three weeks of bad eating

I have had three straight weeks of high calorie eating and bull**** recording in my diary (i.e., making up calories out of the blue so long as I end up at zero at the end of the day). I have been feeling bored out of my mind and not loving much about my life and the only thing that seems to make me feel better (in the short run) is sweets and carbs. And we have a new snack machine with high-calorie snacks on the floor I work on.

Tonight, I couldn't snap my pants for the first time. I haven't dared to step on the scale, and I don't want to look at my belly. Needless to say I haven't posted to these Message Boards at all.

It's going to be hard to get back on track. Every night I lie in bed promising to eat loads of fruit and veggies the next day (with moderate carbs and protein). But I wake up and crave all the bad things I won't list here. I know I have a food addiction and have struggled with it my whole life. But for the last few years I've done a pretty good job of dealing with it.

Tonight I decided to write a note in the Motivation board, just to acknowledge in black and white what's been going on.

I see from others' posts that many others are struggling with overeating today and lately. Good luck to us all.


  • clb1985
    clb1985 Posts: 17
    good luck lady you can do this,
    just have to get through first 3 days then plain sailing xx
  • PrettyandPolished
    PrettyandPolished Posts: 45 Member
    You've admitted the issue. That's important. Now get it together and make yourself proud. I have a food addiction too but I want this so bad. I want to go shopping for clothes and fit into all those nice things I see. I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit when I take my kids to the pool. Just keep the things in mind that motivate you and want it so bad you can taste it. Good luck <3
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I have the perfect solution! Plan your meals the evening before - look up healthy recipes using food in your house/food you regularly buy, prepare them or at least keep them in easy to find places in the kitchen, then log the ENTIRE day.

    You can do it! Best wishes xx
  • vlnalto
    vlnalto Posts: 64 Member
    Honesty is the first step, so it sounds like you might actually be ready to get on track. :)

    A good next step might be to log truthfully for a few days so you can actually see what you're doing and then go from there. I know I have the most success getting into something new when I take one super-small goal at a time - something that I can't possibly fail. When I try to change everything all at once, I'm bound to fail at something and then want to give up completely. What can you realistically chqnge for the better and sustain? Once that's become a good habit, adjust something else and you're on your way. You can do this!!
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    Been there, done that! I overindulged so much recently that my calves got all swollen because my sodium intake was so much higher than usual. Miserable! But I'm back on track now and I am sure you will be soon, too. As long as we keep picking ourselves up, dusting ourselves off, and getting back to doing things right, we'll come out ahead. Feel free to friend me if you want more accountability partners.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    you can eat the foods you want, JUST IN MODERATION. try doing that so you dont go overboard and want to eat the whole house.
  • whatascene
    whatascene Posts: 119 Member
    Everyone gets off track sometimes, we're all guilty. And now it's time to retrain your body, it has been spoiled for 3 weeks and doesn't want to go back! lol. You enjoyed yourself, it was nice, now if you want to get back on track, you have to start from square one: getting used to the new eating.
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    I didn't expect to get such supportive responses so fast! These are very good suggestions. I hadn't ever thought of logging a day in advance. I'll have to figure out how to do that. I may write it on a slip of paper and log it all in the a.m. For the person who said I should just be honest and log everything I eat no matter the consequences, that's a good strategy even if I fall on my face once or twice. I want to get back on track and someone said that after 3 days it'll get MUCH easier. I felt great having lost the weight I needed, I don't want to creep back up there. Thanks, everyone.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    First, Before you worry about what you eat worry about being honest

    If you are not honest with where you are you can't get where you are going.

    I closed my diary so that others could not see it because I knew I needed to be scrupulously honest with myself.
    I also knew that the accountability others need would only spur my rebelious streak. And I'd end up cutting off my nose to spite my face.

    So I keep my own counsel see cause and effect and tweak from there. I fall down, I take a rest and get moving again when I'm ready.

    Instead of killing myself to maintain the 1200 cal I gave myself a range.

    ROCK BOTTOM: 1200
    TARGET: Lose 1 lb a week calories until it got to 1200 cal then I switched to lose 1/2 lb a week calories
    TOP OF RANGE: Maintain Goal Weight Calories

    SAFETY VALVE: Maintain Current weight calories

    As long as I stayed under the top of my range I should still lose weight.
    As long as I didn't blow over my safety valve I shouldn't gain weight.

    You don't have to be perfect you just have to do better
    As long as I kept in this range I was doing better than before I was on MFP.
    And that was enough to keep me here.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    The same thing happened to me back in January and I re-gained 10 pounds of the weight I lost. I ended up writing a confession and apology on my news feed to my friends. You're braver than I am, you did it on the forum. After writing the post it really helped me be honest with myself and turn things around, so I'm sure it will for you as well! You went through a big slump and it will take a while to get out of it, but you CAN do it!! Don't give up!
  • MichelleMac58
    MichelleMac58 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Luck're not alone. Every day is a new day...a bit corny but so true! Only you can turn it around.
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    One more thing I wanted to say to the people who are asking to be my Friend, that's so great. Please don't be offended if I decline now, I've been so bad at keeping up with Friends' posts that I'm not doing that right now. But this forum and all the support is great.
  • unicornhug
    unicornhug Posts: 68 Member
    girl!!! Ive had the same problem!!! I just got out of my 3 weeks of eating crap/plateau, I hit my plateau and then gained a couple pounds, and got really mad, so i just was sad and angry, for 3 weeks, and ate nothing but bad stuff and a lot of it-
    BUT!!! I did weigh myself to see where I was at, and I realized that I actually NEEDED that break to have my little pity party just take it one day at a time- and DO weigh yourself, you're going to be mad at yourself at first for gaining a lil bit of weight- but it turns out it was JUST the motivation I needed !!! Im losing weight again!!! I started my healthy-ness back up this last week, and am just about back to where I was before I fell into my little rut, so just keep trying!

    Also, the thinking of "oh, i already ate half of this bowl of icecream... might as well eat the other half" remember that half a bowl of ice cream is half a bowl of icecream, just cause you mess up a little bit doesnt mean you have to make yourself mess up a LOT a bit ya know? every bite counts :) You can do it though! Add me if you want!! Im on here every day and am good at supporting my MFP buddies! <3
  • nov2blue
    nov2blue Posts: 13 Member
    I'm right there with ya, I've got to figure out how to stop talking myself out of working out or eating right or doing the things I actually want to do to feel and look better! That annoying voice in my head is pretty loud these days! :( I feel like i'm in this downward whirlpool, I hate the way I look and feel and how my clothes fit, or don't fit, but I talk myself out of doing the things I know I should be doing, stupid! Grrrr.., Gotta get back on the wagon and hopefully posts like these will give me the umph I need to get moving again!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    It is great that you admitted your issue.
    Tomorrow is a brand new day. I would suggest
    to go on a jog or a brisk walk. When you come back
    make a healthy breakfast.