I'll do great for a few days, then binge. Help.

A few years ago I was not in a good place, mentally, and i'd find myself eating crap loads of food and then making myself sick because I ate until I felt ill. It only stopped once I was medicated/cured for depression. But that was years ago. This all happened while I was at a perfectly healthy weight, too. Today I'm alright, and maybe only 5 lbs more than i was back then.So here's my problem today, that I think kind of stems from my issues back then........ : I will do fine staying under my calorie goal, no problems, for a few days... no voices in my head saying "I'm starving, I need to eat this and that NOW!" But after 3 or so days of doing well, I will have a day where I just need to eat everything in sight. Today is one of those days. I'm already about 1000 calories over my daily goal and it's only 5pm. I am going to workout later and try to burn at least some of those off but I'm really sick of having these binge days. I don't know what to do to control it. Drinking water, chewing gum, etc does not seem to work for me on these days. On normal/good days, chewing gum seems to keep me in goal.. but on days like today, i am just ravenous and don't care about what i'm doing until I have finished.. I feel so low right now. Sorry i'm typing so much, i feel like i'm writing a freakin' blog, but if you took the time to read this, thank you. Any advice would be appreciated, if there's any to give, that is.

Sorry if this was written in a confusing way. I have a migraine. Probably from all the junk I just consumed.
EDIT: I eat 1300 calories a day.


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    you need to binge the right way
    liquid lunches...
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    What's your calorie goal?
  • I had to stop cold turkey my carbs , now I do not get the cravings and no more binges ,. two weeks in atkins induction and I believe I am getting out of the carb addiction no desire to binge in tuna or chicken :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    How many calories do you eat each day? I found that I tried to "eat healthy" on my own without counting calories, and most weekdays I'd eat between 1000-1200 calories (waaaay under what my body needs to perform routine functions), and then on the weekends I'd have HUGE binges.

    When I started properly fueling my body and my workouts, my need to binge has stopped. I haven't had a single binge since then. I've had planned days of high calories, but I knew what I was getting into, and I had control of the situation. I now eat 1900 calories a day, and I'm still consistently losing.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I want to ask the same question.
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    I eat 1300 cals a day. I also do Insanity... and I have to say I don't usually eat back all of my calories. I usually burn between 400-600 depending on the workout. I tend to not want to eat back the calories because I usually don't have enough carbs... @VeronicaAM, i think that might be my best option. I eat so many carbs and that's probably the cause of my binges..........
  • shellplen
    shellplen Posts: 31
    We all fall off the wagon at some point, the thing you need to do is take note of how you're feeling leading up to it , you may see a pattern of something that triggers it.When you do , try the distraction method. Go for a walk phone / visit a friend. It may be its become more of a habit than anything else.
  • KristenRidl
    KristenRidl Posts: 82 Member
    I have been dealing with these same issues. I know my relationship with food needs help. I found this website with some good information. I hope it helps.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    What's your calorie goal?

    This is a crucial first question before anyone will be able to provide any meaningful advice. (Sure, we could theorize based on some assumptions, but OP could help focus the advice by answering this very simple question.)

    ETA: And *now* I see OP's response.
    I eat 1300 cals a day. I also do Insanity... and I have to say I don't usually eat back all of my calories. I usually burn between 400-600 depending on the workout. I tend to not want to eat back the calories because I usually don't have enough carbs... @VeronicaAM, i think that might be my best option. I eat so many carbs and that's probably the cause of my binges..........

    Based on this information, it seems clear to me that hunger is the most likely cause of your binges. I believe that reaching your calorie total is far more important than staying under an arbitrary carb limit. Hit your protein minimum and your fat minimum then let the rest of the calories fall wherever. I suspect your urge to binge will disappear or at least diminish once you're eating enough calories.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I eat 1300 cals a day. I also do Insanity... and I have to say I don't usually eat back all of my calories. I usually burn between 400-600 depending on the workout. I tend to not want to eat back the calories because I usually don't have enough carbs... @VeronicaAM, i think that might be my best option. I eat so many carbs and that's probably the cause of my binges..........

    There's your issue. You're freakin hungry.

    Fuel your body correctly and you won't have those "ERMAGERD I AM HERNGRY" binges.

