just had my son, help please!



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    9 months up, 9 months down. Don't feel like you need to do this overnight.

    Eat your calories, allow for breast feeding, take care of your baby and yourself. Friend other new mums and build a support network for yourself. Take care.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Breastfeeding burns massive amounts of calories.

    NOT getting into the breast/bottle debate, the fact is: You can lose weight quickly and end up with "fried egg" boobs, or bottle feed, exercise on your own, and keep the girls looking nice.

    I breastfed my first baby for 2 years and my second for 2 and a half years, and didn't end up with "fried egg" boobs.

    the idea that breastfeeding generally leads to saggy boobs is a myth... it's also not always the case that breastfeeding leads to easier weight loss, a lot of breastfeeding mums find they get a lot more hungry while breastfeeding, and so don't lose the weight without calorie counting. Other mums the weight comes off easily while breastfeeding without calorie counting. Some mums, without calorie counting, don't lose weight while breastfeeding, but it comes off easily after they stop. Other breastfeeding mums struggle to lose weight during and after breastfeeding. It's very individual. On balance, if you are breastfeeding, you will have significantly more calories going out, so on average it will be easier to lose weight, especially if you count calories, as your baby's basically sucking a lot of carbs, fat, protein and calories out of your boobs every day, but it's not inevitable due to increased hunger to compensate and possibly hormonal issues that lead to more fat storage around the hips etc.

    When the topic of saggy boobs has come up on parenting forums I've been on in the past, more formula feeding mums said that they had saggy boobs than breastfeeding mums. (okay not scientific, but clearly there are a lot of breastfeeding mums out there who never got saggy boobs from it, and a lot of formula feeding mums who did get saggy boobs). Also, individual differences/genetics would play a role too, i.e. some women are going to get saggy boobs no matter how they feed their child, others will not, no matter how they feed their child. But I would hate to think that mothers are put off from breastfeeding for fear that it'll make her boobs saggy, when that's often not the case. A good quality, properly fitted nursing bra would go a long way to preventing sagging. Maybe the only difference between the mothers on the parenting forum is the breastfeeding mums wore nursing bras which offered more support as their boobs went back to their pre-pregnancy size?
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Breastfeeding burns massive amounts of calories.

    NOT getting into the breast/bottle debate, the fact is: You can lose weight quickly and end up with "fried egg" boobs, or bottle feed, exercise on your own, and keep the girls looking nice.

    Breastfed both my babies for 6 months and given the fact that I was 34 and 36 when I had my kids, my 'girls' are still pretty good for their age, haha!!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Breastfeeding burns massive amounts of calories.

    NOT getting into the breast/bottle debate, the fact is: You can lose weight quickly and end up with "fried egg" boobs, or bottle feed, exercise on your own, and keep the girls looking nice.

    I have breastfed 2 children for a total of 2 years, and am getting ready to breastfeed a third - no fried egg boobs here. Mine look just fine thanks...
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I agree with all the other posters, it's not that long since you had your baby so you need time to adjust to being a mammy and to give your body a chance to recover from all its been through. If you eat healthily and walk with the pushchair, most of the weight will come off all by itself.

    The most important thing tho is to enjoy this tiny little bundle of joy that has arrived in your life, because all too soon that innocent little creature that relies on you for everything will be shouting, stamping his feet and throwing tantrums and will be to big to give his mammy those delicious cuddles (mine is almost 6 and we're at THAT stage, lol!!)

    Congratulations btw x
  • Jessimaaka
    Jessimaaka Posts: 127 Member
    Make sure you add 500 calories a day for breastfeeding - especially if its exclusively and you want to maintain your supply. I gained 50lbs, and I'm down 56lbs 7 months out. I did not start exercising until about 4 months postpartum. Don't push yourself too hard too fast, or it will be counterproductive. Congrats and good luck mama!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Is he your first child? Congrats! I've got a son who's 4 in June and a daughter who'll be 2 in May, so I know how hard it is!

    I lost all my baby weight after my son, only to get pregnant again when he was 14 months old, and I put sooo much weight on with her.

    Anyway, I was back at the gym when my daughter was 7 weeks old, and that was 20 months ago, and i've lost 60lbs, but also toned up loads and built up some pretty good muscles! I'd like to lose another 10lbs.

    I mix fed both of mine as my son lost 30% of his birth weight so I couldn't exclusively breastfeed him, and then my daughter was feeding 24/7 and I had my son, then 22 months old, to look after, so I couldn't maintain that past 4 weeks when I no longer had my husband at home to help! Anyway, my boobs look fine considering the hours I spent breastfeeding and pumping!

    Definitely take advantage of just having the one child because you can go for lots of nice, long walks with a baby fast asleep! I really missed that once I had 2!

    Feel free to add me.
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    I have two boys one is 3 and one is 14 months still trying to lose but have come along way. Just watch what you eat and start slowly when you can. Are you working out already?

    Feel free to add me!
  • Yes! As a mom to six, if your breastfeeding make sure to take in enough calories to breast feed........Also, realize that after having a baby your body needs time to recover so workout and eat healthfully taking in enough calories. I have seen alot of websites that having exercising with baby which may be good for you if you don't have time set aside for a workout.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Breastfeeding melts the weight off, if you stick with it for awhile!
    I wouldn't stress too much this early on, as it takes a little while for things
    to shrink down. Eat healthy and eat enough and drink lots of water!
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    First off, congrats!!!

    Now, you just had a baby. You just GREW a human being in your body for the past 9-10 months! It is going to take a while for you body to readjust back to normal. Though there are a few woman that can look like a supermodel (naturally, and I have known a few) right after child birth, the other 99% of us women, it takes a while for our bodies to go back.

    ENJOY being a mom and enjoy that baby and do not stress about dieting or make it your main focus. Just eat well and when it warms up, start taking walks with your son. Results will follow. :)

    ETA: Oh and my son is almost 14 months old. :) When they start walking, believe me, you start to move around a lot. lol Mine has been walking since 9 months. x_x
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Breastfeeding burns massive amounts of calories.

    NOT getting into the breast/bottle debate, the fact is: You can lose weight quickly and end up with "fried egg" boobs, or bottle feed, exercise on your own, and keep the girls looking nice.

    Nonsense. I breast fed two babies and "the girls" ended up looking just fine. They were fine and perky by the time my tummy was flat again with number one, and BEFORE it was flat again after number 2. I gained too much weight with 2 and it took a while to get it back off.
  • witchieboo
    witchieboo Posts: 43 Member
    Have food around that you don't have to take long to prepare. Otherwise it is so easy to have something fattening. Get enough rest.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Breastfeeding burns massive amounts of calories.

    NOT getting into the breast/bottle debate, the fact is: You can lose weight quickly and end up with "fried egg" boobs, or bottle feed, exercise on your own, and keep the girls looking nice.

    Nonsense. I breast fed two babies and "the girls" ended up looking just fine. They were fine and perky by the time my tummy was flat again with number one, and BEFORE it was flat again after number 2. I gained too much weight with 2 and it took a while to get it back off.

    I should have mentioned that I wore a good nursing bra to give "the girls" support 24/7 except while bathing until I stopped nursing.
  • LCowles87
    LCowles87 Posts: 27 Member
    I just had my daughter 4 months ago! Feel free to add me.