Dealing with Persistent injuries...mentally

Hey guys, this board is amazing. You all are great and I am so grateful for this resource!

I am a lifelong runner who developed IT band issues at the start of 2013. Not being able to run and still eating like I was... Turns out that's the perfect way to gain a lot of weight fast. Who knew??

Anyway, I am tracking my calories and on the road to recovery and trying not to get discouraged. I really miss running though. Not just for weight management, but because it's my favorite pastime and helps me clear my head....but I try to keep perspective. If I don't give myself time to heal now, I may never run again. it's a small cost to pay to rest and fully recover vs rush and really hurt myself.

If anyone has or has dealt with a persistent injury, I would just love to know you're out there!

Also, anyone try acupuncture? I have my first appointment today.


  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    not dealt with up but I am in the same position currently and have not been able to run for 6 weeks so far and no light at the end of the tunnel!!
    Not even sure what the cause is since the uk NHS is not too good at dealing with sports injuries!

    I have tried other sports with less impact with minimal success. Static bike ok but very boring and IT band starts to go after a while. Swimming and deep water running not ok at all as the position of my legs makes the pain worse, (groin but also felt in IT band area)

    I am managing a short kettle bell workout every day being careful which exercises I do. I am doing swings to strengthen hips and the arm press etc are fine but I am avoiding squat type exercises.

    I would try and find something that works for you for now and use the logging to keep within calories compared to your current burn.
  • MLeigh18
    MLeigh18 Posts: 120 Member
    First off, with an IT Band injury, you should have a foam roller, and you should use it at least twice per day for approx 5-10 minutes.

    I've tried acupuncture once, I too have IT band issues, although I feel the pain in my hip socket and my in butt cheek than actually down the side of my leg. Honestly, the acupuncture didn't help my physical injuries, but it sure helped my mental injuries, aka stress.

    Granted I only went once and I've been told it may be something I need to continue to repeat every week or so in order to actually benefit from it, but I don't have the time or finances to do such things. Also, have you heard or Airoosti? ( It's a rehab clinic that focuses on preventative medicine, and physical healing as opposed to prescription pain relievers. I've heard many wonderful things about it. Most insurance companies will cover it, just check with your carrier. I have my first appointment set up in few weeks. You might consider trying it too.

    Oh and for the record, I'm 25 years old, I've lived day in and day out with this constant pain in my hip partially due to tight IT bands and tight hamstrings (causing injuries) since I was 13 years old. I also have SI Joint issues since a snowboarding accident in 2010, 98% of my days start with a prescription pain killer. So, I feel you.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I can relate to the frustration of not being able to run - In 2009, I fell over 2 weeks before a half-marathon and gave my kneecap a good bash...could hardly walk for a while, never mind run. And I got depressed and put on a load of weight.

    If you can afford it, I can highly recommend booking in with a sports physio for at least one session. I've had IT band issues, knee injuries and a recurring lower back injury all cured by the same one in the past couple of years. Sports massages can be good for loosening off problem areas as well...but don't be fooled by the word 'massage' - it's 30-60minutes of PAIN! You walk out feeling really floaty, though! :laugh:

    Also, is one of my favourite sites for getting injury prevention/cure tips.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Just got the new Running Times magazine last night and started reading a lengthy article on injuries in runners. So far, it's given some insight on the 'whys' and 'hows' of injury. Will try to read the rest of the article today. Maybe hit the local book store and see if they have the latest Running Times and give it a read.

    My persistent issue is with the shin and tendons in my left leg. Always the left leg. Irritating as all get out. I've found that using any sort of treadmill or elliptical machine brings it on super fast. Running outdoors is much safer for my leg. I wish I knew a way to heal it more quickly... alas time and rest seem to be the only remedy. And I hear ya' about the eating. . .ugh!
  • Thanks for your advice and support! I bought a foam roller and am living on that thing. Same issue too... Mainly feel the pain/strain in my butt. So I am focusing on foam rolling, core strength and hip strength.

    I will check out that resource. Thank you!!
  • Just got the new Running Times magazine last night and started reading a lengthy article on injuries in runners. So far, it's given some insight on the 'whys' and 'hows' of injury. Will try to read the rest of the article today. Maybe hit the local book store and see if they have the latest Running Times and give it a read.

    My persistent issue is with the shin and tendons in my left leg. Always the left leg. Irritating as all get out. I've found that using any sort of treadmill or elliptical machine brings it on super fast. Running outdoors is much safer for my leg. I wish I knew a way to heal it more quickly... alas time and rest seem to be the only remedy. And I hear ya' about the eating. . .ugh!

    I will check that out. Thank you! This is such an exercise in patience. Never my strong suit.
  • not dealt with up but I am in the same position currently and have not been able to run for 6 weeks so far and no light at the end of the tunnel!!
    Not even sure what the cause is since the uk NHS is not too good at dealing with sports injuries!

    I have tried other sports with less impact with minimal success. Static bike ok but very boring and IT band starts to go after a while. Swimming and deep water running not ok at all as the position of my legs makes the pain worse, (groin but also felt in IT band area)

    I am managing a short kettle bell workout every day being careful which exercises I do. I am doing swings to strengthen hips and the arm press etc are fine but I am avoiding squat type exercises.

    I would try and find something that works for you for now and use the logging to keep within calories compared to your current burn.

    Thanks for you story and insight! Biking still irritates my leg, but I have been OK going n long walks...yeah not the same...
  • Hi fats102,

    Sorry to hear about your injuries but I'm glad your on the road to recovery. I also have been plagued with injuries and a nerve issue that's preventing me from working out. It's definitely no easy not being able to do what you love but patience is always the key. Otherwise you'll rack your brain thinking about what you were able to do before (like me).

    As far as your fitness goals, MFP has been amazing to still reach them without the cals burns you were use to. I continue to loose just by sticking to my diary. You'll do great by sticking to your diary until you can start running again because you know your amazing. Best wishes
  • chunkadoo
    chunkadoo Posts: 41 Member
    I had (still managing it) severe patella tendonitis (constant pain + inflammation 24/7, couldn't walk or stand for every long) for about 1.5 years (and was very active before that). Saw about 15 doctors, did physical therapy, and honestly compared to getting weekly ultrasounds, acupuncture +cupping helped me with pain relief. Wasn't a cure, but it was good pain management. It was incredibly difficult/I ended up having to see a psychologist for the depression because I didn't know any other outlet, but things have gotten better.

    Keep your mind busy and set goals that are not related to your physical body and try to reach those in the meantime.

    Take time off--like you said it's a small price to pay for mobility.