overweight most of my life

Hello everyone!!! i have been overweight most of my life. i bumped into this site yesterday, read the reviews and i must say i am hopeful that i'll get the body i have always wanted, lead a healthy life and not have to worry about the risk of heart diseases creeping up on me later in life. i'm an occasional junk eater, a coffee addict and just generally dislike exercise, especially running. that,s me, in a nutshell. can anyone identify?


  • missyhill94
    i know the feeeling and im only 19 its got ot the point im sick of going out and being called and abuse over on the internet , so decided to change , and as for the xercise i hate it to but its pushing yourself to do it i feel better afterwards for it
  • laja1
    laja1 Posts: 12
    i went to weight watchers and slimming world and the only thing that really (i mean really) worked for me was this app, if you stick to it you will see a difference. dont give up and see the results

    good luck
  • tanzz9
    tanzz9 Posts: 37
    I can so relate! Love (love love love) coffee, ate far too much fast food, hated exercise!

    I've been here 4 weeks - still love coffee, have discovered that fast food/junk food is much easier to limit than i originally thought, and as for exercise? I start feeling fidgety if i don't do any now! Seriously, sounds crazy but i'm really enjoying exercise these days! I've also lost 7kgs so am very happy here!

    Add me as a friend if you like, i'm here everyday :). Good luck on your journey!
  • torymichaels
    Absolutely. I've never been official "normal" my entire adult life. I came out of being obese very briefly around 5 years ago (dropped under 200), going into the overweight category, but then I lost my focus and tragically gained almost 100 pounds. However, I'm focused again because I've got three beautiful children and a husband to live for.

    And yes, you have to make serious changes to your life, but don't look at is from the "I'll be good, lose the weight and then go back to the way I used to eat" because you'll just end up the same way again. And that's no fun.

    However, that doesn't mean you can't still have treats. Just figure a way to work in an occasional piece of candy. Don't let yourself feel deprived or you'll be that much more likely to blow it in a binge. Life is meant to be sweet, and there is no crime in having a treat. Just make it truly a "treat" rather than an everyday thing. :)

    It's working for me so far! We're all in this together.
  • EatTravelLive03
    EatTravelLive03 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been using this app for about a month and a half and can already see the results stick to it and you will too. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can motivate each other!!
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    Yup, I can totally identify with you! Lost a lot of weight when I was 20/21. Felt great about myself then when I was 24 met and married my hubby who like to feed me. I no it's just his way of showing me his love as I do love food but pile the weight on. Now after having my two lovely children I want to get back down to what I was.

    Pleas feel free to add me and anyone else. The support on here is fab!
  • lesleyskylark1
    lesleyskylark1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Had my kids long time ago (32 years) been over weight since then i have a husband who could eat any thing and not put on weight all my kids are the same two are size 6 one any size 8 i dont eat lots of sweet food im a savory person. But the best thing that has happened to me size wise getting a ipad and finding fitness pal app i have noone that i can talk to about being fat there i said it, it runs in my side of the family keeping a check on what i am eating is really helping and i have managed to start going to the gym. I put on my head phones and i disappear just me not one is getting et to do things for them,no husband, children, grandchildren and work. I think this time its going to work but wold like some times to talk (messages ) some times .:smile:
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    I used to dislike exercise! It started to change for me after a while. I first started to enjoy the elliptical...with a really good playlist I almost feel like I'm dancing away the calories. Just a year and a half ago I decided to try and run a little. I ran the first mile of my life ever....and now I can run up to 5 on a good day! So just know that things can change for you. Let those workout endorphins rush and let yourself get addicted! And make sure you keep up with having really driving and fun music to keep you motivated. When I've made a new playlist for myself I can't wait to go test it out.

    It's forever a work in progress. Start small and build on it. You can do it! It's going to be great and it will even be fun!
  • Soontobethinlindsay
    Coffee fanatic over here. I joined mfp a month ago and let me tell you that it is soooo worth it! I just added you :)
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    I have always been what I thought was "overweight" . When I was a Sr in high school I was 120 and still called "fat" I was the biggest girl on my Cheer Team and could never escape being called "fat"

    Now I am 218 and pregnant with my second baby. (my first, I gained 100 lbs lol) and My Dr wants me to loose weight. I don't care if I am viewed at as "overweight" but I want to loose about 70-80 lbs just so I can feel better about myself and be healthy!!!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • rustyvicinie
    rustyvicinie Posts: 63 Member
    Absolutely and I can certainly relate (check out my blog.... same story) One of the surprises on MFP is how many folks share the same struggles, challenges and committments. Who knew I wasn't special and the only one? ;-) Welcome and good luck