Does anybody know how much a cast weighs?

I had a bike accident and was up 12 lbs. with the cast and major swelling around the road rash. That has come down by 6 lbs. as of today, and I only have minor swelling around the road rash I was *hoping* about 5 lbs. of that extra weight is from the cast? It is from big toe joint to just below my knee (14.5" high). My husband thought he had kept an old one of his in the basement that I was going to weigh, but evidently we threw it away. Thanks!


  • 1Tammy2luv
    How much a cast weighs depends on who's wrapping it and what materials they use. Just be patient until yours is off and when you hop back on the scale afterwards, you will know how much that cast weighed. Honestly, your health is more important than your weight right now anyway. Exercise will likely do nasty things to the inside of that cast. No experience there,but just told by friends. But they did continue with modified exercise as their doctor permitted.:wink:
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    Just incase anyone else is interested later: short leg casts for adults are ~3 lbs if fiberglass and ~6 lbs. if plaster. Of course depending on the size of the person, etc.

    Seems about right, now that all of the swelling has gone down I am only 1.5 lbs. up from my lowest weigh in. Whew!