Herbalife - Is it safe?

paperboyfabe Posts: 19 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Hey.. I'm pretty new here and didnt even realize this site had a forum. My question is pretty much this... I have been using Herbalife meal replacement shakes as my breakfast and Lunch for the past week and I realize that my calorie intake for the day is always too low and under the calorie daily goal. As much as I eat about 6 times a day, I still end up with at most 1100 calories (including excercising) but 400 or 500 under calorie goal. So I was wondering if this product is safe being that I am not hungry or starving. Also I have alot of energy when Im in the gym working out and running. And I also under eat on fats and Carbs.. But I always over eat on Protein.

Any Suggestions?


  • Yes it is. I wish I could be more detailed but I don't use the products myself. My boyfriend is a faithful user of Herbalife products and did his research before starting. He is an ex-body builder so he's tried almost all other supplement programs out there. I can copy this message over to him and see if he has any other advice for you. :)
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    Hi! Years ago I took pills from them, they were great..WIsh I could remember the name of the pills again...
    They are safe...As far as protein you CANT really go over on that. That is what my dietitian said to me. If you eat too much protein then you have a hard time going poo.Add me if you like. I have alot of good information in my blogs that may help..
  • paperboyfabe
    paperboyfabe Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! Years ago I took pills from them, they were great..WIsh I could remember the name of the pills again...
    They are safe...As far as protein you CANT really go over on that. That is what my dietitian said to me. If you eat too much protein then you have a hard time going poo.Add me if you like. I have alot of good information in my blogs that may help..

    Wow thats crazy you said that becuz I just realize I dont poo as often as i'd like. I actually just bought some fiber pills to offset that. I'll add you now. Thanks
  • paperboyfabe
    paperboyfabe Posts: 19 Member
    Yes it is. I wish I could be more detailed but I don't use the products myself. My boyfriend is a faithful user of Herbalife products and did his research before starting. He is an ex-body builder so he's tried almost all other supplement programs out there. I can copy this message over to him and see if he has any other advice for you. :)

    If you can.. that would be great! I actually love the product my self. I always had a bad eating habit and so far i have not craved a single candy bar and I lost bout 10 pounds in rufly under 2 weeks
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    Congrats on the weight loss. Remember to drink at least 64 oz of water a day....:bigsmile:
    If you eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit a day that will help so you can poo ..I eat 4 servings each everyday and poo every other day.
  • No problem! I'll ask him tomorrow! BTW.. herbalife has an awesome cleansing program. It is one of their products that I have tried and LOVE. It's a 21 day system. You take 2 pills in the a.m. and 2 in the p.m x3 wks. Helps get everything moving with out the sharp pains. Doesn't make you dehydrated.

    Side note* (sorry if it's TMI) but.... It somehow helped cure these hives I was getting everyday. They say pinworms of the intestines can cause hives. I wasn't tested to see if that's what I had or not, but as soon as I did the cleanse system.... CURED!
  • boobear00
    boobear00 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm also doing herbalife and love it! I had the same problem as you when I started. Never hungry just ate my three meals a day and WAY under calories. What I had to start doing was tweeking my diet. Eat your snacks! Calories are you friends, just make sure they are coming from the right types of foods and you'll be fine. Secondly, the protein on MFP is WAY TOO LOW!! It has me at 50 grams per day. From everything I've read on herbalife and from my doctor I need a minimum of 100 grams per day. It basically figures out to be .7-1 gram of protein per pound you weigh. I second the suggestion of the 21 day cleanse. I did it and was very pleased with the results. It is very natural, very easy on your system and allows you to have a normal life without having to stay in your house all day.

    Feel free to friend me if you like or send me a message with any questions I'd be glad to help. Good luck!
  • Okaaay.... here's a long-winded response from my BF:

    It depends how you consume the shakes. If you're taking the (Formula 1 shakes) that's a true meal replacement. However, if you need more protein in your diet, you can (High Protein Low Carb / HPLC) which adds much needed protein to your diet. It's totally ok to snack sensibly with nuts or low carb snacks, (watch the sugar). If you're having 2 shakes a day, then you should be eating at least 1 or 2 small meals with that, in addition to your shakes. If you're trying to gain weight or need the extra calories, it's perfectly fine to add another shake if you'd like. If you're consuming your meals that frequently, remember your metabolism is naturally going to be speeding up as your body is not using that energy and converting into energy. Protein for men is generally (1 gram per pound of body weight) as long as you're doing moderate weight training and cardio with that. If you're doing intense weight training, for men you can safely add 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body of weight. For woman, generally it's about the same as far as the protein / weight ratio is concerned, but generally, most women don't require as much protein to maintain or gain muscle mass. For most women, it's generally about .5 grams per pound of body weight. There are always exceptions to the rule depending on the intensity and frequency. Protein is what your body needs to feed your muscle development. The more muscle fibers and lean muscle mass you have on your body, your body will naturally have a higher metabolic rate to sustain that. It takes more energy to feed you muscles then stored fat in your body.

    As far as the Herbalife products, it's cutting edge science that allows for the highest absorption rate into your cells, as these products are manufactured at the pharmaceutical level and not at the food grade level. The food grade level generally means how many rat hairs is allowed before public distribution. Sounds gross, but totally true! So pharmaceutical level is big deal when you're talking about sterility and quality of nutrition. Basically what that means is that since they are made in such a sterile and high caliber condition, they are absorbed into your body at the highest level. Herbalife products all together are the only ones in the entire Health & Wellness Industry that can boast that their products truly work on the cellular level. That's what it's all about-absorption into your cells. Otherwise your body is just funneling the nutrition right out and that doesn't help you at all. Your body needs 40 vitamins & minerals each day- 3 times a day. Remember, one a day concept is great since something is better than nothing, but if you truly want to keep your body running on optimum levels, consumption of these vitamins & minerals is key to your vitality and over longevity and health. These products don't say that cure anything, but the body does amazing things to heal itself when it receives the proper nutrition.

    Hope this helps!
  • Hi, I was just curious to know if consuming herbalife, would help me in reducing weight. I would like to reduce about 15 Kgs... please let me know if the consumption of herbalife would help me in it.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I can't imagine the product itself is unsafe. But you could start eating solid foods, upping your calorie intake, and increasing satisfaction from being full on actual food.

    While the weight loss does happen on these types of shakes, it's only because you are in a calorie deficit. You could do the same thing with food, which is cheaper and helps build better eating habits.
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Let me tell you a little secret, come around children we must keep this a secret.... Eat at TDEE -20% annnnnd BAZINGA weightloss.....
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