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS!!!! BURPEES!!! BURPEES!!!! did I say BURPEES????
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Have you tried a detox?? No matter how much I exercised, ti wasn't really helping in the tummy area. I started a detox and it helped a lot. I read a lot and learned that the fat cells stick around to process the toxins we take in and that if we detox every 3 months or so, that will help with losing the weight.

    The only "detox" I would endorse is drinking 8-10oz of fresh pressed (mostly vegetable) juice (from a juicer... juiced fresh right before drinking) before every meal.

    Anything else with completely screw up your metabolism and is unhealthy. (A full FRESH juice diet has benefits but should only be done under the watch of a doctor that can check your blood to make sure your hormones aren't going crazy.)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Continued weight loss and a mix of cardio and strength training will help. Crunches (although I love doing ab work!!) are too much of an isolation exercise. You'll get better overall results if you lift weights that challenge you, do compound moves (google), get some cardio in, stay within your calorie goal.
  • ashleymcn01
    ashleymcn01 Posts: 108 Member
    Crunches won't flatten your stomach. They build muscle underneath whatever fat we all have. If you want to lose weight and have a more toned body, add some cardio to your crunches, clean eating and fluid intake.

    I second this, cardio, cardio, cardio!!! We all have ab muscles, we just have to burn the fat off first to be able to see them. Continue to do your ab exercises, including those planks, and add in the cardio, eat good and drink your water.

    Stick to it, you will see results!
  • I am doing the abs diet and they have a whole section of strictly ab exercises.

    I agree with some of the above, planks and bridges are nice. I broke my ribs awhile back, so crunches hurt like crazy. So I have to different exercises that will not hurt more than the occasional burn.

    Here is a link I found that might be able to help you: http://www.shapefit.com/ab-workouts.html
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    you can't crunch your way to a flat stomach... fat is made in the kitchen so it is KEY that you clean up your diet and eat clean, track your calories and eat within your caloric target for weight loss.

    couple this with cardio that is intense enough to get your heart rate elevated for at least 30mins. incorporate strength training to build lean muscle mass to torch more cals.