Paleo - HELP!

Hey all, first...thanks for reading!
I have been slowly moving toward a more primal diet. I am now getting to the point where it is either "crap or get off the pot" (I know crude but it get's the point across lol) I really want to make an effort to go all in, but I am really not sure where to go. Yesterday was a big step with NO grains and NO cheese. There was some processed food, and I will get there eventually. My problem is I was not consuming enough cals so I added a protein shake at the end of the day and I really wasn't hungry, but I also feel full faster. But I guess what I would like to know is what are your suggestions for taking this the next step? And any suggestions on how I can keep within my calorie range and still eat Paleo. Feel free to check out my diary over the past few days and let me know. And Most of All I would love to have any recipes or websites of Paleo recipes!
Thanks So Much

Also, if you are a female, feel free to send a request esp. if you eat Paleo and are willing to let me see your diary! I could really use the visual! =) (Sorry I don't friend hubby is all the man I need...and I respect him!)

Thanks Everyone!


  • AprilBarkulis
    I don't know much about Paleo Diet but it something about what they ate back in the day I guess . I am a memeber of Pinerest and they have this on Paleo Beef recipes I thought you might want to look at
  • AprilBarkulis
    Paleo Ranch Dressing
    1 cup olive oil
    1 cup Coconut Milk (use canned to get the thicker texture or use coconut cream mixed with coconut milk)
    1 Tbs apple cider vinegar
    1 Tbs prepared dijon mustard
    2 tsp Dill
    2 tsp Garlic Powder
    1 tsp Onion Powder
    1 tsp Chives
    4 Tbsp Lemon Juice
    1/2 tsp Parsley
    1/2 tsp Thyme
    1/2 tsp Sea Salt (to taste)
    1/2 tsp pepper (to taste)

    Combine all ingredients in a blender or magic bullet and pulse until well combined.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Come over to the primal/paleo support page. You'll probably get some good answers there.

    Personally, I went all in at once. It took a good 3 days to get over the carb withdrawls, but after that it was fine. My diary is open if you want some ideas.

    I found it easiest to K.I.S.S. Keep it simple. Broiled or baked protein (chicken, fish, beef, etc.) plus a veggie. Snacks, for me, are usually nuts of some sort. Take leftovers for lunch. There are tons of recipes on Pinterest. Just search paleo or primal.

    Here's my paleo/primal board:
  • AprilBarkulis
    Now this is good I have had this one I did not know it was a Paleo recipe until I look in on the site again LOL
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    To get enough calories you need to increase your intake of healthy fats

    anything coconut - oil, cream, milk
    cheese (if you are primal more than paleo)

    ditch anything that says "low fat" - and use the full fat versions

    Here are some of my go-to websites

    My food diary is also open if you want to have a look
  • dawn454
    dawn454 Posts: 42 Member
    just learning too! been about a month and a half not perfect lol! i still do dairy and always will, so i guess more primal. too much wine but less beer haha!
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you! It seems unnatural to up the fats, but I will do that! Thank you all so much!