To cheat or not to cheat?

I have heard tons of debat and I wanna get your guy's opinions.

Some people think its perfectly ok to have a cheat meal or even a cheat day once a week or once a month ect and you will still be able to lose weight. While other people feel that in order to lose weight you have to eat clean 100% of the time. That you can only have some cheats when you are looking to maintain.

What do you guys think of this? Which side are you on and why?

**Note I am not saying I agree with any of these, or if I agree with one of these over the other. So please no personal attacks because I am keeping my personal opinion to myself. I just want to hear what you all have to say on this. :) Have a great day!


  • iBreatheMusic88
    I have a cheat day... I dont go to the gym and I eat what I want (In moderation) on Sundays, Everyone Ive seen lose weight allowed themselves one cheat day... THE TRICK IS to make sure that you get back on track and dont eat a whales weight in food. What I do is I eat very light for my breakfast... enough as to where I wont feel hungry, then after that for like dinner I eat what I craved for the whole week. If your working out everyday and eating right everyday, you deserve one day so you wont go insane. Therefore you wont feel like this is a chore rather than a life style change. (Even my Dr recommended this to me He lost a ton of weight as well) Good luck!:wink:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I don't cheat because I have selected a food and exercise plan that is enjoyable and sustainable. I don't need to cheat, which would only be cheating me anyway.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    I do not eat 100% clean, but I do not consider anything I do cheating. If it is part of my eating plan to incorporate foods I enjoy, how is that cheating?
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    I believe you need to have a cheat day now and again to give your metabolism a boost,
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I think it's sort of personal, and you have to do whatever is most sustainable for you.

    I used to follow the philosophy of "you don't need a cheat day, just eat whatever you want in moderation if it fits in your calories and you'll be fine!" but after a few months of this I learned that almost ANY time I allowed myself a little treat - one cookie, one cupcake - even if it fit into my calories, it would send me off on a terrible sugar binge and my calories would skyrocket. I find if I don't have any sweets, it's easier for me not to think about them.

    I'm going to try not eating any sweets for the next two weeks, and then giving myself a free day to eat whatever I want, and then get back to excluding sugar the next day. I envy the people who can control themselves well enough to eat only one cookie, but I'm just not there yet. But, I don't want to NEVER eat sweets again, so I'm going to try the cheat day plan, and see how it goes. :)
  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    Good point! I think people refer to cheating as eating more then the serving size or eating processed foods or eating food that is just down right unhealthy. I think thats what people refer to as cheating.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I have a couple a week. I'm a university student so they are always giving out free pizza once or twice a week. I just can't resist plus its a free meal and that is one to two meals a week I don't have to buy and cook for. I'm still losing pounds and inches. It's about making the right eating and exercise choices 80% of the time and letting loose and eating delicous junk food and drinks 20% of the time.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    I don't call it's living. I am realistic I can't eat "clean" 100% of the time. I do things and I enjoy myself. I exercise, eat fresh good quality food most of the time, and allow myself a glass of wine and treats and I think I have a good balance. It's all about a healthy lifestyle.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Those aren't the only two options. If you eat at a small enough deficit and exercise to burn more calories, you can include just about anything within your daily goals. I do that, and never need a "cheat" day or meal.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    First of all, I hate that term - cheat meal, cheat day. That implies you are doing something wrong.

    This is my current eating plan. I'm back to cutting / eating at deficit after 4 months at TDEE / slight surplus and training for strength.

    Now that I'm back to eating deficit, I eat at deficit (1700/1800) calories 6 days and eat at TDEE or slightly above (2202-2400) one day. For me, that is usually Saturday. By having that 1 higher day during the week it keeps my body, mind and spirit fed and recharged. I keep my Leptin happy :) and ME happy. I'm then ready for another week of deficit. I try to keep it REAL. Real food. Good nutrition. Always keeping in mind that it's LIFE. Dark chocolate is a definite macro for me. As is bacon.

    Having a "refeed" day is actually very good, for a variety of reasons. I will pop back in a few minutes and leave you a link to an article to read.

    And YES .. I'm losing. on average 1 pound per week which is right where I want to be. Losing fat, preserving my hard-earned and vital muscle.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    It's not cheating if its planned.

    I have one day a week (Friday) where I just eat whatever I want. It's not cheating. It's how I choose to eat. I had 1200 calories worth of pancakes with chocolate chips and peanut butter on Friday morning without regret because that's how I planned it.
  • pinkful
    pinkful Posts: 7
    I believe every individual must decide what works for them because the ultimate goal is to lose weight. Some will choose to treat themselves with a special meal once in a while and others will know they have to stick to the eating plan they have chosen. It is up to each one of us to do what works.:smile:
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I don't plan "cheat days" but let my body decide when I need more calories or a different percent of macros. It works for me.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Good point! I think people refer to cheating as eating more then the serving size or eating processed foods or eating food that is just down right unhealthy. I think thats what people refer to as cheating.

    My problem is that when you start calling things "cheating," you are assigning ethical values to your food. I regularly eat one and a half or two servings of something. So? I regularly eat processed food. So? Why start calling these things cheating and feeling guilt about enjoying food that you like if your overall diet is healthy?

    I even have one day every two weeks or so where I eat at my TDEE. Still part of my plan, so why should I start calling it cheating?
  • jennagoogles13
    I feel like I can only deprive myself for so long. I usually allow myself ONE ITEM to cheat on every two weeks, but ONLY if I've lost at least 3 pounds. Other than this, I don't give in to anything because I know that if I'm good about what I eat, then I can cheat without feeling any guilt whatsoever:) I think its okay to cheat once a week, but if you do, don't dedicate the whole day to eating whatever you want, but choosing one thing instead.
  • xTJSx
    xTJSx Posts: 106
    I don't see the point in cheating .. no point in doing it otherwise!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Hi, Amanda.

    In my view, it depends.

    When I was morbidly obese and only dieting for a short period of time, cheat days made little sense. After becoming more lean and dieting for a long time, they became necessary, for resetting various hormones.

    On cheat days, I eat whatever I want and however much I want. Yesterday, for instance, I ate nearly 6,000 calories, including 600 grams of carbohydrates. I spent most of my so-called journey following a very low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet.

    Body recomposition is a dynamic process, so the strategies used need to be dynamic as well.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't like the word "cheat". I have planned spike days. It isn't cheating.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I don't have restrictions so I generally don't feel the need to "cheat". There's plenty of room in my goals to have what I want any day of the week. But there are times when it's a special occasion or whatever and I don't feel like eating in moderation. I'd like to have steak AND wine AND dessert, etc. It's not a big deal. One day of "cheating" won't ruin my progress anymore than one day of eat a deficit would help an overeater get in shape.
  • sjeannot
    sjeannot Posts: 143
    My nutritionist told me that I should have one every once in a while because it is not such a bad thing to do. As long as we know the characteristics of what our goals actually are, we know exactly what we have to do. One day should not hurt.