Help! Weight fluctuating so much!

I know my scale at home isn't the best but its a digital and it cost around $25 so its not complete junk. I know that inches mean more than pounds but I'm getting frustrated. My weight keeps fluctuating back and forth. I log my weight every Saturday morning into MFP. Starting weight on 2/18/13 was 191 lbs. I dropped down 4 the first week then another I'm recorded on here at 184 now. we started a work competition and this week Monday and we all had to weigh in. This is a huge scale thats pretty accurate as its used for shipping. the scale at work said 192lbs. Yikes. Then at my annual doctors appt this past Thursday I weighed 183 lbs that was only 4 days after being 192 and this was a 1pm appt. my scale at home said 188 this morning. I'm so lost I don't what to record!!! And yes it is that time of the month for me and It started last Saturday. Now my husband is on MFP also and works at the same place I do, goes to the same doctor and had his appt two days before mine. The scale at home, work and doctor all match up with each other give or take a pound when he weighs himself!!! Wtf!! So it's just me I guess. I started the 30 day shred Monday also but I haven't gained weight due to muscle. I have noticed jeans are looser so that's the only thing making me feel better but I don't want to keep logging a wrong number in for weight. Please help


  • Your weight will go up and down through out the day. When you weigh yourself at home are you naked or are you wearing your work clothes? Clothes can add up to 5 lbs or more depending on what you are wearing.

    Keep up the good work and do not get flustered. Stay focused and weigh yourself once a week, around the same time of day. wearing the same type of item if anything.
  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    I'm doing a biggest loser competition at work, too. The digital scale there is 5 pounds above my digital scale, I know because the first time i weighed in i went home sick shortly thereafter and weighed at home with my clothes on. I would keep going with your at home scale. I mean, whether the number is exact or not, a pound lost is still a pound lost, you know? Close your eyes when you weigh in at work and just ask the person recording how much it says you lost. That's what I do!
  • gemkat13
    gemkat13 Posts: 60
    Thanks. Usually don't wear anything.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    and id suggest to choose 1 scale for your weight and use the numbers from that one. id be frustrated too.
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    seriously, throw the scale away... it's such a bad way to measure progress! the accurate way to measure progress is inches lost. your jeans are looser so that's a good thing!

    anything can throw the scale off which is a huge demotivator. you are doing something right (shrinking the fat) so never mind the scale.

    since i started my journey last year, i've only weighed myself twice. i only go by inches lost. i have lost a lot of inches but the scale didn't really move; maybe i'm 15 or 20lbs lighter but i went from a size 8/10 pants to a size 2. i'll take that over weight any day!
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    look at the other variables people have mentioned, plus a tip to get a more accurate reading on a digital scale is to make sure it's on a flat surface (a slight incline or decline will throw off the number) and on tile or something, not a carpet.
  • MissCryssi
    MissCryssi Posts: 2 Member
    So many things have an effect on your weight. Time of day, meals, clothing, lack of clothing, etc. You get it.

    I weight myself at the same time, on the same scale, with the same basic clothing on to get my weekly weight. But, I take note of how things fit and my measurements because that's a more accurate way of knowing what's going on with my body. Take into account those NSVs (non scale victories), because they matter too!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I looked at your diary and was shocked to see that you are mostly over on your sodium intake. One day your sodium was over by 1571, that's someone sodium for the whole day. My sodium is set at 1800 and I try my hardest to stay within that goal and not go over. I know it is hard, but the more sodium you eat the less the scales will move plus add in the time of the month.

    I love smoked salmon which is very high in sodium, if I decided to have that for breakfast, then for the rest of the day I minimize my sodium for lunch and dinner. Also note that prepackaged food is heavily packed with sodium. I am sure once you tackle the sodium the scales will move downwards.
  • gemkat13
    gemkat13 Posts: 60
    Thanks. And I do Love salt!! That's my biggest weekness. I don't mind not eating sugary stuff but I just cant seem to live without salt. I will need to start choosing lower sodium foods. Thanks again.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Mine has been going up and down and up and down. I was weighing in once a week. Overall, I was still losing weight, but the up and down viewing was annoying. Last week, I ate horribly and did not stick to my calories.. I just jumped off of the wagon.

    I'm trying to come back. Yesterday, I made the decision of only weighing in once a month. I'd rather see the overall number going down rather than the increases. I was totally fine with it at first... but going into 3 months.. was annoying.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I definitely had a similar experience. We have two scales at my gym which I use periodically. I would weigh myself just whenever I remembered. Between different amounts of clothes (just a sports bra and shorts once, one in full work out clothes, one in street/work clothes) I weighed almost five pounds different in close to half an hour. Different scales and different amounts of clothing change everything.

    During this, definitely focus on how you feel rather than the different weights.