I don't look like a Fitness enthusiast



  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I look like a fat computer nerd even after two years of weight loss and almost a year in the gym. I don't care, I am in fact a fat computer geek that is slightly stronger than you'd expect. If someone gave me crap I'd just rip their arms and legs off. Now who's laughing?

    You win a potato! <3
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I'm still waiting to find out how people get treated differently in athletic stores based on how they look

    I don't know about an athletic store, but a trainer at the gym we stupidly joined would single me out, point and laugh from across the room, and otherwise harass me until I left. This happened every single time I went to the gym and he was working.

    Not looking a certain way causes some people to treat you horribly. Just because you have not experienced it or (hopefully) done it to anyone doesn't mean it isn't common. Sadly, it is. There are a LOT of people who feel better about themselves when they have someone they deem physically inferior for comparison.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Reminds me of my dancing days... I was heavy, but I was super flexible, and had very strong legs. I was certainly not the "usual" ballerina, but you gotta admit... getting 180lb en pointe ain't easy! But I did it. I just had to work a little harder because I was carrying around the extra weight. I had the ability; just not the image.
  • "Hi - I'm looking for some free weights so I can exercise at home too."
    "Well, over here we have some 5lb dumbbells - look they're even pink! And if you need heavier, we have 8lb ones in teal."
    (inside sigh) "No, I mean heavier ones - 30lbs or more. Do you sell them individually or only in a set?"
    "I think you should start no higher than 20lbs - you don't want to get hurt."
    (pause pause pause) "I'm doing 55lb free weight lat pulls at the gym. I think 30lbs is just fine."

    That's the situation. And, sad to say, sometimes I got that even when I was "buff". If I wasn't wearing a sports bra and shorts so they could see my muscle definition, the (usually male) salespeople wouldn't take me seriously as a woman athlete.

    As far as I'm concerned, you're a fitness enthusiast if you're getting your *kitten* off the couch regularly and pushing yourself to get better.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I truly believe it is not whether you look like a fitness enthusiast - but whether you believe you are a fitness enthusiast!!

    Walk in there as if you own the place - hold your head high and don't let anyone make you feel any different!!