Just upped my calories, hope it is correct

So, I have been on MFP for about a month, maybe 5 weeks? I have lost 2 lbs and been very diligent with tracking. After reading all the advice on calories for BMR &TDEE I have taken the plunge and upped the calories that MFP said was my minimum.

I am 5'10", 185 lbs with 32%BF. My original goal was to drop to 165 lbs, been there before, but now I want to concentrate on BF% so I am aiming for 25%BF for now. I am doing some exercise every day at least 45 minutes. I just got my battery changed in my HR monitor so I can more accurately track calories burned. I was using Endomondo but that seemed like too many calories for the activity.

I like eating back my exercise calories so that if something happens and I don't actually work out or work out as hard I won't overeat.
Here is what I calculated using Barbells & Dumbbells formulas. I liked it because it included my BF% as well as height, weight & goal weight.

Average of All 3 Formulas
BMR Calories 1571
Maintenance Calories 2160
Calories to lose weight (based on 20% deficit) 1728
Calories to gain weight (based on a 20% surplus) 2593

Can someone tell me if this seems reasonable? I made my calorie goal the 1728 to lose weight number and will eat back the exercise. I have done this because I am not seeing a consistent drop of weight.


  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    No obvious problems to me but I'm not very experienced at it.
    Are you sure exercise/activity is not factored into the TDEE?
    That's the part that I find confusing :smile:
    I also try to set mine so that I eat back the calories in case my schedule gets mixed up and I do not get in all the intended exercise.
  • Jacqmomof3
    Jacqmomof3 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks, I set TDEE to light exercise so I could add exercise separately. I don't trust my life to be able to reliably get my exercise. That being said it has been pretty consistent for the past 6 months.