hit a rough patch :(

I have been eating so poorly lately, definitely have hit a rough patch. Once I start eating bad then i just continue all day long and can't seem to control it. I want to be able to eat healthier and exercise more and not have this bad food controlling my life! I want to be able to wear all the cute clothes i have and feel good in them, and be able to go shopping and not hate trying on clothes. I am hoping to lose about 25-30 lbs., losing weight has always been difficult for me and I have never really succeeded. I am a 20 year old female college student, so if anyone wants to have a fitness buddy I am interested!


  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    Do small changes! pick a better breakfast, then after about two weeks, changes something else. THis helps form habits, and let you not be overwhelmed. I am also having a hard time ignoring the sweets. Sirens call!
  • crazylucky
    crazylucky Posts: 27 Member
    Keep logging! And focus on one thing at a time. For example- this week everyday you will have breakfast and log it. Or everyday you will have a vegetable with every meal. Start small, but make frequent steps in the right direction.
  • jpbgrad98CHANGED
    I as well. I haven't even been logging my foods. I'm starting vacation this week, so I know it's going to be even worse for me. No motivation... To exercise or eat right. Very frustrating.
  • florulent
    florulent Posts: 18 Member
    Well, you're definitely not alone! I know how you feel. Lately my diet has been poorer than usual. I've been trying to become a more active user on myfitnesspal... I think relating to others, and truthfully tracking all food helps a bunch! Bad days, or weeks, happen, don't let it ruin your motivation, in fact try to let it encourage you!