    Also, carbs don't cause binges. Don't hate on a carb.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    I eat 1300 cals a day. I also do Insanity... and I have to say I don't usually eat back all of my calories. I usually burn between 400-600 depending on the workout. I tend to not want to eat back the calories because I usually don't have enough carbs... @VeronicaAM, i think that might be my best option. I eat so many carbs and that's probably the cause of my binges..........

    You are not eating enough!! From what your saying, your actually eating under 1000 calories each day... I used to do that, and i binged terribly!! But you really just arnt giving your body what it needs! You have to up your calories and atleast eat some of your excersize calories back...
  • Hi...your message says that "you do fine staying under your calorie goal for a few days".....so my question is how far UNDER your calorie goal do you go. If you are not eating enough you may be binging because your body is not receiving adequate norishment. I also find it helps if you try not to "deprive" yourself.....fit a treat of your favourite foods into your daily calorie allowance. For me it's chocolate, so I allow myself 1 square of lindt dark chocolate every day at lunch time....it's only 30 calories but I savour it as long as I can, and then remind myself I can enjoy it again tomorrow, so then I don't feel the need to eat the whole bag!!!! :)
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm so afraid of eating back calories. I do eat some back. But then I think "what if my HRM isn't entirely accurate, what if I really only burned half of what it's showing?" and I'm just plain afraid that eating them back is defeating the purpose of working out. Ahh irrational thinking.
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    During my numerous attempts at weight loss, binging was my biggest problem. I really had to take a look at the things that were triggers for my binging and cut them out. In this sense I am referring to food but, of course, emotions can lead to binging as well. Keep some health snacks near by that you can go to when you get that urge. Something that won't ruin an entire week of hard work if you over eat on it. I found that I just had to push through until I was able to beat the habit. Good luck, I know it can be so tough to fight it!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I used to binge when my calories were too low. Now that I eat more I binge maybe once a month. I had a hard time eating back exercise calories, so I changed to TDEE - 20% because that included exercise. Binges stopped and weight loss happened.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    go there. fill in the numbers.

    don't eat less than your BMR. Since you only have 10 or so more pounds that you're trying to lose, set your intake based on 5-8% under your TDEE.

    Eat, keep working out, lose weight.

    EAT. You're hungry and that's why you're binging.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    I have a similar issue. I'll do great for 3-4 days and then whoops, there goes a bag of jelly beans or cookies or bread and butter. I don't have any advise just wanted to know you are not alone and I look forward to hearing more responses and advise from others.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Try this.


    It's a daily calorie goal based on your activity level, and it's really helped me and a lot of others.
  • creggymetal
    creggymetal Posts: 15 Member
  • steph0924
    steph0924 Posts: 78 Member
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    Thank you to everyone who read this and gave me advice!! Whether i like it or not, I'm eating back those exercise calories from now on...
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I used to binge when my calories were too low. Now that I eat more I binge maybe once a month. I had a hard time eating back exercise calories, so I changed to TDEE - 20% because that included exercise. Binges stopped and weight loss happened.

    This has been my saving grace too. I eat 1600 calories a day regardless of if I exercise or not. If I go to my Zumba class I may eat up to 1900 calories. This method has totally stopped my binges because I don't feel deprived.
  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    Try checking out the South Beach Diet. I was very skeptical at first because I know that in general low carb is very hard to stick with...however...the South Beach plan does NOT remain no carb. I currently am eating a combination of South Beach Diet and also following the calorie guidelines from MFP and feel great. The first 2 weeks of SBD are the hardest truly because you cut out all starches/breads/grains/rice and fruit. This 2 week phase is designed to stabilize your blood sugars to avoid the spikes that cause the horrible cravings and inevitably lead to binging. Again, I was very skeptical and didn't enjoy this part at all because I LOVE fruit...but let me tell you after that 2 weeks the cravings were gone and I felt so much better. After the initial 2 weeks you get to slowly add back in fruits and WHOLE GRAIN starches (brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc) up to 3 servings of each per day...so truly long term you aren't being deprived of anything. It's a much healthier way of eating without all the processed junk and I have felt great. I was not a believer at first...and am in no way affiliated with marketing for this diet...it was just something I found to work very well without feeling like I'm missing out or starving all the time.