How do I get my motivation back??!!!

I need help!! How do I get my motivation to lose weight back? I was doing so well with MFP. Managed to lose 40 lbs but I have so much more to lose. I have a hectic schedule that includes work, school and three toddlers. Stress, stress and more stress! I'm alway so tired and keep putting off my workouts. I'll do it tomorrow, that seems to be my new norm. I"ve managed to gain some weight back but I don't want all my hard work to go down the drain. I can now admit that I have a food addiction, especially to sweets. And it seems that I've turned into an emotional eater. Man how do I start over? Where do I start? What do I eat and how much? Sigh..................HELP!!!!!


  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    write down the pros and cons of losing weight and getting healthy
    post it on your fridge, you get discouraged read it memorize it
    get rid of all the junk in your house and fill it with nothing but healthy meals
    i can understand it being tough but you always need to take time for you
    sometimes we gotta knock things off our plate to make room for those things that matter
    you can do it !!
  • nikkayelizabeth
    I lost my motivation for a while, and I actually started back with exercising today.

    I guess the one thing that truly helps me is thinking about the reward at the end of all of this - being healthy while also looking pretty damn good.

    Also bathing suit season is coming up, and I keep on thinking about how I would want my first two piece to look.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Fake it until you make it. Not doing is not an option.
  • shanaya37
    shanaya37 Posts: 49 Member
    I find that if I don't have those sweet treats in my house I don't miss them but if they are there I will eat them so I make sure I don't have them available. I like cheez whiz and celery and it is way better than candy or ice cream etc in my opinion.
  • judithanne013
    judithanne013 Posts: 21 Member
    Motivation is exactly what I need at this time. I just keep flitting from one site to another. Many just seem to have way to much information so I become exhausted looking for what I want to find. I work full time and am a college senior so I seem to always be trying to get things done. I just don't seem to have enough me time but really do not want to gain any more. But I will find the motivation and with the nice weather I will be getting out to walk.
  • cpudoc64
    cpudoc64 Posts: 135
    Fake it until you make it. Not doing is not an option.

    Oh, that saying....Makes me want to scream ! ARRGGH

    I think its about setting goals for yourself, learning what works for you and what doesn't. An understanding that this takes time and patience but with all that, you'll get there.
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks everyone. I've started on my grocery list and cut out the sugar and processed foods from the list. I've also decided to start on the 30 day shred tomorrow rather than Monday. And I'm going to buy an outfit a couple sizes down and hang it on my closet door as added motivation.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    need more motivation, this shows you anything is possible
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    need more motivation, this shows you anything is possible

    Saw this video on Facebook. That's awesome!
  • roote13
    roote13 Posts: 8 Member
    I had been doing so well last year. I was down 37 pounds. The several changes happened with work and schedules, and I totally blew it. Over the next six months, I gained back all but 10 pounds of what I'd lost. Just devastated me. I kept saying I was going to get back into it. New years. Nope, didn't. The next month. Nope didn't. Just kept eating and not exercising.

    I decided to change my attitude to look at it as I'm still 10 pounds lighter than I was before. I sat down and started to write about my weight loss/weight gain. In doing that, I was able to pinpoint what happened that got me so off track. For me, I need structure to be able to lose weight. I realized that our routine (my husband was also trying to get healthy with me) got majorly changed, we never set up another one. We just sort of started to wing it. Before we had a certain day of the week where we planned the meals for the next week (Thursday). We'd do our shopping on Friday. Then over the weekend, we would pre-prepare everything that we could...right down to measuring out our breakfast cereal in baggies for the whole week. That was so helpful in keeping us on track.

    Monday was our first day back to trying to get healty again. This week was successful (3.1 pounds lost!), but we still lacked our structure. So over our breakfast this morning, we worked out a new schedule to use to keep us on track. I'm not excited and hopeful now. Motivated, I guess you'd say!

    Good luck to you!
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    You know what? You have to find the lifestyle you really like!.

    All those fad diets and restrictions you have to face in order to lose weight are not the answer.

    If you like cardio, do the cardio you like.. If you have never been to a gym, then you are missing it, it is a lot of fun and a great way to exercise. Some people like biking or running. Some of my pals are running buffs. They love it!. I don't. It hurts my back unfortunately.

    In order to find your fitting lifetyle you have to understand something: You can't lie to yourself saying that if you LOOVE pizza, you will go on without eating it. False! You can, but in moderation. you can cook and make the healthiest choices of pizza. Don't avoid them!

    AVOID BINGEING! Just do everything in moderation! Find the healthy lifestyle that is comfortable for you, if not, then you drop it! Experiment with your cal budget! That is the key..
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    How ? You already know that, you lost 40 pounds. Start over right now. Do it for you and your children. You don't have to do intensive workouts. Just watch the calories and take a walk around the neighborhood with your children. Good luck to you.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I apologize in advance if what I say offends you but I am going to speak a little tough love. There is nothing anyone else can tell you and it is not really about motivation. To think about that is a waste of time. It's all about action. Doing. Decide what you want and what you believe is right and JUST DO IT! Like Nike says.

    Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I apologize in advance if what I say offends you but I am going to speak a little tough love. There is nothing anyone else can tell you and it is not really about motivation. To think about that is a waste of time. It's all about action. Doing. Decide what you want and what you believe is right and JUST DO IT! Like Nike says.

    Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

    This. Motivation is for suckers. It's great when I have it, but when it's gone, dedication is what gets me out of bed at 5am when the alarm goes off. Make a plan and stick to it whether you're motivated to or not.

    Handle your business.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i agree with the above two posters.

    make the decision to make healthy eating and regular exercise a part of your life.

    a video might inspire you and give you a push (it did for me) but in the end it's because you've decided to make a change.
  • KES71GEM
    KES71GEM Posts: 9 Member
    Work, school, and three toddlers? Right there is your motivation! It sounds like you are a hard worker who devotes her time to these three things. Still do, but just add YOU into the mix. Never stop thinking about yourself and your health, and I've found that the other tasks get easier. Best of luck! Stay on the right track!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I apologize in advance if what I say offends you but I am going to speak a little tough love. There is nothing anyone else can tell you and it is not really about motivation. To think about that is a waste of time. It's all about action. Doing. Decide what you want and what you believe is right and JUST DO IT! Like Nike says.

    Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

    This. Motivation is for suckers. It's great when I have it, but when it's gone, dedication is what gets me out of bed at 5am when the alarm goes off. Make a plan and stick to it whether you're motivated to or not.

    Handle your business.

    Yup, this. And when you don't feel it, do it anyway. Fake it until you make it, cliche or not, it works.
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    You know what? You have to find the lifestyle you really like!.

    All those fad diets and restrictions you have to face in order to lose weight are not the answer.

    If you like cardio, do the cardio you like.. If you have never been to a gym, then you are missing it, it is a lot of fun and a great way to exercise. Some people like biking or running. Some of my pals are running buffs. They love it!. I don't. It hurts my back unfortunately.

    In order to find your fitting lifetyle you have to understand something: You can't lie to yourself saying that if you LOOVE pizza, you will go on without eating it. False! You can, but in moderation. you can cook and make the healthiest choices of pizza. Don't avoid them!

    AVOID BINGEING! Just do everything in moderation! Find the healthy lifestyle that is comfortable for you, if not, then you drop it! Experiment with your cal budget! That is the key..

    Great Advice . Thanks :)