I'd love a little motivation.... =)

iinnocence Posts: 12
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support

So I feel like i'm at a standstill. I woke up this morning and had absolutely zero drive to go for a jog. I'm the type of person who has tried everything, but haven't stuck to anything for longer than two weeks. I'm worried that the same thing is going to happen this time.

I'm in my third week of healthy eating and exercise, and i'm starting to feel my motivation dwindling. I don't know what to do... it took everything I had in me to get through my run today... what is wrong with me?

If it's not too much to ask, i'd love a little motivation... =)



  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    I am exactly the same way...I did great for a long time but now all of a sudden I have zero willpower, and of course I am seeing NO weight loss...I have actually gained a few pounds since Feb. I definately need some help!!!
  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    Girl we all got days like that. And sometimes those days last for weeks! Once you get into your routine of things it will get easier. Some people just take a little longer to get into that routine just because life happens! Keep pushing yourself! You will find it will get easier and easier!
  • horchler
    horchler Posts: 10
    There's nothing wrong with you. It's a common way of your body fighting back. Once you get past the hump of 3-4 weeks and get to 6 weeks your body will be used to the exercise and start to crave it. One way to help alleviate it this is to schedule a "lazy day" or a "pizza day" to reward yourself for several weeks of "being good".

    Hope this helps! Best wishes to you, but most of all you need to stay strong.
  • odatcindy
    odatcindy Posts: 641
    You are just now building a habit, so don't stop what you've been doing. I was where you are at a few months back and I asked for some women to add me as a friend and help hold me accountable for meeting my goals. I would recommend you add some friends to your home page and then set some goals down in writing, such as exercise three days a week. You also don't have to run to get your exercise; I started by walking for 10 minutes three times a week, then added to the time, then increased the speed. Take small steps in the beginning and see your accomplishments as the successes they are; you are making a life style change, not dieting. Also, there are a lot of challenges taking place; join one of those. You are required to post your successes as you work thru the challenge; this allows others to recognize and praise your efforts, which is always a good motivator. But the most important thing is that you do one thing each day that is moving you toward that healthier life style. Good luck.
  • iinnocence
    iinnocence Posts: 12
    Thank you all for your helpful words!

    kalibsmom- Thank you for the friend ad! You're officially my first friend on here, hehe. If we're in the same boat, then I think it would be great for both of us to motivate each other!! I've seen a little weight-loss, 5lbs in 2.5 weeks, but I really don't think it's enough for how healthy i'm eating, and hard i'm working out... bah.

    resptech97- Am I ever glad that it gets easier one you're in a routine! That means a lot to hear considering i've never given anything enough time to consider it routine! Thank you for your encouragement!! P.s. I love your little message tag "droppin it like it's hot", very clever!

    horchler- That helps so much! I'm glad to know that this is the hump, and that it's perfectly normal to reach....I thought it was just me! I think I need to reward myself with a pedicure or a shopping spree. As much as i'd LOVE pizza and any sort of fast food, it was an addiction of mine at one point, and to have a little would completely sabotage me, hehe. Thank you so much for your motivation! It helps a lot!
  • iinnocence
    iinnocence Posts: 12
    ckitchens- That's a really great idea! I'd love to have someone that is able to see what i've been logging, and hold me accountable for laziness! This website is really great for that! I think I will join one of those groups because i'd love to have something to look forward to, and to not only motivate myself, but others too.
    If you don't mind me asking, how are your results? Since you were where I am, I'd love to know how everything is shaping up... =)
    Thank you for your ideas!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    For me the important thing was to find something that was FUN to do for exercise. I also put my food diary so that my friends can view it and that helps me to stay accountable because I don't want them seeing me eat like crap! Having a workout buddy helps a lot too. When one is feeling like doing nothing than the other can push. Also challenging someone has helped me. It also doesn't hurt to have a family member or friend to help support you in this change. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    Hi you are like the rest of us, need that motivation to keep going forward. Not sure if its the eating healthy food or the exercise thats got ya down. If its the exercise, I found that doing something I enjoy and doesnt feel like "Work" helps. for me, I enjoy doing the Wii games, walking and love swimming (no close by pool though) as far as food, I love food!!! Yah, but have learned through looking online and from friends how to make everykind of food I love, except donuts need a recipe for that lol. But am having my cake and eating it to, when I feel the need or want. this is about a life style change, not diet. :bigsmile:
  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    Definately!! I feel the exact same way...with the whole working too hard and seeing zero results....so starting now I am officially back on the boat and today has actually went really well. I am trying to follow a strict diet that a weight loss clinic where I live does...and I really hope that it works!!!
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