
Hi everyone! I actually heard about this site in a magazine a couple months ago but never really thought about it, but recently a couple of my friends have started using it and talking about how wonderful it is so I decided to check it out. What I've seen so far, I'm impressed with, makes a keeping a food journal super easy which is awsome! Anyway, I'm 22 and have been struggling with weight issues since having 3 knee surgery's(ies?) in high school, which put a stop to a very active lifestyle with no change in eating habits! Like most people I've had ups and downs with my weight loss , but hopefully this is a new beginning with no finite end( I tend to discourage easily, so I'm really hoping this website will help keep me motivated and in check!) So to all of you veterens on here, great job, keep doing what youre doing and advice is always welcome, and all the other newbies, lets make this time different! :)


  • zazaz
    zazaz Posts: 36
    welcome :)

    I'm like you, I tend to discourage easily, but this time i'm really motivate. I'm here since 2 weeks and i already see a difference. This is a very good place :)
  • 19lissa86
    19lissa86 Posts: 11
    I <3 u Sam! I know that this time will be different. Never undermine yourself or the effort you put into staying active... I can testify to the fact that you do. You will get there :)