Running Shoes

I am having the hardest time trying to find a pair of good running shoes. When I started working out I had a pair of New Balance sneakers for walking, but I recently started running more and notice these sneakers are not the greatest for running and hurt my feet. I have read and tried on, what seems like hundreds of pairs of running shoes. I was just wondering which running shoes would you recommend?


  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    Running shoes are so specific to each person. You really want to get fitted at a running specialty store.

    I started out in ASIC Blur and had horrible runners knee within 3 weeks. Got fitted and put into Mizuno's and haven't had even a hint of pain. I just retired my first pair after reaching 500 miles. Ran in my new Mizuno's this morning and am still in just as much love. also has great guidance on shoe fitting if you are absolutely opposed to getting professionally fitted. And they have a 30 day wear and return guarantee.
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks, I will try the site and see what I can find. I don't think there are any speciality stores where I live would have to look that up, but that sound kinda expensive and I am just a beginner at running. Right now it more of a walk then jog then walk again pace, but would like to get more indurance at it and go much further. I know having a good pair of running shoe help.

    Thank again
  • be_runner
    be_runner Posts: 20
    I agree with bzmommy. I started the same way - run/walk combo and was wearing a pair of shoes because they were cute and had a cool commercial. I also got horrible runners knee within a few months as I started to up my mileage (from 4 miles a week to closer to 10). I went and got fitted and still have an occasional knee problem but I haven't had to bench myself again like I did with the cute shoes.

    I won't lie - it was an investment but I figured if I'm really going to do this running thing I was worth it. It also motivated me to keep going! Now I'm training for a 10 mile run.