Am I starving my body?

Okay, a little bit about myself first. Until I got my BodyMedia Fit Link armband last week, I was under the assumption that I was only lightly active, sometimes moderately or fairly active. I work at Lowe's part time in the paint department and have to lift/move around 5 gallon buckets and other paint supplies for most of the day. I figured my pretty sedentary lifestyle outside of work balanced out the work I did.

But now I'm seeing that I burn an average of 2800 calories a day, up to 3500 on my truck shipment days (when I have to unload freight/put it away and all that jazz). I bumped up my calories, but I'm having a seriously hard time getting enough calories while still meeting my other macros. Most days I'm honestly not hungry enough to try and hit my calorie goal, but my deficits are kind of alarming some days. It probably explains why my scale has refused to move though besides the first 5 pounds of what was surely water weight. My diary is public, so some input would be great. What can I do to actually hit my macros and successfully start losing weight?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Just looking back over the last couple days, I'd say cut down on the processed foods, fast food and take out and replace it with more fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. I know some days it's hard to avoid dining out, but like on Tuesday, every meal looks like you had take out or fast food.
  • chall0688
    chall0688 Posts: 15 Member
    Tuesday was a messed up day for me since I got called into work and was there from 10am-8pm. The last few days were just a but of bad planning along with little free time. I gotta work on it still though
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I don't trust those body bug -type gizmo's. I don't think anyone has starved on 1900+ calories a day. Your calories are fine, but the only thing I could really gripe on is not having enough non-fast food items in your main staple. Micro-nutrients, fiber, etc. is also an important part in keeping the body healthy and running efficiently.

    I'm not sure if you were adjusting some of our daily calories because of your tracker, but try not to adjust your goal calories. If you go over, under, or hit your goals it doesn't matter, but it'll give you an idea where you actual maintenance calories over time.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Pack your lunch and snacks for work the night before.

    Eat lots of protein, fibre (veggies and fruits), healthy fats and drink plenty of water. If you do that, you wont have room for quick and easy sugary foods.

    I like this site to work out how much I should be eating:
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    You can read this to help you figure out how much calories you need :wink:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You're not going to like my answer....

    Diet's don't work. Eat for health and the weight will fall off. What do I mean??

    Where is the health food in your diet??

    Increase veggies.. a lot.. fresh produce from the farmers market is best. Eat fruit should be the second most common thing on your diet. Followed by lean meats.

    Look for natural foods, whole raw from nature. Prep them yourself. Flip the package over and read the labels.. not just the calories.. the sugar and salt content... you'll be amazed what is in your foods. if sugar is in the first 5 ingredients put the package back on the shelf.

    the less ingredients in what you by the healthier it is for you. You're body doesn't know how to digest man-made chemically enhanced foods, so it treats them like a toxin covers them in fat and stores them until it can *safely* get rid of them. Chai seeds and fresh veggies of all colors will assist in getting rid of them.

    Sleep.. 7-9 hours per night.. Sleep is the best way to relieve stress and reset your body for the next day so it can properly process foods.

    Water- 8 glasses is not enough.. especially if you eat processed foods.. Plus mass produced juice has sugar and many additives and isn't truly healthy.

    Lose the excuses.. you ate what you ate.. You chose to eat it.. own up to it and decide you're going to change your choices. You put that chocolate in your fridge, you opted for the BK drive through instead of the fruit sitting on your counter. Love yourself enough to change those choices. You'll love yourself more for it!

    change how you eat, and you'll change you're whole life. Just realize to really change and keep it off, you have to be patient, you have to be determined and you have to forgive yourself if you slip up.

    Remember.. nothing worth it is ever easy.
  • chall0688
    chall0688 Posts: 15 Member
    If you look at my diary prior to this week you'll see that I do actually eat some pretty decent stuff usually, with the exception of too much soda. I was supposed to be on vacation from work, but had to work several days that I was totally unprepared for, hence the fast food.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I warned you that you will not like what I have to say, no one ever does. I did look through your diary, for the whole month of march. My advice stands as is.

    No one is perfect and everyone likes to go out to eat or have cake or whatever your choice of junky food is (myself included). but the good has to out weigh the bad. I'm not talking just in calories, i'm talking over all nutrition. the true path to heath, fitness and being a healthy weight is good nutrition not calories alone. Get good nutrition, healthy foods, the weight will disappear.

    Lose the excuses and change your life! :~)

    Edited for typos.. I'm getting tired.