Have you had a really really bad day with your calories?

Yesterday when I got done work I was about 190 calories under my limit which was great but I was a bit hungry. I get home and find that everyone had ribs and fries for dinner and there were cookies and ice cream for desert. So I had what was left of the ribs and the fries. The ribs themselves sent me like 2,000 calories OVER my limit. I'm not shocked. I don't really know how I feel about it at the moment. They were some damn good ribs and fries. After that, I ate two (ugh TWO!) chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches. Lots of sugar. Lots of calories.

Of course I felt disappointed, but I rationalized that I would be walking around the city today with a friend for about 5 hours and in that time, I would most likely work it off. Is this crazy to think like this? Has anyone else ever done this freaking badly in just one day? How do you not beat yourself up over it?


  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I frequently go over on my calories! Sometimes because I'm fed up, sometimes because someone has brought cake to the office or sometimes because I'm having a ravenous-wolverine day! It's usually by anywhere from 100 to 1000 calories, but it can happen 2-3 times a week.

    My usual strategy for dealing with it is to work extra hard at the gym (imagining one of those bigget loser trainers yelling at me can help motivation!) and keep active in other ways. e.g. more cleaning (some weeks, my house is absolutely spotless!) or going for brisk walks. Luckily, I also love running.

    I also remind myself that the healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. One bad day does not mean I should give up/punish myself for the entire week! Also, I never say 'I'll start being good on Monday' If I have a naughty Saturday breakfast (I LOVE potato scones!), I'll try to work it off that day, have a salad for lunch and carry on as normal. Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    Also, a little naughtiness every now and then keeps you sane! As long as it's worth it. As you progress on this weight-loss/healthy living journey, you'll probably find yourself thinking "is this worth it?" For that reason, I hardly ever eat potato chips (not that bothered about them) but I still have chocolate!

    Hope this helps! :smile:

    S x
  • MightyMe01
    MightyMe01 Posts: 29 Member
    Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    This sentence was a light bulb over my head. So simple. So to-the-point. So true.

    Thank you so much for the motivation! I'll remember this while I'm out today!

    Potato scones sound dreamy. ;)
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I went way over today. 700 cals, and I am maintaining too lol. But my husband and I went out to dinner and a movie. I had a steak, baked potatos and vegies. The popcorn and soft drink wasn't so healthy. I know in the next week I will have trouble making my goal. Most days with normal eating I have trouble making my goal. Also we never go out and I it was a really enjoyable dinner, without the kids :wink:
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    This sentence was a light bulb over my head. So simple. So to-the-point. So true.

    Thank you so much for the motivation! I'll remember this while I'm out today!

    Potato scones sound dreamy. ;)

    Quite possibly the best quote I have read on this site!
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    Today hasn't even been logged as every meal was eaten while out and none were from chain restaurants. I can't even begin to calculate what was eaten but I'm guessing it was well over my limit. In the past I'd have excused my eating because of the three hours spent trotting around the gallery I drove four hours to visit (priorities...) but I don't even bother now. I made a mistake, I very likely ate 2000+ extra calories but what's done is done. There are 7 days in a week, 30 days in a month, 365 days in a year. Why let one mistake ruin a week, then a month, then the year? I don't see the point in letting mistakes go unexamined, but on the flipside, beating myself up has never helped in the past. If you hate yourself are you going to take good care of your body? Probably not.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Not at all, don;t feel guilty about it. I met a freind at the bar yesterday, although i had a vegie wrap for lunch, the 3 craft beers and tequila sent me way over. So i am up early to play some racquetball. it happens as they say.
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    it is so nice to read a posting that "humanizes" this weight loss battle. I have had a tough week, And I am sure I might just gain weight this week. I was beating myself up, actually thinking about making some drastic changes to get back on track. But then I read the posts about people going over their calorie limit. Some by more than 1000 calories! Wow... that is awesome.

    Hugs to all of you who are posting topics that are honest and related to enjoying life sometimes with too many calories but getting back on track the next day, or the next week.

    Most of us know this is not a "diet" we are on, this is a lifestyle and sometimes life is full of stress, cravings, special occasions, hormones, and nothing feels balanced.

    Thank you to all my MFP buddies, for being honest and letting me know I am doing just fine. I may have had a bad week, ate more than I should have but life goes on. I will still work hard to lose weight, but try to stop beating myself up.

  • fighterwill
    I frequently go over on my calories! Sometimes because I'm fed up, sometimes because someone has brought cake to the office or sometimes because I'm having a ravenous-wolverine day! It's usually by anywhere from 100 to 1000 calories, but it can happen 2-3 times a week.

    My usual strategy for dealing with it is to work extra hard at the gym (imagining one of those bigget loser trainers yelling at me can help motivation!) and keep active in other ways. e.g. more cleaning (some weeks, my house is absolutely spotless!) or going for brisk walks. Luckily, I also love running.

    I also remind myself that the healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. One bad day does not mean I should give up/punish myself for the entire week! Also, I never say 'I'll start being good on Monday' If I have a naughty Saturday breakfast (I LOVE potato scones!), I'll try to work it off that day, have a salad for lunch and carry on as normal. Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    Also, a little naughtiness every now and then keeps you sane! As long as it's worth it. As you progress on this weight-loss/healthy living journey, you'll probably find yourself thinking "is this worth it?" For that reason, I hardly ever eat potato chips (not that bothered about them) but I still have chocolate!

