Anyone else trying to lose weight with a disability?

I have been a yo-yo dieter most of my adult life due to fluctuations in health. I was fairly athletic as a child, but developed a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy at age 12 and my abilities have gone downhill from there. I began having serious episodes in 2011 that have left me debilitated, and I have been steadily gaining weight ever since. I am on a risky but necessary diet for my condition...high protein, high fat, high potassium, low carb, and low sodium. Every day is a challenge, but I am hoping to lose 15-25 pounds in spite of the fact that I can no longer exercise. This is so hard! It has been weeks now and I've only lost 2 pounds, so it seems like an uphill battle. But, as a friend of mine says, never surrender!

Is anyone else trying to lose weight in spite of being disabled? I wish everyone the best in achieving your goals!



  • ugottafriend
    ugottafriend Posts: 97 Member
    PS - Feel free to add me as a friend! :bigsmile:
  • jemcclu1
    jemcclu1 Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck! I wish more people would comment on your post!
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    Hi there.

    My wife is disabled. She has Primary Lateral Sclerosis which is a form of Motor Neuron Disease. She uses a wheelchair all the time outdoors and a gutter walker indoors. Both her upper and lower body are affected so she is unable to do any exercise. She also has seizures, blackouts and is in extreme pain all the time. I am her full time carer. Since starting to lose weight just after Christmas she has lost a stone (14 pounds) and gone from a so 20 to a sz 18 (UK) She has just eaten at a deficit (1200 cals per day) and I've tried to make our diet more healthy but it's difficult because she has trouble swallowing so certain foods cause problems.

    I've sent you a friend request. My wife's username is Martinne68 but she doesn't always come on here because some days she is just too ill. :-)
  • rensife
    rensife Posts: 18 Member
    Hello: I survived an accident that became a life changer.

    You look so happy and determined! I am inspired.

    Have you tried resistance bands (Walmart has a set with a DVD) or a program called Sit and be fit? If you can move at all, anything helps!

    I still try my old workout videos, but I modify (no jumping or hopping for me anymore) I do what I can. I think as long as we follow our plans and give it our all, only good and positive things will be on the horizon.

    Good Luck - we are all routing for YOU!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hi Kelli, I have MS and am trying desperately to lose some weight. Heat makes MS symptoms worse, then when you cool down those temporary symptoms go away so it is real hard for me to exercise. I do walk, should do more but I don't. I will send a friend request. I think 1 pound a week loss here on MFP is the goal so you are right on track.
  • candieprayz
    candieprayz Posts: 29 Member
    I too have Muscular Dystrophy and Rheumatoid Arthritis with Fibromyalgia. I also have a severe vitamin d deficiency. I have been disabled since 2088. A lot of the meds they put me on made me gain so much weight and last year was the most I have ever weighed. I got so mad about it I stopped taking the meds that were causing me to gain weight. My Dr. already prescribed me a wheel chair because he expects me to be crippled. I have trouble walking sometimes and my husband has to help me when I am having bad flair ups. However I decided to fight back against these diseases the best that I am able to. I changed my diet in a major way and I am able to exercise daily. I am currently doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and her 6 wee 6 pack abs. I have lost 30 lbs since Thanksgiving and I stil have ways to go to reach my goal but I am working hard at it and doing what I can. I know how hard it is for a regular person to exercise let alone a disabled person. We have to work much more harder. Have you tried swimming for exercise? The water is good for you and it keeps you cool =) Any way that you can build muscle to fight the Muscular Dystrophy off, do it. Dont give up and try not to let the disease get you down. It can really mess with your mind and self esteem if you allow it to. So stay strong and get in the habit of telling yourself you can do it and tell yourself positive things. Maybe start a positive thoughts journal or something. What kind of Muscular dystrophy do you have? Mine is myotonic congenita
  • PinkyFran
    PinkyFran Posts: 54
    i have mobility problems, so the gym/ walking etc is out for me but i find that swimming is the only way to go if you can do that?.....
    it burns a lot of calories and its not how hard your doing it its how long.....

    good luck, its hard hard work, i go up and down if i cant swim i find it very hard and very slow work, will add you :happy:
  • ugottafriend
    ugottafriend Posts: 97 Member
    Hi everyone! I appreciate the replies! To answer a couple of questions:

    I have Familial Periodic Paralysis with permanent myopathy. I am 35 next week and worse off than I should be...but I've had so many close calls, I'm just grateful right now to still be here trying to kick butt. :tongue:

    Candleprayz, your form of MD is closely related to mine. In fact, I included Paramyotonia Congenita in an article I wrote on Periodic Paralysis for Yahoo last year.

    Nykdem, I also have trouble swallowing. It put me in the hospital for days last year. Not fun! I wish your wife the best.

    I have other health issues...vitamin D deficiency, chronic electrolyte imbalance, heart arrhythmia, chronic pain and fatigue, kidney stones, vertigo, separated knee...the list goes on. I use a walker to get around most of the time. Occasionally, I can handle hand crutches. Systemic disease is a beast!

    I do own resistance bands, but haven't been able to use them since the serious paralytic episodes began in 2011. Swimming is very dangerous, and even physical therapy is a problem. Heck, sitting up in a chair sometimes causes a decline in muscle function...seems to be a no-win situation. I often say I should be a declared disaster area...ha! I lost everything in Hurricane Katrina, so I can say that without being reprimanded, I hope. I'm an expert at disaster! :bigsmile:

    Thank you so much for the responses! This does my heart a lot of have no idea. :happy:
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Could you use an elliptical machine? Your hands have something to hold on to, and your feet never leave the pedals. You'd likely need some balancing help getting on & off though... so maybe that might not work.

    A treadmill, maybe? One that doesn't have it's own motor, that just moves at whatever speed you're walking?

    ETA: I'm not disabled per se (sp?), but I have fairly severe asthma (year-round, plus exercise-induced), and VERY bad knees. My kneecaps are tilted outward, and every bend makes the kneecap grind against side of the kneecap channel. I've heard 70+ year olds with quieter knees than me! I have to heavily medicate my asthma to exercise, and anything high-impact is out of the question due to my knees. I have super-loose ligaments over most of my body, and can easily sprain an ankle by stepping wrong, or dislocate my shoulder by rolling over wrong.
    Oh yes, I forgot my new 'friend', Chronic Myofascial Pain syndrome. Currently working with a physical therapist to release my worst muscles, and strengthen others.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I have MS, Fibro and RA. I sent you a friend request. Anyone else here is welcome to friend me.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I've had three strokes which affected my left side, Fibro , and OA. I'm working really hard to build up some reverse the muscle loss on my left side.
  • staceyw73
    staceyw73 Posts: 49
    I been dealing with a disablity sence 2003. I have had 2 spinal fusions L4/L5 and T9 thru L2. been dealing with a bad back sence 2003. L4/L5 was done in 2008 and the T9 thru L2 was just done back in Nov due to wreck i was in back in sept. . my main foucs is to eat right the best I can and try to get as much of my flexablity back.
  • ugottafriend
    ugottafriend Posts: 97 Member
    I sure don't wish anyone injury or ailment, but it's a good feeling to know I'm not alone in my battle for quality of life.

    Thanks for being here. Let's do this!!! :bigsmile:
  • shelbysp8
    shelbysp8 Posts: 131 Member
    I have AFib and MS like 2 other posters. I do alot of walking and the elliptical; I enjoy both and feel okay doing them.
    Losing weight for me is a must because of my heart and the MS; I'll have a better quality of life for longer.

    Feel free to add me and any others too.:flowerforyou: