eating well, working out, 2 mos and still not losing weight

I'm exasperated. I eat well (abeit not perfect, I understand this but not bad) and I'm working out a lot. I do a boot camp 4-5 days a week. I drink lots of water. And I fluxuate between 144-148 regularly. I was working out before at home but I know i wasn't getting a good enough work out so I joined a bootcamp (fitBody Boot Camp). They really push ya and I always leave feeling great and often "spent."

And although I feel stronger and notice a tiny (VERY tiny) difference my numbers aren't changing and neither are my measurements.

I was hoping after 2mos that I'd at least have lost maybe 5-10 lbs. No such luck. I'm obviously doing something wrong. Not working out hard enough? Eating too many veggies? I'm almost to the point of calling a nutritionist but I thought I'd try you guys first.

Currently: 146lbs, 5'6"
GOAL: 130-135 lbs

Any ideas?

PS: I've tried the Green Coffee Bean thing and the Raspberry Keratone thing too. Both zilch!


  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    Ive been doing MFP and zumba since Christmas, and started yoga in the last three weeks, Ive only lost 4 pounds but my body looks a lot smaller in the mirror. Dont get discouraged! Im not very experienced yet but maybe try more protein? Helps develop muscle mass and that burns more calories. you might be losing fat and gaining muscle in which case the scales wont change too much. Keep going, watch how much fat and sugar is going in with your diary and hopefully there will ve something visible for you soon! There was a post on here last night bout weight loss tactics that was really good, try find it.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    We are close in age, and about a year ago I was right where you are. How much are you eating - daily calorie goal? Your diary is locked so can't peek in and check it out... :smile:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    How many calories are you doing??

    Maybe this can help you:

    Good luck.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    First of all, your diary is closed, so we can't really offer fully informed opinions, but I am almost certain you are not eating enough.

    With only 10 lbs to lose, you should be aiming for 0.5 lb/wk loss, which would be a 10% cut off your TDEE, or a total calorie intake of about 1650 NET.

    If you are not eating 1650 NET calories, with approximately 1gm protein per lb of lean body mass and a minimum of 0.35 grams of fat per lb of lean body mass, slowly raise your calories by 100 per week, then once you get there, eat 1650 for a month and eat back your exercise calories. I almost guarantee you will be 2-3 lbs lighter.

    ETA: you can figure out your bf% and LBM here:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm exasperated. I eat well (abeit not perfect, I understand this but not bad) and I'm working out a lot. I do a boot camp 4-5 days a week. I drink lots of water. And I fluxuate between 144-148 regularly. I was working out before at home but I know i wasn't getting a good enough work out so I joined a bootcamp (fitBody Boot Camp). They really push ya and I always leave feeling great and often "spent."

    And although I feel stronger and notice a tiny (VERY tiny) difference my numbers aren't changing and neither are my measurements.

    I was hoping after 2mos that I'd at least have lost maybe 5-10 lbs. No such luck. I'm obviously doing something wrong. Not working out hard enough? Eating too many veggies? I'm almost to the point of calling a nutritionist but I thought I'd try you guys first.

    Currently: 146lbs, 5'6"
    GOAL: 130-135 lbs

    Any ideas?

    PS: I've tried the Green Coffee Bean thing and the Raspberry Keratone thing too. Both zilch!

    At your height @145 lbs is a healthy weight. Your body knows this so it's going to be really hard to lose those last few pounds. Your diary is not open so it's hard to give you advise on your diet. A few things - you can work out until you keel over but if your diet is poor you won't get the results you want. "Abs are made in the kitchen"!!! How many calories do you allow yourself per day? Are you eating back your exercise calories? How consistent are you with staying on track?
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    5 6" and 145 Ibs is pretty healthy....its gonna be tough to loose pounds....Weight training will help you loose may be the same weight but you will look much smaller...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Open your diary!
  • lambjoo
    lambjoo Posts: 60 Member
    We are the exact same height and weight and are having the exact same problem. And while I have read the other posts that say this is a healthy weight, I honestly feel soooo much better when I am at around 132-135. Hoping someone has tips!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Here is a really easy calculator to use to figure out how many calories you should be eating:

    A woman at your age, weight and height with a slightly active lifestyle should consume 1912 calories to maintain. A 15% deficit comes in at 1625 calories. If you are not eating this much, then you are probably not eating enough. You don't have to starve yourself! I recently went from 1270 (mfp recommended) to 1560 (based on info from this site) and I have dropped 2 lbs this past week (I weigh more to start with, although we are similar in age and height).

    Others have mentioned the roadmap, which also takes into account your body frame.
  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    Great thoughs, I got something out of what you said.
    Marcia VA
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member