I'm hoping for some suggestions, I've only been on this web site for three weeks, Its seems a few days I'm under my Calorie goal of 1200. I'm finding it hard to find things to eat that is not high in Sodium and sugar. I'm working out everyday and feel great. At this time I just help with Calories.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Nuts, avocado, seeds
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm at 1400, if you want to feel free to check out my diary to see what I eat, I'm pretty sure it is open for public. Feel free to add me as a friend, just inculde a short message where/why otherwise I have a tendency to ignore invites:ohwell:
  • TaniaM2013
    TaniaM2013 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks I will try eating more nuts...
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    fruits and veggies. anything non-processed really...
  • If you like vegees, eat those up. I usually just buy what is in season and find different ways to cook it every time.