    Hope this helps! :smile:

    S x

    Love that train metaphor! Thanks for that!
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Glad people are linking the train metaphor...it came to me when I was watching a really nerdy TV program about Network rail...!! Think I'll put it on my profile... :smile:
  • DonnaNCgirl
    DonnaNCgirl Posts: 372
    Why let one mistake ruin a week, then a month, then the year? I don't see the point in letting mistakes go unexamined, but on the flipside, beating myself up has never helped in the past. If you hate yourself are you going to take good care of your body? Probably not.

    ^^This. Always. Don't sweat it. On the other hand, don't make it a habit. Life happens.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Meh, I just ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Nothing wrong with going over calories on occasion. Life is to be lived, it doesn't stop just because you decide to go on a diet.
  • royallv
    royallv Posts: 84 Member
    Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    This sentence was a light bulb over my head. So simple. So to-the-point. So true.

    Thank you so much for the motivation! I'll remember this while I'm out today!

    Potato scones sound dreamy. ;)

    Quite possibly the best quote I have read on this site!

    Love this Quote! Reposting for my other friends struggling on those days.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Heck yeah! That's how I got fat! But when I made the commitment to a new lifestyle, I decided right then and there that I would log everything, and if I had a bad moment, I would start over at the next meal. I am on maintenance now, and sometimes I think I have picked something healthy at a client lunch only to discover I just ate 2/3rds of my planned calories for the day and have 9 more hours before I go to bed.. So I just eat a new lifestyle meal for dinner on the low fat low carb side, and go to bed knowing I am back on track.

    I love the quote about the train being late. Now that's good motivation
  • massage_gal
    massage_gal Posts: 76 Member
    I went WAY over on my birthday, Feb 5, and it took me nearly 3 weeks to get my weight back to where it should be. But now, I'm losing fine again and past the hurdle and it's all behind me.

    I know next year, I won't have 3 donuts for breakfast plus the coffee with half and half and sugar, the 3 rolls of sushi for lunch, and the pizza for dinner. Plus the huge cupcake from Gigi's afterward! I did exercise that day, but only a little, and it gave me a lesson.

    Since I'm on a brand of anti-depressants that famously cause weight gain, I have to be extra careful. So I will pick my meal and be done with it, like I usually do during the week various times. I found a place that has even better cupcakes that are smaller portioned, so I will choose to go there for my cupcake instead of Gigi's. I will work out more, or clean more around the house, like a previous poster said.

    It's expected to have a break every now and then, but with my meds, I learned I have to be very careful about it. That's how I got so heavy the first time around!
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    it is so nice to read a posting that "humanizes" this weight loss battle. I have had a tough week, And I am sure I might just gain weight this week. I was beating myself up, actually thinking about making some drastic changes to get back on track. But then I read the posts about people going over their calorie limit. Some by more than 1000 calories! Wow... that is awesome.

    Hugs to all of you who are posting topics that are honest and related to enjoying life sometimes with too many calories but getting back on track the next day, or the next week.

    Most of us know this is not a "diet" we are on, this is a lifestyle and sometimes life is full of stress, cravings, special occasions, hormones, and nothing feels balanced.

    Thank you to all my MFP buddies, for being honest and letting me know I am doing just fine. I may have had a bad week, ate more than I should have but life goes on. I will still work hard to lose weight, but try to stop beating myself up.

    Ditto! Well said!!!
  • Amy967
    Amy967 Posts: 20
    the last few days...a nightmare...I went more than a 1000 calories over my limit, and I didn't even log all of the food that I ate..
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    I've had a couple, usually they're planned - I know I'm going to a friends house and will eat as best I can but still enjoy. Those times I try and eat a bit healthier before, but not skimp too much. The worst thing is to go in hungry to a place where you will be challenged. Other times it's spur of the moment, or a craving (like for the movie popcorn). I just accept that I'm not perfect and go from there. As long as it doesn't become a pattern or habit I'm ok. Keep up the good work!
  • missdelajay
    missdelajay Posts: 45 Member
    It's a lifestyle change not a diet. Sometimes, I'll go over on calories or sometimes, I'll have pizza and beer on a Friday night. I've done the crazy latest fad diets and I'm so over those! Granted it has taken me 2 years to lose 20 pounds by doing it the lifestyle way but I feel good about it
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Let me tell you about bad calorie days.

    It's 10:36AM where I sit. I'm already over my limit. Still have 14 hours left in the day LOL. Luckily, I also have a lengthy workout ahead, but my previous worst was 1990 calories before noon. I accomplished that level of calories by 3AM!

    But yeah, I've had the really bad days before - once had over 5400 calories on a day where I ended up burning enough for my limit to be 2900, so I was about +2500. You just pick it up from there and go to the next day. I still lost close to a pound that week.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    Don't stumble over something behind you. There is no finish line, no point at which you failed or won- just the ongoing adventure. One meal or snack or day or even week is not the end of the world, it's just another step on the adventure. I like the train example- I always thought of it as a hike, where if you tripped or stumbled or stopped to take a break, that doesn't mean you're going to go back to the beginning of the trail and start over- it means you regain your balance and keep moving!