Is my goal realistic?

I am 140 lbs, roughly 5'4" tall, eat around 1200 calories daily, and exercise to 30 Day shred between 30 minutes to an hour, and then about a half hour of Blogilates. I want to lose inches by March 31st. So, exactly two weeks. Is it possibly to see a change in your body in two weeks, or will I accomplish pretty much nothing by working my body this hard in that period of time?

My long term goal is to be 120 lbs or less by the end of July, but I feel pretty confident I can accomplish that. I just want to know if I can expect a change in two weeks at all.


  • florulent
    florulent Posts: 18 Member
    If you continue at the rate you're going, you'll definitely reach 120 pounds by July! I don't think you will see much of a difference by March 30th (perhaps a few inches?). But, don't let that discourage you! And make sure you're getting enough nutrients as only consuming 1,200 daily + vigorous exercise daily can potentially put your body in starvation mode...

    Good luck!
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    I think it's possible for you to lose inches and maybe a few pounds as well in just two weeks. I did the 30 day shred back in January and I lost a couple of inches and few a pounds during the first two weeks. While doing that, I was also averaging around 15,000 steps a day and eating between 1200-1400 calories a day.

    But this was during the first two weeks of the program at a time when I was pretty out of shape and not used to such vigorous workout (though, I now know that that's nothing compared to her other DVDs!) so the inches and weight may have come off more easily because of that.
  • CitrusKiss
    CitrusKiss Posts: 23 Member
    If you continue at the rate you're going, you'll definitely reach 120 pounds by July! I don't think you will see much of a difference by March 30th (perhaps a few inches?). But, don't let that discourage you! And make sure you're getting enough nutrients as only consuming 1,200 daily + vigorous exercise daily can potentially put your body in starvation mode...

    Good luck!

    I'm hoping I don't put my body into starvation mode! I eat whenever I feel hungry usually. Just try to do smaller portions and healthy choices so it never usually adds up to much. But thanks for boosting my confidence in losing the weight by July. It seems like an impossible goal, but I know I can get there. :)
    I think it's possible for you to lose inches and maybe a few pounds as well in just two weeks. I did the 30 day shred back in January and I lost a couple of inches and few a pounds during the first two weeks. While doing that, I was also averaging around 15,000 steps a day and eating between 1200-1400 calories a day.

    But this was during the first two weeks of the program at a time when I was pretty out of shape and not used to such vigorous workout (though, I now know that that's nothing compared to her other DVDs!) so the inches and weight may have come off more easily because of that.

    It's good to hear you lost some pounds/inches so quickly. I was pretty out of shape too, so I'm hoping I have the same results as you. Haven't really done any workouts since early last fall, and that was only a couple videos of blogilates for a while. Since then, it's pretty much just been me sitting on my computer all day and night. Fingers crossed I can get quick results like you!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    It's doable, but don't crash your metabolism at the end of it all. People throw around starvation mode like they know what they're talking about... It's not going to affect you, but people who've never looked at anabolic and catabolic windows will believe you need a protein shake within an hour of doing weights too.

    Remember weight loss isn't always linear, so be pragmatic if things slow down bump up your fats maybe 1-2 days a week and see if it helps your weight loss jump start again.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    What is your hurry? slow down and do it safely, read this Knowledge is Power
    Here is good info: