What counts as "water?"

I have a terrible time trying to get my 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water down each day. Not successful most days. When I get close it's usually because I mix some of the crystal light flavors in a bottle of water, but then I feel like this is cheat. Does that still count as water? HELP!


  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    Really....only water counts as water....but if INITIALLY, you need some help getting water down, crystal light packet flavored water can still count IMO....as long as you are counting fruit juices and milk, etc. After a while, though, you should be drinking plain water.
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I would say it still counts as water. Normally, I just count plain water as water, even though I drink a lot of coffee and green tea throughout the day. Just watch how many packets of crystal light you use because they add calories and sugar to your water.
  • StacyCond
    StacyCond Posts: 13 Member
    I really don't like water (I grew up where water tasted a little like sulfer... it ruins it for ya!)

    I drink a LOT of Crystal Light. I mix a packet with 22oz of water, and drink 5 of them per day... and I have lost 70lbs, so I figure it's not "cheating" :) It's always the first thing I grab when I first feel hungry.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Any fluid counts for hydration. The 8 glasses of water claim is a myth. The actual medical recommendation was about 2.5 liters of fluid, and the text specifically mentioned coffee, tea, soda, juice, milk, and water all as viable sources.

    It was the bottled water industry that changed the word "fluid" to "water" in a marketing scheme to increase sales.
  • nitabean47
    nitabean47 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel your pain w/ the water...I have to play mind tricks all day long. I wake up and have 8oz before anything else. Then I will have coffee, breakfast and I have a 24oz jug at work....I don't allow myself to eat or drink anything else until that water is gone. Then I have lunch, diet soda or a "flavored" water and I do the same thing. I find it harder for me to get my water in at home versus at work. I have started back to the gym this week and I drank 64oz yesterday at home....16 before the gym, 32 at the gym, and then the rest at home afterwards. I am hoping warmer temps will help also.....hope this helps!!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Really....only water counts as water....but if INITIALLY, you need some help getting water down, crystal light packet flavored water can still count IMO....as long as you are counting fruit juices and milk, etc. After a while, though, you should be drinking plain water.

    Why on earth should she have to drink plain water for it to count? If she drunk a glass of plain water, then swallowed a sachet of crystal light after, would that negate the water she just drunk?

    OP, it's not cheating and it counts as water. As does, tea, coffee, etc. People make the whole water thing far more complicated than it has to be.
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    I usually only count water as water but if I have a crystal light I log the packet of crystal light and the amount of water used in the crystal light.
  • GreyGal
    GreyGal Posts: 11 Member
    There is a HUGE difference in drinking water with Crystal Light and drinking fruit juice or milk. If not having the crystal light makes you not drink the water, then by all means, have the crystal light. It is nowhere near as bad for you calorie wise or any other way as fruit juice.
  • sarah_jones3
    I tend to ignore the 8 glasses per day, and go on how hydrated I am, best way to tell is look at your pee, if its dark you need more fluids, if its clear to pail you are good, I have days I can drink water alone and some days I cant at which point I add some squash like robinson's no added sugar or a slice of lemon/lime to assist the flavor.

    I cant comment on Crystal Light as I have no idea what that is or if we have it in the UK, sorry.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    You can keep your body hydrated on coke zero and crystal light ... if you want enough not to die of dehydration, then drink enough fluids of your choice.

    If you want to think about healty choices to hydrate your body, I would eliminate counting anything with sugar or artificial sweeteners (and limit caffeine) ... there are arguments about the health risks of long term use of sugar and sweetners ... and even if there are some false claims on either side of that argument, I haven't seen any reliable reports that illustrate how artificial sweeteners, dyes, and other garbage promotes good health.

    So for me? I count water, tea, and possibly a cup of coffee (if I have 2) just to keep track ... I also try to drink half my body weight (in pounds) in ounces ... why? ... because that's when I feel the best ... and after a few days I stop peeing as much as my body adjusts ...

    But ... for hydration ... milk, beer, wine, orange juice, pepsi, you choose ... but for health, I don't count anything with sugars (even calorie free ones) ...
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Drinking water is just another habit which you can choose to take on. You probably shower every day and brush your teeth twice a day, but wouldn't think twice about it. Each time you drink water just keep in mind what it is actually doing for you and how great it is for your body, mind and soul.
  • fxgs
    fxgs Posts: 41 Member
    No sugar or carbs in Crystal Light........uses apartame as a sweeter, only 5 calories a serving. I used to drink one gallon of water a day, right out of the gallon jug until I got sick of drinking plain water. Mixed it with Crystal Light (they have numerous flavors) and really enjoyed it. Really helped with my exercise, weight lose routine and since I was on a calorie deficeit the few calories of the Crystal Light was meaningless..
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
  • ipiddock
    ipiddock Posts: 97 Member
    Any fluid counts for hydration. The 8 glasses of water claim is a myth. The actual medical recommendation was about 2.5 liters of fluid, and the text specifically mentioned coffee, tea, soda, juice, milk, and water all as viable sources.

    It was the bottled water industry that changed the word "fluid" to "water" in a marketing scheme to increase sales.

    Agree with this. Fluids (water) are in everything we consume (dust excluded!).

    When you see nutrients measured in grams on a food that weighs 200 grams and the total of those nutrients adds up to 100 grams, the remainder is water. It all adds up to your total intake. I personally drink 12-14 cups of water a day in addition to my normal food consumption. Water is a great way of flushing the system through, however I do get fed-up of going for a wee every 60 minutes.

    Drinking lots of water also prevents water retention in the body.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    And for the record I partake in many lovely beverages of choice, including evil coke zero :) ... I just don't count it ...
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I have a terrible time trying to get my 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water down each day. Not successful most days. When I get close it's usually because I mix some of the crystal light flavors in a bottle of water, but then I feel like this is cheat. Does that still count as water? HELP!

    You'll get mixed responses about this. Ultimately it will be up to you to decide what makes you feel comfortable. Personally, I only log water, however, I do keep track of how much coffee I drink during the day and if I've had a cup I'll mentally count that towards my daily 8 ozs.
    Any fluid counts for hydration. The 8 glasses of water claim is a myth. The actual medical recommendation was about 2.5 liters of fluid, and the text specifically mentioned coffee, tea, soda, juice, milk, and water all as viable sources.

    It was the bottled water industry that changed the word "fluid" to "water" in a marketing scheme to increase sales.

  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Obviously soda/beer are not something you would give a person if they were dehydrated. Water, tea, crystal light seem to be ok.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    water flavored with crystal light is still water! For me, I get bored with the taste of plain water so I'll flavor it with fruit - lemon, lime, honey tangerine, etc.

    I drink a lot of coffee and tea during the day but I don't count that as water. Hydration? Yes! Water intake? Nope.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I know plenty of people who never drink plain water; the "only water by itself counts" myth is just that - a myth. There is something called hydration efficiency - water does go 100% toward hydration while other things that contain water have varying amounts of efficiency, but as a general rule things with a lot of water in them do hydrate you. I think coffee comes in around 70% and alcoholic beverages even lower.
  • GeekTink
    GeekTink Posts: 98 Member
    I count all of my water (flavored with Mio mostly) as water. Why shouldn't it count? Also use my hot cocoa as water, except when I use milk. Coffee, I probably should but I don't think about it.

    Use what you feel is right, you are still getting it into your system so your aren't "cheating" anything :)