What is happening?! Feeling dishearted.

OK, so I know I do not have a ton of weight to lose. I have just always been on the chunky side, and have finally decided to quit yoyo dieting and get this under control. I want to look and feel fabulous, and be in the best shape of my life.

3 weeks ago I started a bootcamp. With a mammoth effort I have been getting up at 5 am (I work shift work so am often coming in late at night) and going 5 x a week. I've also cleaned up my diet - still plenty of work to be done to refine it, but overall have cut out out the mad snacking and upped the fruit and veggie intake.

I have noticed that I am definitely fitter and there is a noticeable decrease in my gut. However I am not losing any weight!! Initially I dropped about 1.5 kg, but it keeps creeping back up!! This is surprising as I usually find when I go to lose weight, the first 3 ish kg comes off without too much fuss.

Is this muscle gain? Is this because my muscles and retaining water to heal from my workouts? Hormonal bloating?

Whatever it is, it's incredibly hard to work so hard and to see that number sliding back up day by day.

I would love to hear if anyone has any diet suggestions, or workout recommendations to improve this situation.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Is this because my muscles and retaining water to heal from my workouts?
    Most likely, yes. It's not muscle - three weeks isn't enough time to build muscle, and you generally need to eat a LOT to build muscle from what I understand.

    You said there's a noticeable decrease in your gut - that's awesome! Grab a tape measure and start recording your measurements. Often you will see results there that don't show up on the scale. While you're at it, take some pics for comparison as you progress.

    Sounds like you're on the right track, it just takes patience. Changing eating habits is a process, as is making exercise part of your life, but you're doing great so far! Hang in there!
  • laregime
    laregime Posts: 9
    Thanks! I'm sure I'll feel better about all this in the morning - I just have to be patient!
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    Is this because my muscles and retaining water to heal from my workouts?
    Most likely, yes. It's not muscle - three weeks isn't enough time to build muscle, and you generally need to eat a LOT to build muscle from what I understand.

    You said there's a noticeable decrease in your gut - that's awesome! Grab a tape measure and start recording your measurements. Often you will see results there that don't show up on the scale. While you're at it, take some pics for comparison as you progress.

    Sounds like you're on the right track, it just takes patience. Changing eating habits is a process, as is making exercise part of your life, but you're doing great so far! Hang in there!

    YES - water retention is normal during the initial stages of weight loss. do not focus on the scale but focus on the inches lost. i swear, the scale is an evil thing that many people are chained to because it's been driven into our brains that we should always go by weight to measure progress when in fact, this is not accurate! anything can throw off the scale - where you are in your cycle, what you ate that day, water retention etc.... the most accurate way is to go inches lost and how your clothes fit (also % body fat).

    so focus on the fact that your midsection is shrinking, not the scale. you are doing things right and that's amazing.

    ps - i also get up at 445am to workout every morning and it totally sucks *kitten* but i love it! it also gives me amazing energy for the whole day and sets the tone for my day. good luck with your journey!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Between those 2 pictures.....I have not lost a single pound. The scale is evil

    Photo 009 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    11614737_104 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr
  • albopballer
    albopballer Posts: 9 Member
    Dear Laregime,

    I am in the same boat as you! I started POWER 90 exactly 3 weeks ago. Today is day 21 for me (my rest day). When I first started program along with diet, I went from 206.8 lbs down to 203.4 in 1 week, which I don't think was a healthy way as your supposed to stay in the 1-2 lbs realm. However, I have been sticking to it day to day, 10-12 cups of water a day, trying to eat between 4-6 meals a day and sticking to my calorie max etc...

    Week 2, i noticed I climbed back up a pound, and this morning I am now at 206.2....very very disappointing, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. My wife says that she has already noticed changes in my face and torso..but the scale doesn't lie...very lost like you...
  • AliciaC81
    AliciaC81 Posts: 72 Member
    My wife says that she has already noticed changes in my face and torso..but the scale doesn't lie...very lost like you...

    The scale absolutely lies! Weight fluctuates a few lbs a day, and fluctuates to different numbers different days during a week. Add in the fact that you've been exercising and that will cause water retention, which can pack on quite a few lbs.

    Look at what you're eating. To have gained almost 3 lbs you would have had to eat an extra 10500, if you have your calorie needs correct and you haven't been eating an extra 10500 over the last few weeks..then it's not a real gain. It'll go away just focus on measurements and not weight.
  • Sunflowergirl1
    Sunflowergirl1 Posts: 33 Member
    Actually, the scale does lie...well, at least it doesn't tell you enough information to qualify as the truth. Look around the forums. There are tons of testimonials and photos of people where the scale has stayed close to the same, but the improvements in their bodies are stunning.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    It could be sodium induced water weight. Many people (especially women) are sensitive to sodium and it causes them to retain water. I took a quick glance at your diary (thanks for having an open diary...much easier to troubleshoot). While on paper (OK...on the computer monitor) your sodium count looks OK, several entries I saw were incorrectly listed as having zero mg of sodium. Crispy Bacon and Cheese Burger is loaded with sodium, I can assure you! Chicken pesto and pasta, also listed as sodium free, would have sodium as well. Pesto is made with cheese.

    You have many, many items in your food diary that are low or no salt, so your overall sodium count could still be just fine. But I think a couple of weeks of double checking on sodium levels of everything you eat (and not using the quick calories tool) will shed some light as to whether sodium is a culprit in your scale increase.

    I have NO IDEA why MFP set the sodium limit at 2500 mg...I'm aware of no reputable health authority that sets it that high. In the states, the American Heart Association now recommends that everyone limit their sodium to 1500 mg/day. I retain 2-3 pounds of water weight overnight anytime my sodium goes over 2000 mg a day.

    Best Wishes!
  • laregime
    laregime Posts: 9
    Phew. Thanks for the support guys! It's a real relief to know I can stop listening to that effing device!