Red face

For as long as I can remember, any time I get hot or am being active, my face gets warm and red really quickly. If I'm exercising intensely, my face goes so red that I've actually been asked if I'm okay. I also seem to sweat more than the average female. Does anyone know if this will go away once I start shedding some extra weight and getting in better shape or will I have to live with this forever?


  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I think it has a lot to do with your natural complexion. I'm fair-skinned and reddish-haired...also 40 lbs lighter and a hundred times fitter, and I still get a good case of tomato-face when I do an intense workout :tongue:
  • microscrubbers
    microscrubbers Posts: 22 Member
    I know a girl that this happens to. She says it happened her whole life. She said it has something to do with the blood vessels in her cheeks, not much to do about it, but embrace it.......the extra weight loss should help a bit with the sweating, but the rosy red cheeks might be there to stay....
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    My friend and I are the same and both of us are at goal and in good fitness. It sometimes takes an hour after I come home from a run for me not to still have a red face and I always sweat like a pig.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Google "rosacea" & see if your face looks like the pictures.
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I'm often playfully teased or praised by my family for havinv rosy cheeks on a daily basis, adding to the fact I'm v. pale atm I do get flushed when I play sport or go gyming. I've just gotten used to it and it doesnt bother me. One time though when I was very unfit I even turned purple in a netball match! XD
  • busycitystreets
    busycitystreets Posts: 64 Member
    I've always been like this, too... I've always been healthy and I've never been overweight. I think some people are just like this! I used to be so self-conscious of how much I sweat, that I would barely workout. Back when I was a kid and ran cross-country, my coach always asked if I was tired and kept reassuring me it was ok to stop and walk, because i was so red and sweaty after a short amount of time, but I always felt fine and nowhere near ready for a break. I am still like this and doubt it will ever go away. You just learn to deal with it, I guess.
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! It's nice to know I'm not the only one at least, because I'm definitely the only person I know who experiences it.

    QueenBea, thanks for the suggestion, but it's not rosacea. It's just an overall red face!

    Guess it's just something I'll be dealing with.
  • marand94608
    marand94608 Posts: 67 Member
    Red-faced heavy-sweater 4 evah! :drinker:

    Also good to know I'm not the only one!
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Since I can remember, I've always got a red face when I do any type of exercise. Even before I break a sweat, my face is red as a beet. It used to make me really self-conscious when I was younger, since my gym teacher used to like to point it out and make fun of me for it. It got to the point where I would purposefully try not to exert myself so I didn't turn red. Now I don't really care. If my face is red, that means I am workin' it!!
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    45kgs (100lbs) in, face still red, still extra sweaty. With the added bonus of not being sweaty long after I'm done. I exercise in the mornings, and even after a shower, getting dressed and blowdrying my hair, I'm still sweating while I try to put makeup one. (So I stopped, I put it on after I get to work but even then I'm usually still sweaty.)