no sugar diet



  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Hello! :) I started the no sugar detox about a month and a half ago and lost 18 pounds off of it, with very little exercising! I lost a lot in my stomach, so I think sugar is definitely the reason I hold fat in my stomach. At first I was so strict and wouldn't eat any sugar at all, except from certain fruits (which my doctor said was ok to eat) But then I changed it from having no sugar except from certain fruits, to now I try to keep it under 15 grams a day. I have 4 kids so it's almost impossible for me avoid sugar completely. I'd have to cook everything from scratch to do so and I don't have time for that! I use to put ketchup on everything I ate (I mean I used a LOT everyday!) and I would use flavored coffee creamer once or twice a day and would pour it in. So when I stopped using those things, I think it is what helped me lose weight at first! Now I use sugar free creamer with Slenda cause I just can't do the whole black coffee thing, and I allow myself ketchup at least once or twice a week and then I measure how much a use (no more then 2 tbsp) My question is, is it absolutely necessary to cut out all fruits and vegetables when doing the no sugar diet? Cause they have natural sugars, and isn't that ok sugar? I eat lots of fruit a day (apples, Kiwi, peaches, oranges, and plums) and I still lost 18 pounds. So I was just wondering..... :) Since last Jan. I have lost a total of 29 pounds, but I lost at first by just jogging every day, now I am losing weight from the no sugar detox and I'm now walking/jogging everyday again! I want to lose 50 more pounds! :)

    You sound like you're on the right track. It takes some time and tweaking to get the sugar free thing right for you personally. I've switched to tea, because I couldn't do coffee black. Yerba Mate tea is really good. I use a few drops of Stevia to sweeten it, because the FDA lists Splenda as a chronic toxin. I've also started using pizza sauce to replace Ketchup (some are sugar free.) I find I can eat 60 + grams of fruit/veggie sugars a day without causing false hunger pangs. That's what I'm trying to avoid. Table sugar throws me way out of whack with knowing when my body is truly hungry. Good luck to you!
  • jgbkab
    jgbkab Posts: 24
    I actually did a Google search and found this post. The responses are interesting because I've been trying to find out more about other's experiences.

    I never even thought of cutting sugar from my diet before. I would spend 2hours in the gym everyday for 6 months and lost a lot of weight but couldn't get cut. I also used caloric deficit for 2 months with the same results. Now I've cut 97% of sugar from my diet for 3 weeks with minimal exercise and have lost a considerable amount of fat. My abs are more defined and the veins in my arms/legs are showing for the first time in decades. I think there may be some validity to the damage that sugar may cause to the human body.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    Hello! :) I started the no sugar detox about a month and a half ago and lost 18 pounds off of it, with very little exercising! I lost a lot in my stomach, so I think sugar is definitely the reason I hold fat in my stomach. At first I was so strict and wouldn't eat any sugar at all, except from certain fruits (which my doctor said was ok to eat) But then I changed it from having no sugar except from certain fruits, to now I try to keep it under 15 grams a day. I have 4 kids so it's almost impossible for me avoid sugar completely. I'd have to cook everything from scratch to do so and I don't have time for that! I use to put ketchup on everything I ate (I mean I used a LOT everyday!) and I would use flavored coffee creamer once or twice a day and would pour it in. So when I stopped using those things, I think it is what helped me lose weight at first! Now I use sugar free creamer with Slenda cause I just can't do the whole black coffee thing, and I allow myself ketchup at least once or twice a week and then I measure how much a use (no more then 2 tbsp) My question is, is it absolutely necessary to cut out all fruits and vegetables when doing the no sugar diet? Cause they have natural sugars, and isn't that ok sugar? I eat lots of fruit a day (apples, Kiwi, peaches, oranges, and plums) and I still lost 18 pounds. So I was just wondering..... :) Since last Jan. I have lost a total of 29 pounds, but I lost at first by just jogging every day, now I am losing weight from the no sugar detox and I'm now walking/jogging everyday again! I want to lose 50 more pounds! :)
    I did it and lost 18 lbs in 5 weeks.
    I think there may be some validity to the damage that sugar may cause to the human body.

    I think so too based on my experience.

    I don't want to read about "studies" that all these people who have never tried it "copy and paste" from the Internet. I want to hear real experiences.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    To me, the secret of a diet is NOT a diet, but a lifestyle change. You can't make a lifestyle change making temporary changes.
    If you are diabetic, of course you have to control your sugars.. If not, you can use them to your own advantadge.

    You DON'T NEED to do a NO SUGAR diet if you want to lose weight. you can have everything in moderation and you will be fine.

    AVOID as much as possible that cornershop prepackaged crap. THAT IS NOT VERY GOOD!. I am not saying supress, just minimize..

    To sustain your weight you need to have a sustainable lifestyle. To do so, understand what you are eating and make the appropriate choices keeping balance. You will succeed that way from there on.

    And have a little of everyrhing! indulge yourself once in a while with something you really like not so healthy.

  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    I gave up processed sugar in 1979 and haven't looked back. I was tired of "yo-yo" dieting, and although I was fine, there is a diabetes in my family. I consider myself a Sugarholic!
    I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, so there are plenty of natural sugars in my diet. I also try not to use too many artificial sweeteners, although my Diet Coke once a day is a treat.
    Read a copy of "Sugar Blues" if you can find's inspiring!
  • jgbkab
    jgbkab Posts: 24
    And have a little of everyrhing! indulge yourself once in a while with something you really like not so healthy.


    I never gave up sugar completely. I was taking in 500+ grams a day. I've had cancer, renal failure and other health problems before the age of 30. I was never morbidly obese but I've had a gut since I was 25. I indulge in a juicy steak or a fast food burger quite often but they don't seem to affect my gains. Sugars do.
  • Wanting2BSkinny