Losing weight after childbirth? Help!!

Hi guys :)

So long story short The year before I fell pregnant I lost 2 and a half stone from healthy eating and lots of exercise. I massively cut down my calorie intake from what I had previously been taking in but ate a healthy amount. Anyway I fell pregnant and put all the weight back on :(

I know what I need to do to lose the weight but it's not easy with a 9week old baby. I am breast feeding so I have to eat enough calories for my boy but don't want to end up over eating. Also feeding him myself means I can't be away from him for long periods of time and therefore can't do long gym sessions like I did before.

Any advice from people who have been in this situation? How long did it take u to get back to your pre birth weight?

I have 2stone to lose and need all the motivation I can get please!!

Thanks c


  • carfamily08
    carfamily08 Posts: 179
    I didn't lose my baby weight until after my 3rd (3 kids in 3 years). I gained 50lbs with my first, lost some and gained all but 10 pounds back before getting pregnant with my 2nd and carried that extra weight through my 3rd pregnancy as well.

    My 3rd was born last May and I officially started trying to lose weight in early September at 170 and hit my pre-pregnancy weight of 130 earlier this month. I'm now around 128 and hoping to start focusing more on strength training and toning. My now almost 10 month old is still nursing too. I used the "In Place of a Roadmap" thread method of eating a cut of my TDEE with some calories added back for breastfeeding. I didn't cut anything from my diet, just eat in moderation and make good choices but fit in my favorite splurges where they fit. I also work out 4-5 days a week, I've been working my way through various Jillian Michaels videos. Started with 30 Day Shred, moved onto Ripped in 30 and also do some of her others now too. And I try and stay active with walking (I do Leslie Sansone walk at home videos and wear a fitbit all day so I can be encouraged to get in lots of steps!)

    For the most part my weight has come off steadily, I think I calculated it out to a 1.5 pound loss per week on average. It was closer to 2lbs. at the start, and now is around 0.5-1lbs.

    It's hard work but it can be done! I have before & after pics in my profile if you'd like to see :)

    Congrats on your new baby and good luck with everything! I miss the itty bitties. I can't believe my baby will be one in a couple of months!
  • JenS2586
    JenS2586 Posts: 85
    With my daughter I gained 30lbs and it all fell off after birth, but by the time she was 2-3 I gained all 30lbs plus some back. I managed to lose all but the last 10 when I became pregnant with my twins, I gained 30lbs again with them, again it all came off by 3wks post birth. By the time they were 3months old I accidentally got pregnant again, gained 10lbs and lost the baby. The 10lbs ontop of the 10lbs I still had from before the twins didn't come off before I got pregnant again. I am now in the last few weeks of this pregnancy and have thankfully only gained 10lbs but I have an additional 20 already on my body from before. I can't really offer advice from experience but I'd suggest making sure your calories you do consume are good ones and try to be as active as you can with a little one, lots of walks with baby, youtube workouts you can do with baby as the weight and just keep motivated and patient and I'm sure it'll fall off in time. I wish you luck!
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I lost weight after every baby.I had 3.My youngest just turned 6 months old.I have just finished insanity about 3 weeks ago.My last 2 were c sections so I had no choice but wait three months to do anything.

    As soon as I was cleared I started walking,Insanity and I'm back into my pre baby clothes.It can be done.Do what works for you!I It could be home videos,going for walks,swimming whatever the case may be.

    We know how hard it is,but don't let that deter you.You can do this.Just be patient with yourself.Make sure you don't put that much pressure on yourself either.It's a marathon,not a sprint.Have faith and believe that you can do it.Some days are harder than others but that's life.

    Find what works for you and take your time.Good luck :smile:
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Hello :) I had my daughter in 2007 and gained 72, yes SEVENTY TWO pounds. Within the first two weeks I lost roughly 20lbs of it from diuresis and what not. Then, the work began. I also breast fed for the first few months and that was a challenge as well. I suggest you find what your calorie needs are for breast feeding and begin a strength training program. Start slowly - your core is pretty weak after carrying a baby!

    Good luck to you :)

    edited because I forgot to add that you should start walking a few times a week
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    i lost the first 14 kilo 4 wks after i had bubs so that was good, the last 6kilo or so is taking a bit to get off, im 8 months pp now. when i first started I walked alot with bubs in a stroller, unfortunately i did not breastfeed so that was easier on me to eat my calorie allowance but surely it can be done with breastfeeding, try the 30 day shred that about a 20 min workout, use bubs as weight when working out like lunges and squats etc be creative':) be patient, its only been 9 wks, give your body time.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    The reason I came on here was when I was trying to lose my baby weight.

    I did loads of cardio to start with, and then some JM stuff, Insanity, Bible Butt and now doing Chalean Extreme.

    I would say for now, watch your calories, allowing an extra 300 a day for BF. You'll be tired so I would suggest walking for exercise until you feel more energetic and fit some workouts in when your baby is napping.

    Good luck!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    My 3rd child will be 1 month on March 21. I gained 44 pounds with her, after losing 65 pounds 2.5 years ago and keeping ~55 pounds off for almost 2 years.

    I have started tracking my food at maintenance levels for now, and adding 350 calories for breastfeeding. Started walking again, and found that the walking I did during pregnancy had kept my fitness level pretty good. I just did my first set of intervals on the treadmill today and it felt great.

    For me, gym time is not an option, as we live 30 minutes in the country and I have a 4.5 year old and a 6 year old. Nursing also restricts my time away from my newborn, as it does for you. I invested several years ago in a treadmill and a series of Jillian Michaels videos. Between them, some smaller home weights and my outdoor walks/runs with the stroller that will start again soon, I can burn plenty of calories. This worked for me the first time, and hoping it will again.

    Hardest part for me right now is gluten. I was gluten sensitive before pregnancy, but it disappeared during pregnancy and I could eat all the old "bad" foods again (pastries, donuts, cookies, pasta, cereals, breads etc). I have noticed that it is flaring up again, so I am trying to cut all those out again and dealing with major cravings. That is my biggest battle, and with those cravings come the munchies, as I try to find other things to fill the urge. Take it one day at a time and try to find things you can do at home when baby is napping, even if you have to do several smaller workouts in a day. Good luck!
  • njreeves
    njreeves Posts: 1
    Hello, i noticed that you started working out at 3 months, because of the c-sections you had. I guess i never thought to ask my doctor. I started at 8 weeks. I couldnt do any push up just because it hurt my abdomen. Now i can and my little one is 4 months. I hope it was ok that i started when i did. I try to be sensitive to my body and not go beyond what i can bear. Keep up the good work.
  • :flowerforyou:

    Hi there, I am new here and was reading up the topics.
    Thirst of all congratulations :smooched:
    I had my Jacky 6 months ago and had a very bad looking tummy....Because I have a chronic disease I couldnt work out much :cry: I still did some swimming in the pool but it was just too much for me,unfortunately.
    Then my best firend told me that her sis tried a method out which worked perfectly on her (I didnt want to use it because I usualy dont trust those products...)
    Anyhow now I am glad I did :smile:
    I lost 28 pounds and am still losing them.

    If you want to check this method out here you go: http://bit.uz/dQ0i


    There is also a good blog about how to lose weight fast:
