Tracking Resistance Band Exercises?

I want to start a resistance band workout, but when I did a search for the exercises in the database by "resistance band", I didn't see any. Does anyone track, and if so, how? Also, any good comprehensive plans out there for a full-body workout? I tried looking online and there is way too much information for me to sort through, so I thought recommendations would be nice.

Thanks all!


  • elisacr
    elisacr Posts: 1 Member
    I am with you on that. I just bought a Resistance band kid and I would like someone from myfitnesspal to create a way to add these exercises to my journal. For now I'm just going to add the time that I've spent doing resistance band training to the Cardiovascular exercise section where it says "Circuit Training".
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I log it using HRM and do it circuit style so circuit training could work. I want the recommendations also. I have done the cd that came with my bands bodylastics but its really cheesy.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I track it as circuit training.

    I believe fitness lender has a workout.