Are fruits killing my diet?



  • kistockman
    kistockman Posts: 80 Member
    I agree that it's not the natural sugars in fruit that's stalling you but the white refined sugar in some of your snacks. I wholeheartedly agree with ditching all those prepackaged foods and enjoying your fruit with some good fats, nuts and greek yogurt are great additions. I have also noticed time and time again that even a small amount of any non dairy creamer in my coffee brings my weight loss to a screeching halt. I have begun using 2% foamed milk, a 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract and splenda to taste in my coffee and I still maintain loss with that (and it feels like a delicious treat!).

    Thank you for the tip
  • kistockman
    kistockman Posts: 80 Member
    I looked over again, and're not eating that much fruit...why would you think of all things it's the fruit that's kiling your diet?

    You eat a lot of "diet foods" WW foods, reduced fat, no sugar, all this stuff seems like it would be better, but it's not, it's better to have the whole version of things and just a smaller portion because then you get the full range of nutrients, healthy fats, etc. They have to add something to take something out, and it's not good stuff they add.

    Also you eat a lot of ready made foods like asian spring rolls and noodles and stuff like that, and also like "fast" foods like skyline chili and panera, that stuff isn't good. You should be making these foods not getting the easy unhealthy version, It's not all about calories, you will lose weight to a point just based on calories, but it will stop eventually, and you won't be healthy. of course once in a while eating fast food or ready made foods is fine, just not as much as it seems you do. And if you're the kind of person that needs a sweet every day (like me) make something like cupcakes or something where you can control what goes in, the portion, etc. and eat one a day, or have a little bit of dark chocolate, or something like this. Just because you can have 3 WW cakes for the same calories as 1 regular cake doesn't mean it'll be better for you.

    I noticed almost every day you're over on something which means you're also under on something, it's all about balance, except since you haven't changed your goals on here, I would sugest way more protein, the protein limits on here should be you minimum, you should go over that every day.

    if you want the dried fruits like rasins and crasins buy the natural versions with no sugar added.

    Thanks again for the specifics. I do think lots of this is a result of following Weight Watcher points for so long so seeing (like you) the residual "diet foods" in my diet.

    The lower fat and elimination of white sugar was necessary for my husband's diet. He had to eliminate all white sugars, flours, and fats was for his cholesterol. As a result of our diet, he was able to avoid taking meds....we are able to manage without them. this was the ultimate goal.

    I agree though about eliminating more of the prepacked foods from the home.
  • escapeartist90210
    escapeartist90210 Posts: 56 Member
    That's not much fruit, you're fine! Enjoy your fruit as long you watch calories than fruit is probably the best way to get carbs. Well second best to vegetables
    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    Bananas are incredibly high in sugar. The plan I follow counts portions and when I eat a small banana I count it as two portions of fruit. Other fruits like pineapple, cherries, and pears are also higher in sugar than fruits such as strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, and kiwi fruit. Google a list for low GI or low glycemic index fruits. This will give you a great list to go by when you're feeling that you've been having too many high-sugar fruits.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    this reminds me of that silly commercial about high fructose corn syrup - "sugar is sugar, your body can't tell the difference"

    well, your body can DEFINITELY tell the difference between a piece of wonderful, natural fruit versus white refined sugar or HFCS.
    Ugh. don't listen to those freaks telling you not to eat fruit because of the sugar. Fruits have tons of nutrients that you NEED. Eat your fruit, enjoy it, don't binge on it, you're fine.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Try to just limit them.. Eat more veggies?? I dont think fruits are "bad", but i have heard that they are for weight loss(but i dont care! ha) The better fruits to eat would be the berries... So eat blueberries and strawberries and blackberries and alllll that, just limit bananas and everything else if your worried about sugars :)
  • round10
    round10 Posts: 16 Member
    anyone that says fruit is making you fat is an idiot.
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you for posting this!

    I was feeling blue because I run out of my MFP sugar allowance every day just eating normal-is healthy foods...and I found myself beginning to avoid fruit. But I LOVE fruit.

    I didn't realize you could make MFP track something else instead of sugar! Hello, fiber tracker :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    they have lots of sugar if you dont' want that limit them. the end.
  • sue31didit
    No one got fat from eating too much fruit, just watch the grapes and the pineapples, that's the only ones that upset my weight loss, so I tend to limit those too, apart from that it won't be the fruit. x
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I eat lots of high sugar fruits and it never affected my weight loss, I just always ensured I was under my calorie goal. I LOVE fruits and I am not going to give them up unless I find that I have diabetes or some other condition that requires me to lower my sugar intake. So I say don't give them up. Their pros (nutrients, antioxidants, etc.) outweigh their cons.
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    make sure you are within your calorie limit. Fruits do have calories, to track them, yes, every berry. As long as you stay at your goal calorie number, you should lose the weight. Good luck!

    PS--I eat a ton of fruit as far I've been fine--but I've only been doing this for about 3 weeks.