Exercise set back

libtech50 Posts: 26
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am frustrated right now. I need some encouragement.
I got on the track with doing pool exercise. About two weeks ago I did something to my back. Possibly pulled a muscle in my back while either exercising or playing pool volleyball. So it limited my exericise. I cant walk because of my arthritis in my knee. I do not have bike to ride.

I was doing better, I was even able to do my exercise in the pool yesterday morning. In the afternoon my husband and I went to Walmarts. We were looking at beach cruisers which were on sale. I tried to sit on one, but when I lifted my leg over the seat, I heard a pop in my back where I had previous hurt. So now I back to square one. As a matter of fact I had to stay home from work as my back hurted to much to sleep last night.

I have aleady been to the doctor and I am waiting for the xray results.

I have tried as least I feel so hard and I am tired of getting knock back.


  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    It is very frustrating when you want to do something but your body is holding you back. I would ask the Dr if there is anything that you can do that will help you get fitter without getting injured.

    Good luck and I hope you feel better!
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Don't push your back, it's very important.

    When I used to play American Football back before I was 20 I hurt my back pretty badly, although it felt like I'd done something to my hip, saw a doctor, nothing was found, soldiered on through life feeling bad but getting on with it, every six months or so I'd have a bad flare up.

    I went back to the docs, they found nothing.

    Kept on going until I was about 27/28 and was finally sent to a specialist (go NHS!) it too me 6 months to see one and at that time I had no pain or issues with my back, it took him 30 seconds to diagnose that I have 3 damaged discs in my back and it had been so long there was nothing they could do apart from fuse my spine (uh, no thanks) or give me an epidural (really, no thanks) so these days I just try to keep going and taking care of my back.

    Let your back heal before pushing it again, if there are still issues I know a few excersizes that will help you out, mainly light stretching.
  • libtech50
    libtech50 Posts: 26
    Thank you for the support. I still do not have my exray results back, but I was able to do lite exercise in the pool yesterday. So I guess it is better than nothing at all.:smooched:
  • libtech50
    libtech50 Posts: 26
    Well, I heard from the doctor on my exrays and blood work. Blood work was normal but xray shows arthritis. At least there is nothing brokern.
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