looking for friends that actively post

I am a 31 year old woman that has lost and gained the same 50 pounds over and over. I know what to do but I need support and accountability. I love mfp it has been a wonderful tool in my weight loss journey. For the last two weeks I have really focused on accurate food tracking and exercise but much to my disappointment the scale isn't moving. I know it takes time and I have felt a lot better and had a lot more energy these last two weeks so instead of falling off the wagon I decided to come to the community for support. I updated all my profile info and I am looking to add friends that post positive and helpful information often.


  • karonbrinkley
    Same here always when stressed ,I will gain it back. My son is a doctor and he told me to start counting calories,and it may come off slow,but I won't realize it being as a diet.My weight, he told me 1400 to 1500 a day. I am comfortable with 1200 during the week. I am trying to make better food choices,and am learning very fast .I for myself on the weekends if I go over ,decided to keep it no more than 1400 calories a day. Not mch on exercising due to bad knees. I have started walking if it is not but 15 min. a few times a week.
  • chipsaremykryptonite
    Hi there! I'm new to mfp and I also have been losing and gaining the same 60lbs over the last 5 years and I'm pretty tired of it. Then I was introduced to this and I'm loving it! But I do feel like I need to have friends on here to motivate me too. I'm definitely one of those people who posts ALL the time. I almost need to become obsessed with something to make it stick so MFP is my new obsession. Would love for you ladies to add me!
  • as1789
    as1789 Posts: 46
    I'm in the same boat. I'm sending a friend request your way.
  • hellokittyykat
    hellokittyykat Posts: 66 Member
    I'm on daily with an open diary.

    I'll send you a request! :heart:
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    You can add me if you would like. I am here everyday. I can motivation.
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm on daily with an open diary.

    Feel free to add