Eat before or after workout??

Hi, I have been wondering when the best time to eat is?:embarassed: I usually workout once in the morning and then later on in the day.

Should I eat before or after my morning workout? Thanks:smile:


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    You should let personal preference dictate this decision.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Both? I can't workout on an empty stomach, and I'm usually hungry after I workout.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I usually eat after. I have no appetite before my early morning workout, and I keep it short. I don't get up early enough to have a meal, digest, then workout, then get ready for work. So, I workout, then get ready, then eat. If going for a long run on the weekend, I may have a small snack, like banana or apple with nut butter.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    I agree that you should see what works for you.
    My running coach says that if you are strenuously working for 60 minutes, you should have something very small before or during your work out, like 100 calories of simple carbs. Otherwise, you run out of glucose and you don't push yourself as hard as you could. If I do more than 30 minutes, I usually have a half a cup of juice before hand. But you don't need a lot.
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    At one time I had a personal trainer that told me to have something before working out. To make it light by have some protein. I opted for Quaker Chewy bars and did notice a difference in my stamina. If it was a morning workout afterward I would have my breakfast. Afternoon workouts had dinner following about 2 hours later.
  • I work out in the mornings M-F and I eat breakfast before going to the gym and have a protein shake or something within 30 minutes of finishing my workout. If I dont eat before a workout I tend to end it early because I get hungry.
    Just my two cents Damm now I am senseless
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Optimum eating time for morning workouts is 24 minutes and 38 seconds before or 31 minutes and 22 seconds after.

    Best time to eat for afternoon/evening workouts is 38 minutes and 11 seconds before or 17 minutes and 35 seconds after.

    It's science.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    I don't eat before working out, because I work out very early in the morning. On cardio days doing a lot of plyo and light weights it would make me sick.
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks evryone for your advice..Its helps..I will eat a little protein before. made me :laugh: funny:smile:
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I workout after I get off work and there is a long time in between lunch and getting home for dinner. I have an afternoon snack before my workout and a protein shake after.
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Optimum eating time for morning workouts is 24 minutes and 38 seconds before or 31 minutes and 22 seconds after.

    Best time to eat for afternoon/evening workouts is 38 minutes and 11 seconds before or 17 minutes and 35 seconds after.

    It's science.

  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    If I am hungry, I usually eat something 100 calories (banana, cheese stick) beforehand, and then eat after.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Optimum eating time for morning workouts is 24 minutes and 38 seconds before or 31 minutes and 22 seconds after.

    Best time to eat for afternoon/evening workouts is 38 minutes and 11 seconds before or 17 minutes and 35 seconds after.

    It's science.

    Lol! You forgot the "Yo"! As in, "it' science Yo!"

    OP, let preference and performance determine when you eat.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You should let personal preference dictate this decision.


    Whatever helps to make your workouts more effective.
  • kpstacy
    kpstacy Posts: 41 Member
    If your morning workout isn't suffering on an empty stomach and you don't feel too bad after, then you should be okay. The best thing to do is test it out for yourself. I try to eat something like a banana or an apple or a peanut butter fold over about 20 to 30 minutes before a morning workout. It is said that within 45 mins. of working out you should have some good carbs and protein for recovery. Personally, I think eating within 45 mins. is probably more important, but listen to YOUR body and then you can decide if you need to eat before. Everyone is different.
  • escapeartist90210
    escapeartist90210 Posts: 56 Member
    After workouts because if you've lifted your muscles are more accepting to glucose or "carbs", With cardio, it's pretty much the same thing. So I'd say after but again it's up to you,
  • You should let personal preference dictate this decision.

    ^That. Personally, i HAVE to eat before the gym or i have blood sugar issues and I will pass out. Nothing big, maybe just oatmeal or banana with almond butter... and then i eat again afterwards in some form or fashion.

    Different strokes for different folks!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Big breakfast 1 hr before, protein shake 20 minutes after weights. Decent meal 2 hrs after (I am ravenous at this pt, only after weight training though). I eat less when I'm not active in the evenings.

    IF jogging, meal an hour and a half before, light snack after.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    i used to eat after my morning workout but i started getting terrible stitch a little while ago so i now will try and eat something small and give myself a good hour -2 before i do my workout, i am up very early most days so can make the time to eat beforehand i do find then that i am starving after it so i will have another 'breakfast' once showered and dressed

    find what works for you i personally don't think there is a set rule, i would still wait to eat after my workout if i wasn't getting sticth like i was doing it on an empty stomach not sure why that started happening as was doing it on an empty stomach for a long time wiht no problems
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Especially in the morning, I think it's important to eat at least a little bit of food. 100 calories of carbs (not protein) will give you some extra energy for your workout. I say carbs because they are easier to break down, and will give you more immediate energy. Then eat a larger meal with plenty of protein after to fuel your recovery!